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September 2023


Dear Matthew ,

On purpose, our Educate Well Monthly E-Newsletters provide reputable information, for your benefit. We intend for you to understand how systemic ways in which hearing loss relates to common medical conditions may negatively impact quality of life and in some circumstances, safety. With these goals in mind, far too few people sense how hearing capacity, balance and the risk of falls are intertwined.

Does it surprise you to discover that “Dizziness (including vertigo) affects about 15% to over 20% of adults yearly in large population-based studies.” 1?

Given the prevalence of dizziness, it is crucial to gain familiarity with functional struggles which may signal the need for expert evaluation.

Are you experiencing ...?

  • Sense of motion or spinning (vertigo) 
  • Fatigue 
  • Memory loss or inability to concentrate 
  • Loss of balance (disequilibrium) 
  • Dizziness and nausea 
  • Falling or feeling as if you are going to fall 
  • Light-headedness, faintness or a floating sensation 
  • Difficulty reading 
  • Confusion or disorientation 
  • Fogginess 

Learn About Our

Vestibular System

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What is our vestibular system?

A group of inner ear organs, which make us aware of spatial orientation, relative to gravity

Why is our body’s balance system important and what

is it comprised of?

The balance system, which enables us to walk upright and follow objects with our eyes while moving, has three different sensory systems:

  • Eyes, a visual system
  • Sense of touch, a somatosensory system
  • Sense of motion, a vestibular system

Who is typically sent for vestibular system evaluation?

People experiencing dizziness and/or imbalance that may be related to inner ear problems

Because dizziness causality is often difficult to determine, various medical specialists may be involved in developing personalized treatment plans. To get and effectively diagnose issues of concern, skilled coordination among clinical experts is crucial. Knowing which to see, in what sequence, will help reduce dizziness symptoms in the timeliest and cost-effective manner. Count on us to answer your important questions and, as indicated, suggest proper referrals.

To take our educational pursuits and whole person care journey a step further…

Specifically, poor hearing may increase the risk of falls which can reduce mobility, ability to perform daily activities and life expectancy.

Research indicates those with hearing challenges have poorer postural balance, an important factor in standing and walking stability. This may be caused by having fewer sensory cues in daily surroundings which help with spatial orientation and hazard avoidance. Further, the shared pathways between hearing and balance-related brain structures can make it more difficult for older adults to focus reduced attention capacity in safely finding their way. 2,3

It is in the best interests of you and your loved ones to benefit from professional hearing tests and evidence-based balance evaluation. While many things in life surprise us, we know that hearing your best can help reduce the risk of falls.

Are you or a loved one experiencing dizziness symptoms? Since resolving dizziness concerns can be confusing, getting your hearing checked is a smart start. Instead of risking a fall, make it a priority to give us a call. By talking to our hearing care professionals, you will get sound advice on logical action steps which help bring life back in balance.  


2 Kanegaonkar, R.G., et al: The contribution of hearing to normal balance. The Journal of Laryngology and Otology 2012

3 Viljanen, Anne, et al: Hearing as a Predictor of Falls and Postural Balance in Older Female Twins, 2009

While we take your hearing care seriously, a little laughter goes a long way.

Good Humor, Healthy Hearing

CLICK OR CALL 406.656.2003
Monday – Thursday: 9 am – 5 pm
Friday: 9 am – 4 pm
Saturday – Sunday: Closed
Call: 406.656.2003
Request Appointment

111 S 24th St W Unit 7

Billings, MT 59102


111 S 24th St W Unit 7 • Billings, MT 59102



The information contained herein is provided for general educational purposes.

Regarding specific questions, please talk to your Doctor.

© 2023 HIGH DEFINITION IMPRESSIONS, All rights reserved.