Our Journey Weekly Newsletter

September 15, 2023

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Serve in Worship


10:30 a.m. Worship

Minister: J. David Griffin, D.Min.

Scripture: Genesis 50:15-21


Serving This Week

Worship Leader: Patti McAnally

Music Director: Marisa Chilton

Pianist: Cheryl Crews


Coffee in the Gathering Room 9:30 a.m.

Link to Livestream Sundays at 10:30 a.m.

Children's Ministry

Interest Meeting

This Sunday

September 17 following worship

Fellowship Hall

Come find out what we do after we leave on Sunday mornings with our kids and whether this is a place you would like to serve on a regular (monthly/bi-monthly) or substitute basis. We'll look at the resources we have and talk about how we can have an impact on the spiritual growth of our most precious resource.

The meeting should last 45 minutes to an hour. Bring a snack or bag lunch if you like. Contact Lori with questions.

email Lori

Some things that happened this week

We had an unusual guest at our Children's Time!

Crystal gave a fascinating presentation on Reiki

Sunflowers from Theresa's farm

They have cheered us at Christmount and now in Wake Forest

Our sunflowers 🌻

We had an educational and energizing retreat last week at Christmount in Black Mountain, our second Green Chalice retreat. Below are a few pictures and two short slide shows highlighting our stay there.

Our friend Yona FrenchHawk came to tell sacred stories

Theresa brought fixings for Smores Friday night

Friday morning we had a presentation by Becky Nichols, PhD, about the biodiversity of the Appalachians and how they keep track of the environmental health of the area including air, water, and insect life. We learned about synchronous fireflies and heard a few bear stories!

Albert did an impromptu tree identification class while we were on a Christmount hiking trail.

Worship Leaders Needed

You are provided everything you need to be a worship leader the week prior.

There is no requirement of ordination or elder status. Anyone who attends our church is welcome to participate.

Talk to David Griffin if you have questions.

Use our Sign Up Genius to register, or let Lori know of dates you are available by replying to this email.

Sign up

Ongoing Activities

Bring in your plastic bottle tops and corks for a church-wide art project. There is a container on the table near the name tags.

Next Church Dialog: October 1 following worship

Book Discussion

The Making of Biblical Womanhood: How the Subjugation of Women Became Gospel Truth,

Beth Allison Barr

Mondays at 6:30 p.m. or

Wednesdays at 10:00 a.m.

Fellowship Hall

Centering Prayer

Thursdays at 4:00 p.m.

Fellowship Hall

Learn more about Centering Prayer

Ladies' Lunch

4th Wednesday at 11:30

Brigs Restaurant

12338 Wake Union Church Road

Contact Ingrid Nilsson (home phone (919-847-8904) or Jane Griffin (text 252-561-5641) to reserve a seat.

Meet in church parking lot by 11:15 to carpool. Parking can be an issue at Brigs.

Just For Fun

Book Discussion

1st Thursday at 6:00 p.m.

Fellowship Hall

Contact Lori Hubbard to be put on monthly email reminder and information list

Email Lori

2023 Book Discussion List

Green Chalice

The Green Chalice Team is made up of those who wish to live out their faith by caring for creation and also to help guide our church to being good stewards of God’s creation. Contact Loye Messina if you would like to be a part of the Green Chalice Team.

Recycle Center

By back door of main church building near kitchen

And inside kitchen at end of the counter

Disposable Razors and Blades

WFCC is a community drop off for disposable razor and blades - any brand.

Nike Reuse-A-Shoe

Drop off your old athletic shoes to be turned into outdoor surface in playgrounds and on tracks

Bags to Benches

Clean plastic - bags, wraps, shrink wrap, bubble mailers to be turned into outdoor furniture

Where is Poptart, our adopted sea turtle, now?

Go Meatless Monday- It's Good for You and Good for the Planet

Wondering where to recycle something?

This site is specific to Wake Forest recycling

Wake Forest Waste Wizard

For hard to recycle items, go here and enter the item and your zip code.

Where can I recycle this??

North Wake Household Hazardous Waste Drop-off Facility

9037 Deponie Dr

Raleigh, NC 27614

Wake Forest Christian Church is a member of the Disciples LGBTQ Alliance, setting a place at the table for persons of all gender expressions and sexual orientations. Learn more about the Disciples Alliance here

Crossbeams: News from

Alliance Q

LGBT Center of Raleigh

We are recognized by the LGBT Center as an Affirming Faith Group.

Click Here to Learn More About 

Missions At WFCC

TAM Website

Tri Area Ministry

149 E Holding Ave, Wake Forest

There's an after hours donation box.

Order direct from Amazon and food is delivered to TriArea. Wishlist: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2WOILTUCLARXD...

Information about donating 

Bring donations to church or directly to TriArea

Oodles of Noodles

We have an ongoing collection of ramen type noodles for the food insecure in the Olive Branch community. Place your donations under the table near the name tags.

Have we missed your birthday?

Let us know!

Please add my birthday!


05. Lia Chilton

06. Mark Rosso

12. Cheryl Crews,

Cindy Scribner

16. Kathleen Laughlin

17. Leslie Rice

19. Emily Currin

27. Leon Whitehead


Help Wanted

Mowing Team-Join Ed and Leon on the church grounds team! They could really usesome help with the lawnmowing. Talk to Ed or Leon when you see them at church.

Care Team Leader- Coordinate meals, cards, rides, etc. for church family going through challenging times. Contact Lori or David

Help with children's church- once a month or as a substitute. Needed for babies/toddlers and for preschool - elementary school age. Contact Lori

Church cleaning once a month- paired with one or two people. Contact Lori

Events Help- help plan, provide food, set up and clean up, wash table cloths. Please reply to email with how you would like to help or let Lori know at church.

Wedding Venue Publicist - Someone to promote our church as a wedding venue using social media, emails, etc.

Contact Lori

Email Lori

Thank you to Dawn Zimmer and Debra Rader for volunteering to lead our Community Care (formerly Missions) Team!

Thank you to Cindy Scribner, Loye Messina, and Joan Violante for serving as back up nursery volunteers.

Thank you to Kathleen Laughlin for becoming our name tag coordinator!

Thanks Theresa for helping with Events! We can always use more people for this.


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