"Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 


This week we conclude our Thrive series.  We’ve been talking about the practices and markers that come with abundant life.  When we are thriving, we are clear on our purpose, we witness to the good news, we have an attitude of abundance, we live in deep relationships of kinship, and we are people of joy. 

There are times when joy is difficult.  In seasons of stress of grief, we don’t feel like rejoicing. But joy is different than happiness.  Happiness is situational, it comes and goes based on what is happening around us. Joy is deeper.  Joy is not our response to the current moment, but a feeling of peace rooted in a deep hope for the future.  This is the hope of Christ. 

When Paul writes to the Thessalonian churches to rejoice always, he writes from prison to people facing persecution.  Telling them to be happy would be insane.  But he tells them to rejoice, to express their deep joy, and he links it to prayer. 

If you want to cultivate joy in your own life, prayer is an essential practice.  You cannot draw from the deep well of hope in Christ if you are not connected to Christ.  When we spend time in prayer, the Spirit has an opportunity to form us in fortitude and open our eyes to where God is at work, even if difficult circumstances. When our eyes are open, we know that we are not alone in whatever we’re going through.  We can have greater confidence in God’s good plan for us.  We can find a reason to rejoice always. 

Prayer leads to joy and joy to resilience and resilience will carry us through in sure knowledge that God is not only with us, but for us.  Let us be people of abundant Joy! 

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