Message from the Principal
SAS Families,
I want to thank you for all of the prayers and love the school community has shown my family and me during this difficult time. It reminds me how wonderful St. Anthony's community is and how fortunate I am to be a part of your family. I also want to thank my school family for being such professionals in my absence. I know that many people had to do other tasks while I was gone, especially our Vice Principals, Mrs. Orozco and Mrs. Silverio. I am truly grateful for your help. There are many other staff members to thank and I hope that you all know how much I appreciate you and how fortunate our families are that you work at SAS.
Last week we learned of Mr. Burke's retirement and I wish him the best for his next chapter. I have a meeting today to learn more about the process of Mr. Burke’s replacement, but rest assured we will continue to improve and grow at St. Anthony’s as we transition next year.
There are some exciting things happening this week! We hope to see our dads at Donuts with Dads on Thursday. I would also welcome our parents to join us this Friday for our final Mass before Thanksgiving break. I pray that your family has a wonderful holiday with friends and loved ones. We have a lot to be thankful for and I am looking forward to our return to celebrate the Advent season with your children.
With gratitude,
Myka Chambers