Parish News for January 2020
Happy New Year Everyone!
Our Lady Undoer of Knots pray for us!
Advent & Christmas Video & Photo Gallery
We are now well established in our beautiful new home at St. Mark's On The Hill Episcopal Church at 1620 Reisterstown Rd in Pikesville MD and were able to celebrate Mass all through Advent and into the beginning of the Christmas Season.

On Christmas Eve, our two congregations joined together to welcome the arrival of the Christ Child in Bethlehem.

Here are some photos and videos of our liturgies.

Our First Pastoral Visitation

 Our diocesan Bishop, Ron Stephens, concelebrated with us of December 8th, the Second Sunday of Advent. It was a pleasure to have him join our small family.

Thank you Bishop Ron for the gift of the rose vestments!

We had an idea that it might be fun to gather some friends here in the Maryland area to someone's house to have a "Movie and Discussion "night on the acclaimed Netflix movie The Two Popes. Although it's largely fiction, it could spark some lively discussion about many topics, including how conservative Catholics and more progressive Catholics might find common ground.

Any takers? Let us know!!

Please join us in celebrating the Lord's Supper

Sundays at 6:00 PM .

(click the address to see us on a map)
In Other News

Our Lady's Facebook Page is getting traction. Our page promotional activities have allowed us to reach approximately 2660 people triggering 266 "engagements " of one sort or another. We have 82 active followers.

As part of our outreach efforts, we are in active discussions with three groups that are aligned with us philosophically and theologically. We are exploring ways in which we could support each other including having our parish providing them with a catholic spiritual home.

Changes in CACINA Leadership
As of December 10th, CACINA now has a new presiding Bishop, Bishop Anthony Santore. Bishop Tony was consecrated Bishop is 2002 and has been a major force in building our church.

Bishop Ron Stephens will remain as Bishop of our Holy Trinity Diocese. We sincerely thank Bishop Stephens for his devotion and service to us all.
New Diocese Established
In that same December meeting of our College of Bishops, a new Diocese for CACINA was established to provider closer support to our parishes in Florida. Bishop Michael Theogene will be the founding Bishop of that Diocese.
Pray to Our Lady

Remember Our Lady is always there to intercede for us with Her Son to undo all the knots we have in our life.

If you'd like, please bring your petition to the "prayer request" page on our website and we will remember all intentions at our next Mass.

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Past newsletters are available on our website at the bottom of the landing page.

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