Dear Friends,

We seem to be rebounding, but the rebound is not the same around the world or from community to community.

Our members will be focusing on a Just Recovery - as they always have. Getting back to normal is not the goal. Getting a better normal is.
Please enjoy this selection of news and information from our member groups ranging from a better normal for victims of domestic violence and hate crimes, to a healthier environment and a safer, more natural food system, to thriving children, abundant art, and supportive communities.

Brenda Peluso (she/her/hers), Interim Director
On behalf of the The Board of MaineShare

Maine Organic Farmers & Gardeners Association (MOFGA) is planning to hold an onsite Common Ground Country Fair in Unity, Maine, on September 24th, 25th, and 26th, 2021. This decision was made after careful consideration of current guidance for outdoor festivals as well as months of discussions, research and planning to determine if we can meet our primary goal of being able to support a safe onsite event. That being said, the Fair will look different this year. We're raising funds, recruiting additional volunteers, and thinking creatively about what a safe and engaging Fair will look like. To learn more and to sign up to volunteer for the Fair, visit our website!
#ShowYourPrideME Progress Pride Flag Initiative: 2000 Flags Available Now

As we continue to navigate the pandemic, EqualityMaine (EQME) knows that Pride celebrations will still look a lot different than usual. EQME hopes to bring a piece of Pride to communities across Maine through their #ShowYourPrideME Progress Pride Flag initiative.
Thanks to the support of Central Maine Power, EQME is able to make 2000 flags available to communities across Maine!
These flags are available at no cost, but EQME would greatly appreciate donations to support their programs for LGBTQ+ youth and older adults across Maine. Part of the proceeds will also be used to support local Pride celebrations across the state this summer.

For more information and to reserve your flag today, please click here.
For information about Pride celebrations across Maine, click here.

On April 28th, The Maine Coalition to End Domestic Violence (MCEDV) joined with members of the Maine’s Domestic Abuse Homicide Review Panel and Governor Mills at a virtual press event to present the panel’s 13th Biennial Report. This year’s report includes a 20-year look-back at domestic abuse homicide in Maine, identifying areas of progress and work still to be done. 

MCEDV’s Executive Director, Francine Garland Stark, a member of the panel, spoke at the event, saying,

"In each case it reviews, the members of the Homicide Review Panel are honoring the life (or lives) lost by seeking to understand what happened - not only in the moment of the homicide but in the time before. What might anyone have done to prevent this tragedy? What professional disciplines are implicated? What is our role in creating necessary change?..."

The report notes recommendations for our public health system as well as our justice system, and it underscores the importance of work to create just and inclusive communities and an economy in which all can thrive, access health care, and access critical help free from barriers.

Learn more and access the report here.
LIVE interview with Dr. Shanna Swan on the impact of toxic chemicals on human development -
June 2nd, 2021
Join Defend Our Health for a live interview with Dr. Shanna H. Swan, professor of environmental medicine and public health at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai on Wednesday June 2nd, 1pm ET/10am PT, for a discussion on how toxic chemicals are imperiling the future of the human race and what we can do to fight back.
Swan is one of the world's leading environmental and reproductive epidemiologists, whose new book, Count Down: How Our Modern World Is Threatening Sperm Counts, Altering Male and Female Reproductive Development, and Imperiling the Future of the Human Race, is tackling the issue of how toxic chemicals are hijacking our health and fertility.

Hardy G*rls Healthy Wom*n opens applications for the G*rls Advisory Board (GAB).

Hardy G*rls Healthy Wom*n (HGHW) is looking for high school girls and gender expansive youth who are into intersectional feminism and social justice to join their G*rl's Advisory Board (GAB). GAB plans programming for young people, creates a social media presence, and works with HGHW staff and board to keep programs relevant. The program is free to participate in.

Runners and artists wanted!
Calling all artists!
Maine Audubon is pleased to announce a special event for the fall of 2021 called Brush with Nature. We are inviting plein air painters to be inspired by nature at our sanctuaries and create art outdoors to engage visitors in the artistic process. The paintings will be auctioned off, with proceeds benefiting Maine Audubon’s education, conservation, and advocacy programs.

For more information, click here!
Calling all runners!
There’s still time to register for the Snowy Egret Virtual 5K. You can run or walk on a course of your creation any time between May 21 and June 4 for this annual fundraiser for Scarborough Marsh. Click here to learn more and to register.
New Monitoring Technology is a "Game Changer" for Casco Bay

Casco Bay provides us with food, recreation, transportation, inspiration, and economic opportunities. But our coastal waters are changing and changing quickly.
How is climate change impacting Casco Bay? Is the Bay getting warmer? Are our waters acidifying? How can we continue to protect the health of Casco Bay for generations to come?
Addressing these questions involves collecting water quality data on a frequent basis and for a long time. In 2019, Friends of Casco Bay (FOCB) created the Climate Change and Casco Bay Fund to launch and maintain three Continuous Monitoring Stations around the Bay and communicate changing conditions to the public. This winter they reached our goal of raising $1.5 million, thanks to more than 700 donors.
“With climate change already impacting the Bay, the launch of these stations is a game changer for us,” says Executive Director Cathy Ramsdell. “Their steady streams of data will bolster our advocacy and stewardship efforts.”
To learn more about where (and why!) FOCB placed the stations, click here.
Data from the stations are available on at here.
Student Leaders advocate for school art programs

The Maine Alliance for Arts Education (MAAE), leader of the statewide Arts are Basic Coalition (ABC), has been working closely with the members of the ABC Student Leadership Group as they continue to elevate the voice of students in our broader arts advocacy efforts.

Last month, three student leaders with the ABC organized and facilitated a workshop at the Maine Youth Action Network's virtual Youth Leadership Conference. Their interactive workshop focused on ways in which arts programs in schools help foster healthy and tolerant school communities. One of these talented and passionate student leaders wrote about the workshop itself and the experience of creating this safe space for fellow arts advocates, which you can read here.
Consider hosting your next event/gathering at Viles Arboretum

Viles Arboretum is a free, easily accessible, botanical garden located in downtown Augusta. Their preserved land, interpretive materials, exhibits, programs & events, and trails are designed for people of all ages to provide opportunities for education, recreation, and inspiration.
Viles Arboretum is also the perfect location for your next meeting, conference, wedding, reception, family reunion, or other special event. Viles offers a variety of indoor and outdoor spaces that are beautiful, convenient, and affordable.
Renting the Arboretum for your next event helps fund our programs and keeps our grounds free for the community to enjoy. Mention this MaineShare newsletter and receive 35% off rental fees.
To book your event, please click here, or email
Summer seminars for middle & high school teachers at

The HHRC of Maine is offering summer seminars for middle and high school teachers, predominantly those teaching the humanities, though all teachers are welcome.

Teacher training is core to our mission of promoting universal respect for human rights through education. Since the early 1980s, the summer seminars have been designed to help teachers explore new ways to teach about challenging issues including Holocaust history that are so important in these turbulent times.

Registration begins in June. To learn more about the summer seminars, please contact us at for more information.
This is just a small sampling of the critical work MaineShare members do to build a better Maine. Please join us in supporting and learning from the great work of ALL our member groups.
MaineShare | 207-622-0105| |