You're invited to Our Lenten Journey: Companions Along the Way, a six-week, online series on Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m. from Feb. 28 - Apr. 4.
This diocesan Lenten series will feature a guest each week sharing part of their faith journey in conversation and StorySharing with Pattie Ames. They will talk about the Lenten journey, who has walked with them, and the importance of walking with and proclaiming Jesus. The last week (Tuesday, Apr. 4), Pattie will talk about Jesus as our companion along the way during Holy Week. She will share pictures from her pilgrimage to the Holy Land, poetry, music, and prayers as we conclude the Lenten journey.
Please join us as we walk through Lent together, companions along the way. We invite you to join ANY or ALL of the sessions by registering below.