Every journey has a beginning, middle and end. Simple idea, right? Yet how often do we begin journeys without a sense of the destination, and how many meetings have we attended where the team spent 2 hours stuck at the beginning and left no time to reach a decision at the end. Journeys have parts, and those parts move.
Here I sit at the beginning of my journey as Executive Director of Envision Learning Partners (ELP). I sit with various feelings, often in direct conflict: exhilaration, humility, delight, awe, concern and more. I came to Envision for many reasons, but foremost was the desire to feel optimistic about education. I admit the pandemic took years of wind out of my optimism sails. When I saw the opportunity to join this uniquely talented team, I felt the rush of optimism return. My journey had a beautiful beginning.
While I expected the ELP team to fuel my optimism, I have been delighted by how much our community has welcomed me. As my journey with ELP continues and the various parts of my journey move and shift, I feel comforted by the incredible people, including you, who are on this journey with me. Continue scrolling to learn more from one of my co-travelers, NGLC, in the Resource Corner.
All of our journeys continue, and our beginnings, middles and ends move as they always do. I am thrilled to be on this journey with you. Envision Learning Partners is here to partner with you on whatever part of the journey you find yourself. Let’s continue to be optimistic together.
Take care,