Moms Adopting Moms

January Newsletter

A Word From Our Founder

New Beginnings, New Starts and New Years!

Don't you love the fact that you can start fresh or start again? I might be one of the only people I know that loves Mondays. On Monday the week starts anew. I am determined to accomplish more, be more disciplined, for that week to be the week where I can consistently do everything on my to do list plus raise $20k for Moms Adopting Moms and lose 30lbs but hey, I didn't say I was realistic. Just determined :) !

But how many of you like me, by Thursday are just trying to get to the weekend and not think about anything or anybody but how best to relax or have fun during those two treasured days off? I guess we are all very similar. We want more for our lives, we want to be the best version of ourselves but oh the flesh is weak and we are tired and lazy and short cuts are both easy and fun sometimes, right? Well, maybe for a little while but in the long term? They can actually be quite destructive. Maybe that's why only a few make New Year's resolutions anymore. Do you remember when they used to be so popular? I guess when you set them and fail at them time and time again they somewhat lose their appeal. We'd rather accidentally succeed and brag about it then have others see us fail.

I don't know about you, but by the end of 2024, I was running on fumes. It was such an honor to lead Moms Adopting Moms this year but I am by nature an over achiever. My husband says I hardly ever sit still to his great annoyance. If there are things to be done and no one is willing to do them, I usually just take it on myself. As a result I do manage to accomplish a lot. But I can wear myself slap out (as we say in the south) and 2024 was one of those years. I was worn slap out and I needed a break so when we left for England and my husband was tested to have Covid on day 1, I wasn't even upset. Days just shut up in our hotel where I could do nothing except watch movies with my daughter and play games on my phone or read a book was like a little slice of heaven.

So after two weeks of being nearly a complete sloth I am ready both physically and mentally to kick off this New Year with Moms Adopting Moms. Not with resolutions of such but just with small changes I'd like to introduce into my daily routine so I will not live with regrets. My primary difficulty? CONSISTENCY! Sticking with something for the long haul is something I admire in others but rarely accomplish myself.

When I come to think of it, this word is a good one for all our moms. Especially for the ones fighting for the safe and expedient return of their children. It is not easy folks to get up every day and go to work, go to recovery meetings, take classes, attend visits, meet with case workers and counselors and do it all while someone else raises your children. This is on top of your body craving substances you are trying to never pick up again and self imposed guilt and shame for allowing your life to feel so upside down. It is mentally, emotionally and physically exhausting. And yet that is what we are asking of each of our moms...

When it is hard and you want to give up - be CONSISTENT in doing what you know you need to do. When you are lonely and all you can think about is that quick hit that used to make you feel so great? BE CONSISTENT in your recovery. Sure, at first saying you have 4 days sober doesn't seem like a big deal. But my friend, it IS! Soon it will be 24 days and then 4 months. Before you know it we'll be celebrating your 4th year sober. Just one step at a time, one consistent move in the right direction after another. Consistency for me, consistency for you will get it done.

So here's to a New Year, a year full of consistent baby steps in the right direction for us all! Welcome 2025! It's going to be a fantastic year.

Moms Adopting Moms welcomed our University of Georgia interns at our offsite orientation to kick off the spring semester!

Meet our two new interns, Grace and Morgan.

Grace is the Executive Assistant for Moms Adopting Moms this spring. She will focus on completing administrative tasks such as coordinating intern activities, managing donor relations, and promoting mother recognition. She is excited to gain administrative experience and expand her community connections through MAMs!

Grace is a first-year MSW student at UGA with a background in psychology and human development, and plans to pursue clinical counseling therapy post-graduation. Grace enjoys yoga, reading, and hanging out with her friends!

Morgan is the Foster Care Intern for Moms Adopting Moms this spring. She will focus on tasks such as peer mentoring, resource connection and obtainment for foster parents, and creating a foster parent digital guidebook. She is excited to support and connect with foster families!

Morgan is a first-year MSW student at UGA with a degree in psychology and minor in child advocacy. She is passionate about supporting children and families wherever she can. In her free time, Morgan loves exploring new cities, reading, hiking, and taking her dog on new adventures!


Moms Adopting Moms is finally an IRS-approved 501c3 Non-Profit Organization. To help continue our work and make a donation,

please send a check made out to:

Moms Adopting Moms, 288 Rhodes Drive, Athens, GA 30606

Other options are available for giving. Just email to find out more

Tax Deductible receipts will be issued for all donations.

Moms Adopting Moms Events

MAMs Board Meeting

Our January board meeting will be held via Zoom from 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM.


We loved seeing the joy on our families' faces when they received their Christmas gifts! We are so proud of everything everyone has accomplished this holiday season 💛

A special thanks to those who helped deliver gifts to everyone. We appreciate all of your help!

Moms Adopting Moms is looking for volunteers and board members. If you are interested in joining, click the links below.

Board Position

Click the link below for more resources put together by our intern, Emily!

January Resource Calendar

For more resources, please visit our Facebook group page.

Need Assistance? Want to volunteer or listen to our success stories? Visit our Website!


Click here to donate!