This week is Shabbos Parshas Vayeitzei. The Jr. Rabbi is Habochur Hatomim Hamispallel SHOLOM DOVBER OSTER sheyichye in honor of his Yom Huledes.

The Miss Madricha is Hamispalles SHAINA MINA WOLOWIK in honor of her Yom Huledes.

We wish you both a shnas Hatzlocha!

The Chazan is Habochur HaBainany Shully Gorelick!
This week we will have a special INAUGURATION KIDDUSH as we welcome in our newly elected officials - Zalmy Greenbaum, Moshe Ahron Geisinsky and Shalom Ber Cohen!

There will be a special treat served at the Kiddush, sponsored by RABBI DB in honor his birthday boi bayom on Shabbos! Thank you Rabbi DB and we wish you only overflowing hatzlocha and bracha and gezunt in the year to come! 
Chanukah with the MAYOR!!
More details coming soon...
A great KYY #14 is on its way!
This week, we had meetings with our new Presedium, our Cabinet Members and our 8th grade Ezras Noshim to discuss plans...
Our Presedium met to start brainstorming ideas and planning exciting things coming up for the Ezras Anoshim!!!

Our Cabinet Members began planning upcoming Melave Malka's and some new initiatives we will be implementing this year! 
Our 8th graders focused on the older girls in our Shul - and are creating a brand new program for the 7th and 8th graders!
The Unzere Kinder Shabbaton is coming up!

If you can host out of town boys and or girls, or would like to join a committee to help plan this incredible event, 

PLEASE contact Srula!! 


If your child is a member but he/she did not receive an
awesome KYY #14 T-shirt at the elections, please contact Srula through email [email protected] to organize pick up!
Wishing you a great Shabbos,
RMD , Founder and Director
Zalmy Greenbaum, Moshe Ahron Geisinsky and Shalom Dovber Cohen , elected officials
Chaya Sara Greenbaum and Aidele Oster cabinet members
Rabbi DB and Srula Chaiton,  Youth Directors
Chief Rabbi T , Bainany
Mrs. Doonie Mishulovin , Gesher 
Rochel Cunin, Chaya Riva Mayber and Rena Pinson , Mini Minyan
Kasriel Lezak and Dovi Spalter,  Gaboim 
Avrohom Moshe Eichenblatt and Zali Raichik Co Chairmen of the Unzere Kinder Convention