
The Window

Our Most Valuable Weapon

Henry Drummond, in his book The Changed Life, tells a story about a woman who wore a locket on a chain around her neck. She was a woman of sterling character and she always had an attitude that radiated to fill a room.

The woman’s friends were always curious as to whose picture her locket contained, but she never opened it or showed it to anyone.

Only later in life was a friend, with her permission, able to open the locket. Inside were written these words, “Whom having not seen, I love.”

These few words were the secret to the woman’s moral radiance and her beautiful life.

In Genesis, Joseph withstands several great injustices calmly, because he knew his life was in God’s hands; and he showed his love for his God by being pure and consistent amongst all of these happenings.

For us, with all of the fast-paced activities our culture wants to demand of us, along with whatever conflicts we may be facing; one of our most valuable weapons is the presence of Christ in us.

               “Whom having not seen, we love”.

The world has no answer to this Presence in our lives!

God bless,


The Window is written by Chuck Rudolph, Area Director

for Martin County Youth for Christ; and is published weekly

by email, the Martin County YFC Web Page,

and the Martin County YFC Face book page.

It is meant to be "a window" on the things we face in life.

We hope you enjoy!

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