Hello Todd,

I hope this newsletter finds you blessed and doing well! Thank you for continuing to receive it and for taking the time to look over the valuable marriage enrichment tools I include each month.

It is critical we continue to invest in our marriages and never take them for granted. By doing this we can experience the victory Christ has for us. We just need to trust him with our lives and marriages.

Please take a few minutes to look through what I've included in this edition and be sure to watch the quick video note from me below. This is information you won't get by just reading the newsletter.

Thank you, Todd

My Monthly Video Announcement!

This Month's Featured Book

Our winner for our free book drawing is Alicia Seline. Congratulations, Alicia! I'll get your copy out ASAP!! Be sure to register today for a chance to receive a FREE copy of next month's book!

Below is my Book Review video. Here are a few quick bullet points regarding the book and why I liked it so much:

  • The chapters are short, direct and to the point. Only a 10-15 minute read per chapter and I'm a slow reader! No excuses, husbands!! 😉
  • It has lots of great teaching condensed into a reader friendly format.
  • It has a practical Reflect, Connect, and Make a Move section at the end of each chapter to foster healthy and productive conversation with your spouse.
  • It is truthful and hard hitting at times.
  • It is filled with practical convicting truths.

I chose and read this particular book because the YouVersion Devotional version was so good. I had to see what more the book had to teach and say. I do not regret it!

Challenge: If you want to take a proactive step in your marriage, this book is a great way to do just that. So pick up a copy today! Available electronically at Amazon or in paperback through Elevate Him Ministries.

See More Reviews

Finding good resources to enrich and grow your marriage can be hard. You don't have the time, you don't know what you can trust, or you simply can't remember to do it and make it a priority.

Well, do I have the thing for you! Check out all of my Marriage Resources at my webiste by clicking on the button below. This list grows and is added to all the time, so be sure to bookmark it for future reference. When you are looking for something to study with your spouse, go no further than to this page. You will find books, podcasts, devotionals, web articles, and more.

Great Marriage Resources

Do you know someone getting married this year?

If so, please consider letting them know about my premarital counseling services. I take couples through an eight session process of teaching them everything they need to know to create a "til death do they part" marriage relationship. They can learn more at my website or you could forward them a copy of this link which is my electronic business card.

Marriage Tip #1:

Working as a Christian counselor for over two decades, I have seen brave couples address their wounds, bad ideas, unproductive practices and attitudes, and move toward picking up new ideas to change their marriages for the better. 

One of these new ideas is learning they are servants in their marriage and are responsible for how they believe and behave, and that they will will stand before the Lord and give an account of how well they served their spouse (not how well they were served). 

Sometimes it helps to start something new with the end in mind. In the end, I will be accountable to God for how I served my wife. I believe this is a major evaluation point for my whole life. It is as if, in my spirit, I know that one of the major questions in heaven will be, “How well did you treat my daughter, Jodi?” Having this question on my final exam, so to speak, helps me decide how good of a grade I want from God in response to serving my wife, Jodi.

To learn more about what counseling with me might look like, please click on this link to schedule a complimentary Discovery call.

Marriage Tip #2:

Schedule two times a week for you and your spouse to check-in with one another and ask each other questions like the ones I've listed below to get you started. This check-in should not be related to the weather, kids, or what's not getting done on the to-do list! Sunday and Thursday make great days to do these check-ins. One, before the week gets started and then a mid to late weekday check-in is helpful and creates an attitude of "TEAMwork."

  • How are you doing personally?
  • How are you doing professionally?
  • How are you doing spiritually?
  • What are your frustrations?
  • What are some wins in your life right now?
  • Is there anything I can help with?
  • How can I pray for you over the next few days?

Need help finding a rhythm on doing something like this? Consider one of my marriage enrichment packages.

Google Review Image

Would you consider doing me a HUGE favor?

If we have worked together in the past and you have not yet written a review of your experience with me, would you please consider doing that now?

I rely heavily on positive Google Reviews to grow and show higher in the Google Search Rankings and this is the easiest and least expensive way for me to make people aware of my services.

Bottom line, it makes it easier for people to find me!

You can do this for me right now by following this link right here. It will take just a couple of minutes of your time. I appreciate it a great deal and thank you so much in advance!





Marriage Counseling

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