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We need each other.

You might be thinking, of course L'Arche believes we need each other, they're an intentional community! The truth is though, connection is absolutely vital to everyone. The U.S. Surgeon General's recent advisory on our country's loneliness epidemic highlights how social connection is as essential to our health as food and water--to the point that its lack increases the risk of premature deaths to levels comparable to smoking daily.

A friend told me once, "you have no idea what you have," in regards to my life in L'Arche. And he was right. I didn't. I took for granted the feeling of having a place; the fact that I was really well known by other people and that I knew those people well, too. With time, I learned to recognize the magnitude of this gift of community.

The great task of this century is rebuilding genuine connection. And although L'Arche does not have the only tool for this task, we certainly have some of them. We've been building community at L'Arche GWDC for 40 years and we will keep doing so together.

As the Surgeon General's advisory points out, connection requires commitment to our relationships and communities. This commitment can look so many different ways...

How do you live out your commitment to your relationships and communities?

Tell us at info@larche-gwdc.org. We'd love to hear from you! We look forward to genuinely connecting with you over the summer.

By Lauren Palmer Jansen

Vacationing Together

A big way that we build genuine connection in our homes is by going on vacation together. Being in a different place and doing things outside of our typical routines fosters a unique kind of connection.

If you haven't seen it already, be sure to watch this short video from Highland House's most recent vacation to Outer Banks, NC!

Photo: Fritz and Alice relax while waiting for their tacos on house vacation.

Click here to watch Highland's house vacation video

News & Events

Prayer Nights

Virtual Prayer Nights are the 1st Tuesday of every month at 6:30p EDT on Zoom. Our next prayer night is June 6.

Need reminders for prayer nights? Sign up here.

Meaningful Work

Looking for a new career or workplace? Know someone who is? We are currently hiring for multiple roles, including Assistants (DSPs) and a Home Life Leader.

👋 Newly Open Role: Interim Virginia Program Coordinator, June-September 2023 for full-time hybrid work, with an opportunity for conversion to a permanent position.

2022 Annual Report

If you didn't read it already, check out our 2022 Annual Report: The Light of L'Arche. You've never had so much fun with finances!

Slice of Life

Cast your vote! Would you rather fly in an airplane or take a road trip?
Road Trip

A lot of you voted last month for perhaps our most contentious This or That yet...

The final winner between Jeopardy! and Family Feud...

"THIS IS Jeopardy!" with 32 votes!

Some community members recently spent a day on Capitol Hill with National Down Syndrome Society (NDSS). Some things we advocated for:

💵 Competitive wage employment for the disabled community. Under sub-minimum wage laws, it is legal to pay a person with a disability an average of $2.15/hour.

🧠 More research on Alzheimer's. The disease is highly linked with Down syndrome, but resources and diagnostic tools are not created with this in mind.

🏥 Organ transplant equality. Working to ensure providers can't discriminate against patients who need an organ transplant solely on the basis of disability.

Community members in VA gather for 3rd Tuesday, a meeting where updates and information are shared with everyone. Francene often leads us in flying to open our meeting time! You may be able to spot our L'Arche Boston North and L'Arche North Carolina visitors in this photo, too.

Did you know that over one third of our overall budget comes from fundraising? Donate today to help sustain our work.

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