"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding"
-Proverbs 3:5
Greetings from Mr. G
March 13, 2020
In these uncertain times one thing remains constant -- our commitment to keeping every member of the St. Rose School family safe and ensuring that each student receives their maximum learning experience. In the words of St. Augustine, "work as if everything depends on you, pray as if everything depends on God."
Dear St. Rose School Families,
Let me start by saying Thank you for your patience, cooperation and understanding. We are all mavericks in this unprecedented situation, working together one day at a time.
Today Newtown Superintendent Dr. Rodrigue announced that Newtown schools will be closed indefinitely (see attached letter). As mentioned previously, St. Rose School will follow their directives. I realize this unknown timeframe is unsettling, but please be assured that the Faculty will be your anchor through the rough seas. First and foremost it is important for you to know that it is not the parents' responsibility to home school children. Lessons are in place for all grade levels and will be administered/monitored by the teachers. Here is a suggested daily work schedule for children, by age:
Preschool/Kindergarten -- 1-2 hours
1st/2nd Grade -- 2-3 hours
3rd-5th Grade -- 3-5 hours
6-8th Grade -- 4-6 hours
These hours do not have to be done consecutively and, as with our school day, should be broken up with periods of exercise, snack and lunch. We are asking that children keep a log of their hours; you can refer to Mrs. Caterson's log format or use any style you prefer. All logs are due Fridays at
We will be creative in ways to communicate with our school family during this time. One thing we think will be fun is for our families to send photos of their children working from home. We can share them in our google photo drive and feature some in the newsletter -- I was delighted to see the photo of Victoria Szurant from Mrs. Robinson's Transitional Kindergarten class come through from her Mother this morning. We'd love to see more photos like these. Please email to principal@srles.com and/or Laura, advancement@srles.com These are certainly times for the history books!
While it seems that all is focused on the Coronavirus, the school continues to move forward. We are very excited that the majority of our current families are returning for the 2020-2021 school year.Please remember that t
he deadline for applications to the Bishop's Scholarship Fund is this Sunday, March 15th. If you plan to submit an application you can find a link in this newsletter. We hope you will continue to share the news about St. Rose School. Tours are available most weekdays by appointment. If people are interested please refer them to Mrs. Coppola, admissions@srles.com.
Monsignor Bob is doing well, making progress every day. Please continue to pray for his full recovery and for Fr. Alphonse, our Deacons and all visiting priests who are assisting the parish at this time.
We will be in touch via emails as new information arises. We have created a page on the website for information as well,
Remember that school is open on Monday, March 16th, 10 a.m. to 12 noon if you need to pick up materials from your child's locker or desk. This time is for parents only so we ask that you come during these 2 hours; if you are experiencing questionable symptoms, please ask someone else to come in your place. We also ask that you alert teachers in advance. Thank you!
You are all in my prayers -- stay healthy and hopeful.
God Bless,
Mr. Bardhyl Gjoka
Fourth Grader Zoe Christos Achieves
Major Recognition
At the 2020 Winter Equestrian Festival
Where there is passion there is purpose. This is evident with St. Rose School Fourth Grader Zoe Christos who, from a very young age, has spent most of her non school time learning to ride and show horses. All of her hard work came to fruition recently when Zoe made her debut in the Children’s Large Pony Hunter division jumping 2’6 at the prestigious 2020 Winter Equestrian Festival at The Palm Beach International Equestrian Center during the Week 9 Program sponsored by Douglas Elliman Real Estate. Zoe showed two beautiful large ponies—Fools Gold & Woodlands Sundance Kid -- in the same division among the Best of the Best in the nation. She went one level above what she normally shows at home placing 7th out of 16 entries in her division. What an accomplishment – way to go Zoe!
As part of her exciting experience, Zoe was hosted by 2020 Israeli Olympian Team hopeful, Dani G. Waldman, owner of Starwyn Farms, at Friday Night Lights in the International VIP Club for a $401,000 5-Star jumping event where Zoe also met world-famous riders Beezie Madden, Jessica Springsteen and Nayal Nasser.
Zoe’s trainer, Jess Connor of Old Salem Farm in New York, prepared her for this competition, along with her Florida-based trainer, Denise Antonaidas of AKA Showstoppers. Zoe is also extremely grateful to Mrs. Cicarelli, her teacher and a fellow equestrian, for all of her support.
God has a special plan for all of His children and it is heartwarming to watch them blossom along their unique paths. Zoe’s commitment and accomplishments are a wonderful example of living life to it’s fullest, using God’s precious gifts. The St. Rose School family is delighted for Zoe and wishes her continued blessings as she follows her passion.
Visit your teacher's classroom files for assignments and other information.
Do you need confirmation of family fee for tax purposes? Families can print a payment summary off their FACTS account that details the Annual Fund Contribution Amount and also provides the St Rose Taxpayer ID. It is a simple process.
Thanks to the generosity of our St. Rose School Family, the Lenten Mission Drive has already raised $1,500 to help needy children in Ghana as well as in our local communities. During our time away from school consider making a little donation jar for loose coins that you can contribute when we return. Every bit makes a difference in the lives of those less fortunate. God bless!
We hope you and yours are doing well and navigating this new school-from-home reality well.
As you may have surmised, next week's Bingo/Fish Fry has been cancelled. We will be meeting in the near future to discuss the impact of our current situation on other programs that are scheduled.
In the meantime, if you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at hsa@srles.com, and we will do our best to help.
The Basketball/Cheer Banquet is on hold as is the start of Track season.
Ramsey is cheering for a quick return but in the meantime, get some fresh air, away from crowds. Dribble in your driveway, run around your yard, jump rope, take walks, stretch...it's good for your body and soul!