Hello Todd,
I hope this email finds you well and enjoying the start of fall! You're receiving this newsletter email because you're a past or current client, you've played an important role in my life at some point or you just want some encouraging marriage content so you joined our mailing list.
I want this newsletter to be a resource to you by providing great marriage enrichment ideas and tools each month to help you grow and strengthen your marriage. It takes a lot of time to research and find good resources that you can trust, so why not let me do the heavy lifting for you!
Here's a few quick bullet points on what has been happening recently:
1.) I've added several new clients over the last month, so I'm currently sitting at 18 active clients, and like I've mentioned before, I need to be around 35 or so to become self sufficient.
2.) Well, it's official, I moved to part time at Cove this week and I'll be working there only 10 hours a week, so all of a sudden, gulp, this got real! ๐ It's a huge step of faith professionally, personally, spiritually, and financially, but I'm trusting the Lord is in control and I know he's got my back through it all! This now frees me up imensley to start networking, talking with local churches, and doing whatever marketing is necessary to grow my client base and network. I need to roughly double where I'm at now, so if you know of any couples looking for help or if you know any church leaders that would like a good resource to refer couples to, please consider sharing my contact information with them.
3.) On a personal note, my oldest daughter Olivia and her family are home from North Carolina after serving in the US Army for 10 years. They'll be living with us for a few months until they can get settled on a few things and before they commit to anything permanently. It's so awesome having them with us after having been gone for so long! #Grandkids #Family
Lots of great stuff below, so scroll down and take a look!