January 16, 2025

Tom Moore's Online Column Posted!

Another installment of Tom Moore's popular online column about mineral news from the Internet has been posted. He scours the Internet and compiles notes on new mineral offerings in one place for your efficient reading - specimen photos included.  

Read it by clicking the link below: 


Tom's Online Report #72


Read all previous What's New online columns by clicking below:


Tucson Show location!

Once again this year, we are in building D, in a room dubbed "The Stope": D24-D26.

Where our new space will be!

(and what it looks like)

Please know that this will be our ONLY location this year!

We will be doing the usual: signing up new subscribers, taking renewals and because we have a lot more room at this location, we will have lots of new things!

 Hope to see you there!

IKONS; The Beauty of Fine Minerals

Hardbound Copy

Leather Bound Copy

Debuted at last year's Tucson Show, this fabulous book is available on our website and we will have them available at the Mineral City Tucson Show this year. Click the images above for more information, or visit the link below to order your copies:

IKONS; The Beauty of Fine Minerals- in the Bookstore

Tucson Mining Artifact Collector’s Show!

Tucson Mining Artifact Collector’s Show!


The annual one-day Tucson mining artifact collector’s show is always held the Saturday before the TGMS Show. Many mineral collectors always show up looking for interesting display goodies to complement their collections—everything from old miners’ carbide lamps to candlesticks, oil-wick lamps, frog lamps, safety lamps, dynamite boxes, tools, drills, blasting cap tins, blasters, mining-theme post cards and cabinet photos, artworks and mining ephemera. Some collectors may also exhibit a few of their not-for-sale favorite pieces. It’s lots of fun and good camaraderie. The show date is: 

February 8, 2025

Free admission to the public at 10:00 a.m.

6245 E. Bellevue Street, Tucson (near Wilmot and Speedway)


For more information contact:

Roger & Jane Becksted ● (520) 624-5721 ● rbecksted@qwestoffice.net

Tony & Ruth Moon ● (505) 797-0619 ● agmoon@comcast.net

Terry McNulty ● (520) 603-3634 ● tpmacon1@aol.com

Don't forget this beauty!

Available only through Amazon!

Ikons of the Mineral World: Nature's Finest Art

Click the image above or the link below for more info or to order:

Ikons of the Mineral World on Amazon

See you soon and Best of health to all,


Wendell Wilson 

and The Mineralogical Record Staff: 

Tom Gressman 

Tom Moore

Chris Stefano

Christi Cramer

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