
Hello Todd,

I hope this email finds you and your family doing well! It's hard to believe Thanksgiving is just a couple of weeks away and then Christmas is right around the corner! 😬 Where has 2022 gone?

I want to thank you for your willingness to receive my monthly newsletter and to thank you for your continued support, encouragement and prayers! This is a massive journey of faith for me and I'm counting on everyone I know to keep me in their thoughts and prayers!

There are two goals with my newsletter. The first is to share with you what's new in the ministry, and the second is to provide great marriage resources and tools that you can implement in your marriage today without having to look for them yourself!

What's new:

1.) My current active client load is sitting at 21 couples and like I've mentioned before, I need to be around 35 or so to become fully funded and self sufficient.

2.) God has opened some doors for me to support some marriages that are struggling and do not have the financial means to pay for counseling, so God impressed it upon me that I am to volunteer my time in helping these couples. What is interesting, is that to this point they are all in ministry and serving like me.

3.) The influence of Agape Pastoral Services is continuing to grow around the country and the world as I now have six couples working with me virutally that otherwise might not have had access to counseling like this. Such a cool thing!

4.) A big announcement is coming early next week, so be looking for one more email this month!

Lots of great stuff below, 2-minute read, so scroll down and take a look!

This Month's Featured Book

Each month I am doing a drawing for a book give away and the winner this month is Wileine Murrell. Congratulations, Wileine!

The book she will receive is called, "10 Choice Successful Couples Make - The Secret to Love That Lasts a Lifetime."

I really liked this book a lot because it aligns with something I've always talked couples through and that's the idea that our choices matter and only lead to one of two places, life or death, blessings or curses, and this idea is taken right from scripture! We dig deep into this idea when we work together and it's one of my four cornerstone principles that I teach couples!

I would highly encourage every couple to read this book because it will help to strengthen their marriage, wherever they find themselves! You can watch my short video review below to gain some insight into this book and why I liked it so much. Order your copy here today!

If you want to register for the next book giveaway, please follow this link. You need to register each month to be in the drawing!

September's Book of the Month Review and Winner

Most recent review below and see more here! God is doing some amazing things at Agape!

Agape Pastoral Services - "Unique Attribute" #3

I'm not your stereotypical counselor that is watching the clock and when your 50 minutes is up, it's up! I always create at least a 30 minute buffer between clients to allow for those times where we may be in the middle of something meaningful and need to extend our time a bit. I'll never cut you off and tell you we need to pick back up the next time. We'll come to a normal and natural conclusion and end our session together when this is achieved. This is personal and a ministry to me and I want you to experience that when working with me. We'll become close over time and you'll always know, whether we're still working together or not, that you've got someone in your corner to come to when needed.

Marriage Tip #1:

Correct expectations in a marriage relationship are so so important! When a couple gets married, two separate people become one (Matthew 19:5). Expectations in marriage can divide us and ultimately harm our relationship if we don’t talk about them. But sharing our expectations and listening to each other with an open mind draws us closer and safeguards our love. Read the full article here and click on this link to see devotionals on the topic of expectations.

Marriage Tip #2:

Another tip in taming our tongue is to make sure we're only speaking words that build othesr up and never tear them down. It's talked about in Ephesians 4:29, β€œLet no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, that it may give grace to those who hear.” In other words, "If I can't say anything nice, I'm not to say it at all." We've all heard that saying before, right?

When you read the verse, another thing to consider is this, you don't see the word "if" at the end of it, do you? No you don't! This is not a conditional verse of spcripture. Meaning, it's not conditional on whether your spouse deserves or merits it. This is a command that says, "Let NO unwholesome word come out of your mouth!" End of sentence!

So let me end by challenging you, what kind of words are coming out of your mouth toward your spouse? Are they kind, tender, and loving words or are they harsh, angry, and critical words that tear down? Choose life with those words that only build up and encourage your spouse!

More teaching and devotionals on this topic can be found at this link.

Marriage Check-Up for only $297! This is a great Christmas Gift idea!

Click here or on the image above to learn more about the Marriage Check-Up!

Check out all of my Marriage Resources at my webiste by clicking on the button below. This list grows and is added to all the time, so be sure to bookmark it for future reference! When you're looking for something to study with your spouse, go no further than to this page!

Great Marriage Resources





Marriage Counseling

Men's Coaching


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Anoka, MN 55303


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