NPCC's Statement on Recent Hate Violence
NPCC denounces the spate of hate violence across the country that has targeted people for simply existing. From race-based murders in Kentucky, to attempts to legislate transgender and gender non-conforming people out of existence, to the pipe bombs sent to public figures, to the mass murder of people practicing their faith in Pennsylvania, this violence has no place in a civil society. Last week's actions were not what we, the nonprofit sector, stand for.

We must together create the world that we want to live in, and nonprofit work is one way to do this. Nonprofits organize - NPCC member the Jewish Community Relations Council of New York announced a vigil tomorrow, Oct. 30, 2018 at noon on the steps of the Bronx County Building, 851 Grand Concourse at East 161 st Street in the Bronx . Nonprofits speak out – many of our members put out statements denouncing this violence against transgender and gender non-conforming people and against anti-Semitic murders. Nonprofits work together - our member statements talk about solidarity that is so necessary to meet our missions. Nonprofits envision , with their communities, what a true civil society looks like. What it means to value everyone and ensure that everyone flourishes. 

This is a hard day, and we must work to find hope. NPCC stands with the nonprofit community, and our communities throughout the country, as we begin the hard work of building a society of safety, security, and deep respect for every life within it. As Rev. Dr. Chloe Breyer, Executive Director of our member The Interfaith Center of New York, stated today, “We have to live together. We have to do this.”