
Newsletter January 9, 2025

Weekly Schedule

Sunday, January 12

9 a.m. - Morning Worship

10 a.m. - Sunday School

10 a.m. - Youth Confirmation class in the Youth Center

11 a.m. - Morning Worship

2 p.m. - Honduras Mission Team Meeting in the FLC

Monday, January 13

12 p.m. - Methodist Women in the Fellowship Hall

12 p.m.- Moms Bible Study

5 p.m. - Ladies Bible Study in the FLC Meeting Room

Tuesday, January 14

7 a.m. - Men’s Prayer Fellowship

11 a.m. - JOY Choir Rehearsal

Wednesday, January 15

7 a.m. - Youth Prayer Breakfast in the Youth Center

6:30 p.m. - Youth Worship and Bible Study in the Youth Center

6:45 p.m. - Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal

Thursday, January 16

2 p.m. - Walking in the FLC

5:30 p.m. - Grief Support Classes in the FLC Meeting Room


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A Right to Our Pain - and the One True Solution

My friend Barbara was a recovering addict who also battled severe multiple sclerosis. Her speech and jerky movements made people assume she wasn’t sober. But those of us who got to know her realized she had rock-solid sobriety and a deep spirituality that made others stronger by knowing her.

In 12-step meetings, people take turns sharing their experiences, strengths, and hopes. It’s common for people to walk in burdened, looking for relief. More than once, I saw someone go up to Barbara after a meeting and say something like, “I came in feeling bad about my problems, but hearing what you’re going through made me realize how blessed I am.”

Barbara wouldn’t let that slide. She would look them square in the eye and say: “God did not give me MS so that you could feel better about yourself. You have a right to your pain and to your problems, and I have a right to mine. Your pain and your problems are no greater or worse than anything I’m dealing with.”

Barbara’s words weren’t a rebuke to put people down—they were an act of love from someone with years of sobriety, reminding others that their pain matters.

We like to measure our pain, don’t we? Someone’s battling cancer and enduring chemo, while another person has a cold that wrecks their week. Someone is grieving the loss of a spouse, while another feels stuck in a marriage that’s grown cold. One person’s in trouble with a credit card bill, while another is staring down bankruptcy.

We all have problems, big and small. It’s human nature to compare them, but God never intended for us to rank our pain—or dismiss it.

This Sunday, we’ll look at Revelation 2:1-7. Jesus writes to the church in Ephesus, praising their hard work and perseverance. But he has one rebuke: “You have forsaken the love you had at first.”

Whatever burdens you’re carrying—health struggles, financial stress, relationship challenges—there’s one problem that’s bigger than all of them: the state of our relationship with God.

And thank God, there’s one solution to every problem we face: Jesus Christ.

You have a right to your pain, and I have a right to mine. I hope you will bring yourself, along with your pain and your problems to church this Sunday. I believe Jesus wants to look us square in the eye and shift our focus to the solution. 

Grace and Peace,


Prepare for Sunday by reading the scripture from the sermon.

Revelation 2:1-7

We are raffling this beautiful quilt made by our own Lisa Storm and all proceeds will benefit our 2025 Honduras Mission Trip. Tickets are $5 each or 5 tickets for $20 (cash or check only). We will draw our winner at the Soupfest Luncheon for Honduras on Sunday, February 9 at 12 p.m.

Get your tickets in the church office or we will have them for sale on the day of our Soupfest! Don't miss out!

Mark Your Calendars for SOUPFEST!

Do you have a favorite soup

or sandwich recipe?

We need donations of soup and/or sandwiches for SoupFest!

We will vote for our favorite soups! The best soup will win a prize!

Contact Katie at katie.pumc@gmail.com

or call the church office at

478-987-1852 to volunteer.

Don't Miss Out This Amazing Conference! The Deadline to Register is January 13!

Click Here to Register

Click here for dates and to sign up!

Larry Scott

Christy George

Buddy and Beth Roper

Brent and Liz Roper

Bob Messer

Kathy James

Jackie Cooper

David Muse

Joyce and Mac McElroy

Carol Horton

Susan Walker

Wayne Bohanon

Evelyn Cawthon

Marlene Gray

Jerrye Charlesworth

John Birdsong

Shelly and Tom Carruth

Jim and Paula Geiger

Vicki Duffell

Billy Beckham

Alvalyn Pope

The Frank Borah Family

Judy Golden

Terry and Denise Housel

Leelee Lewis

Submit your prayer requests on our website

at here or email the church office here.

Check Out Last Week's Sermon

Click here to make pledge for our 2025 budget.

We will also have paper forms in the Narthex this Sunday!

Supporting the Ministries of

Perry Methodist Church