Parish News for May 2020
Our Lady Undoer of Knots pray for us!
Mass During COVID-19

Happy Mothers Day to all of our Mothers! 

Just a reminder, we stream Mass every Sunday at 6:00 PM, via Facebook Live on our parish Facebook page 

Please join us and spread the word…

We also post the Mass on our parish website each evening: 

Fr. Al Risdorfer

Pax et Bonum

Mass of May 3rd for the 4th Sunday of Easter
Our Location

(click the address to see us on a map)
Pray to Our Lady

Remember Our Lady is always there to intercede for us with Her Son to undo all the knots we have in our life.

If you'd like, please bring your petition to the "prayer request" page on our website and we will remember all intentions at our next Mass.

Please Also Share on Your Social Media Pages.

Just click these links below