As we come to an end of “Our Vision” news articles, I hope you better understand our findings and why we conducted a partnership with Stratavize. Here at the Union County Foundation, our mission is to improve the quality of life for the people of Union County. To do this, we needed to understand our demographics, learn who our audience is, and seek the issues that citizens face every day.

In conclusion, we found that we all unite around a common vision for Union County. We need more job opportunities, we need more housing, we need more culture and a vibrant downtown community. Combining organizations with similar passions can help flourish progress and projects in our county! Our friendly- close community is what most love, so let’s all work together instead of in our own groups. Communication and support are what is going to build UC up!

The Union County Foundation hears you and your input! We will be working hard to keep everyone up to date with our plans and actions. We will be working hard to help support more job opportunities. We will continue to work hard to bring culture and art into this community. Most importantly, as a foundation, we are going to help individuals, businesses and non-profit organizations achieve their charitable goals by offering tools and resources that make giving easy and effectively.

Thank you all for following along. If you would like to see the entire findings report or would like to be added to our monthly newsletter please reach out to me! 


For further updates and additional info please contact jharvey@ucfoundationinc.org and be sure to follow us on Facebook!