Vol. 7, and Issue 2: October 2020
Important Miscellaneous Information
[Giving Tuesday]
Great News! The playground is here and the children LOVE IT! The mulching and border should be completed by the end of next week. But, this is JUST one major piece to the outdoor environment puzzle. The adolescents are underway with Mr. Frank and Mountain Man to create an awesome sensory walking area, too.

Unfortunately, if you have not heard, New Jersey is leaning towards being in the same boat that we were in during some part of the Spring. Parents, you have been so understanding and GREAT when you send your children to school or if you need to keep them at home. Please continue to err on the side of caution during the Thanksgiving Break  If you choose to be around family or friends who may not be as careful as they need to be, please consider getting tested before letting your child(ren) come back to school. We all want to be the school that stays open and is inconvenienced at times personally versus not and having to shut down, even for two weeks. It would be amazing to look back at this at the end of the school year with a smile and sigh of relief knowing we did everything we could and made it through!

Giving Tuesday is less than a month away! This is a very important opportunity for MSOE given the Pandemic and how it has affected us! If you do not know about it please keep reading. On December 1st, anyone can give to MSOE by clicking on a button or link that will be put on our Facebook Page. If anyone donates through the link, however much is donated will be matched up to $250,000! If someone donates $100, it becomes $200. If a total of $10,000 is donated, then it becomes $20,000. We are more guaranteed to get it doubled with early donations. So far, we have always had our money doubled.

Please consider giving on #GIVINGTUESDAY, talk to your parents, and anyone who might consider giving. We will be sending out communications about it weekly, starting next week! Everything donated will go towards Outdoor Education and Operations to help us bounce back from the Pandemic, and to keep building on what we have to make your experiences and your children's experiences the best that they can be. Very few businesses were unaffected by the Pandemic, we did not get through unscathed either. We are able to participate in #GIVINGTUESDAY because we are a non-profit with our 501c3. Donors get a tax break because we have our 501c3. Thank you for your consideration in donating and spreading the word!
Message From Mr. Matt
Dear Parents/Guardians,

I hope everyone had a safe and fun Halloween experience. We are doing well at MSOE. Parents continue to express their support and appreciation for being open and helping to keep their children safe and happy for fully open in person learning. This is something that we definitely want to continue through the rest of the year as we know we can not do it without your continued support and mindfulness surrounding taking precautions outside of school. As the weather gets colder and the virus seems to be spreading again more in NJ, it is so important to continue in this fashion to stay open and healthy. I know we can do this together! Speaking of doing things together, unfortunately, we will not be able to do a Thanksgiving celebration like we used to and will have to revisit it next school year.

But, that's enough of adding to the list of things we cannot do together. What can we do together? Well, we will be announcing when the next collaboration nights are scheduled. I would like to recommend creative ways of connecting the community. The culture of a school is super important. This is one reason these collaboration nights are so vital to being successful. Additionally, I am in the process of developing our first Parent Association which I am hoping to launch in January. Montessori is so different, maybe parents would like to make suggestions to continue to bring the community together. One thing I have always wanted to establish is a Montessori Book Club, and I need your help. It would be awesome if a parent from each class might be interested in starting one for the parents of the classroom. Teachers could join in discussions periodically or each time. The better the culture is with the parents, the more your children will get out of this Montessori Experience. You will be thinking about things and doing more in ways that we are doing things in the classroom. There will be more continuity and consistency for the children too. Please share with your child's teacher if you are interested in something like this or have some other ideas.

I am looking forward to November, continuing to see the children and school grow together. Every month we are working towards improving our experiences. We have one playground up and the adolescents are actively working on the Sensory Garden/Walking Area. We are expecting it will mostly be done, if not all done before mid-December. If anyone knows someone that can help get started on the Greenhouse that would be great, even just the first half of it. Unfortunately, I have had a more difficult time than expected getting it started for several reasons. It would be great to be able to start using it in the Spring. Additionally, we are continuing to move forward with adding pieces to the outdoor environment. Giving Tuesday could be really helpful in getting us more equipment and items sooner. On behalf of the staff and myself, thank you for taking this journey with us, entrusting us with your children, and making it enjoyable!


Matthew Simberg
Dear Parents,
This month absolutely flew by, I can’t believe it is already November!!!
The toddlers were very busy in October! We kicked off the month by celebrating Everetts' 2nd Birthday on October 2nd!
We went on a Nature Walk on our beautiful school campus and gathered many Autumn treasures. Some of the treasures included acorns, pine cones and many different kinds of leaves!
We are continuing to practice Grace and Curtesy by being polite and kind to our classmates and teachers.
We began Art Appreciation this month with Vincent Van Gogh’s “A Starry Night”.
We have been learning about North America and the animals that inhabit this continent.
The focus in Science has been on Fall and the Harvest. We closed the month by having a fun filled Harvest Celebration that included making a Decorative Wooden Spoon Craft, painting pumpkins and special Art Projects!
The children have learned many different Yoga poses. Presently we are practicing cat, cow, and child’s pose.
We will be sending home more information about how we will be celebrating Thanksgiving here at school this year, as it will differ from past years at MSOE.
Reminders: Drop off/Pick up: Drop off time is between 8:00am and 8:15am for the Toddler Program and Pick Up is between 3:00pm and 3:15pm. Your promptness is kindly appreciated.
Please remember to return your child’s folders every Monday Morning.
If your child has a mask and is over the age of two years old, please send it in for your child to wear while at school.
Lastly, if possible, please send in your child’s’ rain boots that can be left at school. We go outside and many times, the grass is a little damp.
We are pleased to welcome three new toddlers into Toddler Community, Max DeMonte, Theo Levine and Jack Cunningham. A Fourth Toddler is joining, Gemma Sweeney, on November 9th.
As always please contact me should you have any questions or concerns regarding your child or our Program!
Best Regards,
Dear Primary Families,

The children have enjoyed the beauty of Autumn during recess and nature walks. We have taken excursions throughout the property to explore and experience nature beyond the confines of the classroom. We have collected leaves and twigs for play, sat and ran through the damp grass and felt the crisp autumn air against our faces.

We have enjoyed bringing a bit of Autumn inside our environment with many new activities and art projects throughout the month - a dirty pumpkin has been scrubbed clean through the efforts of many children; leaves were collected and matched to the Botany Cabinet and Leaf Identification cards; the Life cycle of the pumpkin has been
studied; books about apples, pumpkins, leaves, seeds and animal hibernation have been read and discussed.

We focus a significant amount of our time developing independence. The children are
capable of completing many tasks independently. We are always available to assist the
children when needed, but we allow them the opportunity to try on their own first. We
often use the phrase, “I would like to see you try first.” If a child is struggling to complete
a task it can be beneficial to help her begin and encourage her to finish independently.
In this situation we say, “I start, you finish.” We only step in and help when necessary.
“Never help a child with a task at which he feels he can succeed.”
Maria Montessori

Dr. Maria Montessori believed, “any child who is self-sufficient, who can tie his
shoes, dress or undress himself, reflects in his joy and sense of achievement the
image of human dignity, which is derived from a sense of independence.” Like Maria
Montessori, the MSOE Guides acknowledges the importance of enabling young
children to competently do things for themselves. Four key principles we use to
guide our students to independence include: a prepared environment, individual
instruction using step-by-step lessons, slowing down to allow the children to work at
their pace, and embracing error!

One of the major steps to independence is the ability to undress and dress oneself.
Since the first day of the school year, the children have developed the routine of
hanging their items on their individual hooks and taking off their shoes when
entering the classroom each morning. The recent change in weather has provided
the children with the ability to add the extra step of hanging up a sweater or jacket to
their morning routine. When it is time to go outside, the children are encouraged to
attempt to put their items on themselves and are provided with assistance when
needed. The children can work on fastening Velcro, snaps, and buttons, lacing,
buckling and tying using the dressing frames in the classroom. They are working
towards independence in manipulating these types of fasteners on their own

As the days begin to get colder, please remember to send in weather appropriate
clothes. It is also helpful to send in a warm hat and gloves/mittens to be kept in your
child’s bag, just in case. Our morning recess is from roughly 10:45 – 11:30 AM, so the
morning chill is often still in the air.

During the month of November, we will be learning about Veterans Day, Diwali, the
Mayflower, pilgrims and Indigenous people; and talking about family traditions.

Warm Regards,
[Binomial Cube: Algebraic Exp.]
[Leaf Research]
Dear Parents/Guardians,
The class has been forming its culture as a community improving with great strides since last month. Most of the children have had all the Great Lessons. We have begun lessons in ancient history, needs of the plant, states of matter, and the relationship between the Sun and the Earth. We have had discussions and lessons on Daylight Savings, COVID, fairness and justice, as well as self-care and care of the environment. I expect that the class will be moving towards a more cohesive community by the end of November, and will continue to improve as a “well-oiled” machine!

There is always spontaneous excitement, or creative energy occurring with the children. One small group of children started making word searches. Recently, a couple children did a word search of suffixes and compound words. I make a copy of it and give it to the other children to do. It is heartwarming to see various children also offering their help to work on different things. More children are showing more responsibility by independently caring for the classroom environment as hoped for over this period of time.

This month I will continue to work to nurture their imagination, spark their creativity and work together as a more unified community. We will be doing more relating to The Native American. While we cannot have a Thanksgiving Celebration as in the past, I am optimistic the children will come up with a creative, fun and different activity or project. I wanted to suggest that while the weather is still nice, I was hoping that some of you may have information, experiences, a project or demonstration regarding The Native Americans that you would be willing to share with the class outside. 

We now have 25 children and I am definitely enjoying and appreciating all of them. Thank you for your support and frequent and welcomed collaboration! I am looking forward to another month of learning and fun with your children! Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or thoughts.


Mr. Matt
Dear Parents,

There is so much to report about since the Evergreen Team has been hard at work on so many different fronts. Monday mornings are spent at the Blue Sky Farm where we finished cleaning out the beautiful barn, created a new pen for the goats and begun replacing an old set of railings on the bridge. Afternoons, we volunteer at the Majoda Stables where we help care for the horses and are planning to build some horse training obstacles.

Weekday mornings, the boys each research and plan a Weekly Mini Lesson on either American History or English Language Arts. They are also continuing their term long ME BOOKs. Each has been creating a Personal Coat of Arms, writing a Biographical Anecdote and will be writing a narrative description of a silent film about an incident within the Civil War.

We are now more than halfway done with Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Together we have developed a Character Chart and enjoy discussing the book together every Friday for Seminar. It has been a wonderful journey with countless amazing lessons.

Otherwise, we go on weekly nature walks, we showed up to help out a farm friend whose barn burned down, watched heavy equipment dredge a lake, flew drones, weather treated the Gaga court, fixed shutters, are preparing to build a Sensory Garden and recently built a River Flow Model for the Elementary Class.



Mr. Frank