Happy Halloween! And thanks to everyone who visited us online at the Fall Fox Valley Show. It was a good weekend, with good sales and a couple of new customers. Thanks to CSADA and Marvin Getman for providing such a pleasant experience.
This weekend is our Fall Opening, with more than 70 new offerings drawn from this year's European buying trips and from several sources closer to home. The show will begin online at 10:00 a.m., and we'll open our doors at noon for in-person shoppers. We'll be open on Sunday, as well. When the show opens, we'll mail a link to newsletter subscribers and add a live link to our home page. Whether you shop on line or in person, we look forward to hearing from you.
We'll repeat our annual Gifting Sale in December, with nearly small 100 items we've set aside for the event. The sale will be both online and in person, and our shop will be open on Saturdays and Sundays of the first three weekends in December for in-person shopping. You'll find more details in our December Newsletter - in your inbox on November 30.