Weekly news & updates: November 19, 2021
Worship this Sunday, 10am

Join us for Worship this Sunday. It is Christ the King Sunday! Come and declare again that Jesus Christ is the King of all kings and the Lord of all lords! You are part of the kingdom of God.

Arianna Shipp, our organist, is leading the worship music on the piano this Sunday.

Enter the doors facing Stockley Gardens. If you cannot join us in person, you can tune in to online worship. See below for more information.
In-Person Worship*

Where? This Sunday's worship service will be in our sanctuary. Please use the sanctuary entrance that faces Stockley Gardens.

*COVID-19 Mitigation Plan
  • When inside the building, everyone, whether vaccinated or not, must wear masks that are well-fitted.
  • When outside, those who are fully vaccinated do not have to wear a mask, while everyone else must wear masks that are well-fitted.  
  • 6 feet of physical distancing must be maintained by everyone, except for those who are in the same household group. Hugs and handshakes are not allowed.
  • All are required to stay home when sick, and we ask everyone to self-check in at each entrance with our health acknowledgement poster.
Online Worship

*There are 3 different ways you can access our Facebook Live service:
  1. Click here to go to our Facebook page, then scroll down until you see the video of worship
  2. Or click here to go to our Facebook page, then click on "More" on the page menu, then click on "Live"
  3. Or click here to go directly to our "Live" page

*The link and video are viewable even if you don't have a Facebook account.

*Please complete a Connection Card or write your name in the comments so we know you are worshiping with us.

Streaming licenses: Ghent UMC is licensed to stream our FB Live worship services with permission under CCLI #20175590 and One License A-727358. All rights reserved.
Masks Are Required
Face Mask 2
When inside the building, everyone, whether vaccinated or not, must wear masks that are well-fitted. When outside, those who are fully vaccinated do not have to wear a mask, while everyone else must wear masks that are well-fitted.  

Remember that our call is to love our neighbors and to do no harm.

For more details, go to the bottom of this newsletter or the block above.
Our church nursery is open during 10am Worship*
Our church nursery is now open during our 10a.m. worship service for children through age 3. Our safe and responsible nursery workers are CPR certified and fully vaccinated against the Covid-19 virus. Please ask for help from an usher to locate the nursery. Families are also welcome to have children remain in the sanctuary with them. 

*COVID-19 Mitigation Plan (Updated Aug. 2021)
  • When inside the building, everyone [2 years of age or older], whether vaccinated or not, must wear masks that are well-fitted.
  • 6 feet of physical distancing must be maintained by everyone [We understand this may not be possible for children], except for those who are in the same household group. Hugs and handshakes are not allowed.
  • All are required to stay home when sick, and we ask everyone to self-check in at each entrance with our health acknowledgement poster.
Sunday's Traffic Alert
Due to the Harbor Half Marathon & 10k on this Sunday morning, please pay close attention to road closures that may affect your normal driving route to church on Sunday morning.

Click here for a list of road closures and times. And you can also click on the Racing Weekend tab at norfolkharborhalf.com to get more info.
Youth Group Meeting - This Sunday, November 21
Ghent UMC’s youth group for all middle and high school youth will meet Sunday, Nov. 21 at 4:30pm at the church. Please plan to come and invite a friend too! 

Come to the Raleigh Ave. door and ring the doorbell. At this meeting, the group will talk about what they are looking for in a youth group and determine how often to meet. Led by Rev. Ry and his wife Erin, we are a fully inclusive faith community; i.e. welcoming to all.

Check out the picture of the Halloween fun the youth had!

For questions, email Rev. Ry at [email protected]. *Also, please RSVP to the church office so we know to expect you! [email protected].
Greening of the Sanctuary, this Sunday, Nov. 21
Stay after worship on Sunday, November 21 and help decorate our Sanctuary for Advent and Christmas. Come dressed comfortably and have some holiday fun!
Thanksgiving Turkey and Toy Drives
Wesley Community Service Center, of Portsmouth, is asking the UMC community to give to two worthy causes.

1) Help the Center reach their goal of blessing 100 people in the Portsmouth community with turkeys for Thanksgiving. You can donate on PayPal. Search for "Wesley Center."
Or send checks to 1701 Elm Ave. Portsmouth, VA 23704 For more info, call 757. 399.0541.

2) The holiday season is officially upon us, which means the next couple of months will be filled with joy, laughter, and hopefully time with friends and family. To support those families who have had a harder time this year, WCSC is hosting a toy drive to ensure all the children served through the WCSC have something to unwrap this year.
  • Collection dates are November 10 - December 13, 2021.
  • New, unwrapped toys are wanted. Please see a list of desired items at https://tinyurl.com/wesleytoydrive
  • Please send or deliver toys by December 13 to their office in Portsmouth.
Messy Church Photos

Go to our Messy Church Facebook page and see pictures from Sunday's event. The theme was “Sew miraculous!” By working together, we made made 25 no-sew fleece scarves for the homeless. We also decorated our Thanksgiving tree. Thank you to everyone who came out to help! Our next event will be Living Nativity in December.
We're Hiring Nursery Workers!
Ghent United Methodist Church in Norfolk is seeking a nursery worker for our 10a.m. weekly worship service on Sundays. The hours are 9:30-11:30a.m. and the pay is $11 per hour. Experience with childcare preferred. Background checks and COVID vaccination required. CPR training required; will be provided if needed. To apply, contact Lisa King at [email protected].
The Open Table

GUMC is licensed to host The Open Table which is a model in which an at-risk person creates relationships with a small group community volunteers to help meet their goals. It is a transformative process for all involved. Ghent UMC's first table has finished its work!

We will currently forming a 3rd table to begin in January and are seeking volunteers who wish to serve on the table. Full training will be provided.

For more information or to volunteer, leave a message for Faye Joseph at the church office at (757) 622-2843.
Ghent Inspire Book Club
Our next meeting will be Monday, Dec. 20, at 6:30p.m., and take place at one of our book club member’s homes as we will have a Christmas dinner together. We will also finish our discussion on "Original Blessing: Putting Sin in Its Rightful Place" by Danielle Shroyer, starting with section 2. Please come and bring a buddy.

We will move our discussion of "The Universal Christ” by Richard Rohr to January. If you plan to attend on Dec. 20, please contact Lisa King for more details and to RSVP.
Enjoy Advent at Ghent Church! 

  • Come worship at 10a.m. each Sunday of Advent beginning Sunday, Nov. 28. We will have Advent candle lighting, music, and celebration.

  • And save the date for our Living Nativity and Open House. It will be Sunday, Dec. 12, 4:30 - 6:30p.m. More details TBA.
Our Christmas Eve Candlelight Communion Service will be Friday, December 24, at 5p.m.

Christopher Taylor will play the violin, as we prepare our hearts for the birth of our Savior.

Gluten free option will be available for Communion.
Daily Prayer Starter
"Loving God, Keep me alert to the earthly powers and privileges of this world, help me to foster justice and serve your Kingdom…"

For prayer requests, contact Pastor Ryan.
Let’s Stay Healthy @ Ghent UMC
The VA UMC recommends that everyone, who is eligible, be vaccinated against the Covid-19 virus. Please get the shot! The vaccine is the best proven method of protection against the infection. Click here to read more.

We are entering flu season with rising numbers of COVID-19 cases. If you are able, we strongly encourage everyone to get the flu vaccine. Click here to read more.
Wishing You Here
Music Video Project

Ghent Church community’s Tina Micula has a custom song service, Honor a Life Song, which, along with ODU film students and local singers/songwriters, is creating a music video this holiday season. They want the video to lift up those who are experiencing grief, loss, or separation.

If you are experiencing this and/or want to be a part of this project, you may help by submitting photos and/or video footage of a loved one you are missing.

Contributions are also being accepted. Proceeds will help kids who are grieving to create their own custom song. To donate, click here, then scroll to the bottom of the page to purchase a gift card through pay pal.

For more information and/or to become a part of this project, email Tina by clicking here.
The latest topic for the "Get Them Talking" family discussion is all about Generosity. Talk about gratitude and giving cheerfully. Get starters by clicking here for the discussion guide.
In part one of the four-part series on the different set of rules Christians are called to live by, Rev. Pedro Pillot of Asbury UMC in Camden, NJ offers an alternative understanding of growing through giving. Click the image above to watch the video.
Melissa Shaneyfelt decided to give something of herself, an organ from her body, to Kayla Hogan. The two, who connected on Facebook, barely knew each other when Shaneyfelt made up her mind to do it. Now, they celebrate their "kidney-versary" with a party every year. Read their story.
Dismantling Racism
The anti-racism work of The United Methodist Church is just getting started after the first year of the Dismantling Racism Campaign, say bishops and others. Upcoming initiatives include an anti-racism social justice agenda, more educational materials and an Advent devotional series. Jim Patterson reports. Read the story.
The United Methodist Church has stated that we will no longer remain silent nor complicit about racist acts against African Americans but we must act now to become anti-racist individuals and churches! We are asked to pray for Dismantling Racism efforts, as well as, all persons of color who suffer at the hands of injustice, oppression, and white supremacy.

The General Commission on Religion and Race (GCORR) has a compiled a list of things church leaders can do to help anti-racism progress.

As discussions about denominational separation ramp up, bishops started their fall meeting focused on the continuing United Methodist Church and anti-racism work. In this fractious time, Council of Bishops President Cynthia Fierro Harvey urged leaders to stay focused on loving God and neighbor. The bishops also elected new officers. Heather Hahn reports.

Advent will soon be upon us. Check out these new books to help you and your family prepare to celebrate Christ's birth. Read this list of books to help you expectantly wait for Christmas!
Congregations in the West Ohio Conference raised the money that allowed United Methodist missionary Lorraine Charinda to fly 7,500 miles to travel to the U.S. and receive two doses of COVID-19 vaccine. Charinda is a missionary in Congo with the United Methodist Board of Global Ministries. The story made it to CNN. Christina Zdanowicz has the story.
During its Nov. 2 - 5 online meeting, the Council of Bishops approved “A Narrative for the Continuing United Methodist Church” outlining a vision for the church where all will have a home. Click here to read a summary.
Rev. Ry invites everyone to help on Sundays!

There are several opportunities for adults, youth, and children to participate in our worship services. Just put your name or your child's name on the sign up sheet on the Welcome Center table in the back of the sanctuary; or you can click on the following link: Worship Volunteer Opportunities & Sign-Up.

Altar Flowers
In the worship setting, one or two flower arrangements may be placed by the altar. They are given in thanksgiving to God, and often are dedicated in memory of a loved one or in honor of a special event or person. To learn about flower arrangement options and/or to sign up for a Sunday, please contact the church office or click here to sign up.
Pastor Ryan Schaeffer

Pastor Ryan and the church office staff are available by appointment only in order to help keep the preschool healthy from Covid-19. If the appointment is during preschool hours, members and guests may enter through the Raleigh Ave. entrance and go directly to the church or pastor's office. Masks are required to enter the building. To enter, please ring the bell on our Raleigh Ave. door or call the church office, 757-622-2843.

For an appointment with Pastor Ryan, email him at [email protected] or by phone. Please contact the church office for Rev. Ryan's phone number.
Congregational Care In response to Christ's call to love one another, we want the members of our congregation to care for one another. In-person visits are limited currently, however, prayers, phone calls, and mail from the care team are continuing.
For more information, prayer requests, or if you are feeling called to get more involved or become a member of Ghent UMC, contact Pastor Ryan.
Groups & Leadership
Advent Book Study
On Friday, November 12, we began a 5-week Advent Bible study based on Adam Hamilton’s book “Not A Silent Night: Mary Looks Back to Bethlehem.” Weekly on Fridays, 10:30am, we gather at a nearby location. All are welcome to attend. If able, donations are being accepted to help offset the cost of the book ($11), please make checks payable to Ghent UMC. For details and/or to sign up, contact Debbie Bonnewell or the church office.
Children and Youth 
Pastor Ryan delivers a brief Children’s Message each week immediately prior to the Scripture and the adult sermon.

Our MS/HS youth group's next meetup is Sun., Nov. 21, 4:30pm. Ring the Raleigh Ave. door to be let in. Please attend and invite a friend!

Led by Pastor Ryan (a.k.a. Rev. Ry) and his wife Erin, we are a fully inclusive faith community; i.e. welcoming to all.

For more information about children and youth discipleship material and activities, contact Pastor Ryan Schaeffer.
Choir Rehearsals are Wednesdays 7 - 8:30pm in the sanctuary and everyone is invited to join the choir! There will be no more rehearsals prior to Thanksgiving. Practice will resume on Dec. 1.

Let Nellwyn Beamon know that you will be attending, so she knows to let you in the building and can order you a singer's mask. 

*We rehearse with singer’s masks. Also bring your calendars to help plan the year.*

*COVID-19 Mitigation Plan: When inside the building, everyone, whether vaccinated or not, must wear masks that are well-fitted. Read the rest of the Plan in FAQ below.
Ghent Inspire Book Club meets one day each month, usually, at 7:30pm.

Our next meeting will be Monday, Dec. 20, at 6:30p.m., and will take place at one of our book club member’s homes as we will have a Christmas dinner together. We will also finish our discussion on "Original Blessing: Putting Sin in Its Rightful Place" by Danielle Shroyer, starting with section 2. Please come and bring a buddy.
We will move our discussion of "The Universal Christ” by Richard Rohr to January. If you plan to attend on Dec. 20, please contact Lisa King for more details and to RSVP.

For those who don’t have time to read the books, we will have a few general questions in each discussion so that everyone will be able to participate.

For more information or to join the hybrid Zoom/ in-person meetings, contact the church office or visit our Facebook page.
Anyone can play during the Gathering Jam.
Once a month, usually on 2nd Sundays, all ages are invited to bring an instrument and play along during the gathering part of our service at 9:45am. The next Jam will be December 12.
The Homeless Task Force is a group of people from a number of Ghent faith communities and community organizations who meet regularly online to share resources and ideas for serving those who are homeless. A few people from Ghent UMC are actively involved in this group, but more are always welcome. The next meeting of the Homeless Task Force is on Zoom, Wed., Jan. 19 at noon. For more information or if you feel led to answer this calling to help those in need, please contact Faye Joseph at [email protected].

Ghent Church Homeless Committee This committee spearheads the church's ministry to those experiencing homelessness. The last meeting of the Homeless Committee was Tuesday, Sept. 7th. The next meeting is TBA. For more information or to help, please contact the church office.
Sunday Adult Bible Discussion*

Weekly, in-person, discussions are Sundays, 9 - 9:45am. Meet in the sanctuary lobby. Please enter through the Stockley Gardens door.

This group reviews the Bible using the Standard Lesson Quarterly series. To read this discipleship material or for more information, contact Peter Griffin.

*COVID-19 Mitigation Plan: When inside the building, everyone, whether vaccinated or not, must wear masks that are well-fitted. Read the rest of the Plan in FAQ below.
Ghent UMC Preschool operates safely as teachers and students follow the recommendations of the CDC, Dept. of Social Services, and VA UMC Covid-19 protocol.

Friday, our Director said, "We will be closed Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of next week for the Thanksgiving holiday. I wish everyone safe travels and a fun holiday. I would also like to thank all parents for entrusting the care of their children with us. I know it is a strange time with COVID and I truly appreciate and am grateful for the wonderful children, families and staff at GUMP!"

If you or someone know is interested in being a GUMP substitute teacher, email the Director Ann Robertson. Background checks will be completed prior to substituting.
We want to update the plants and shrubs in our memorial garden and along Raleigh Ave. We are planning for the memorial garden to be a tranquil respite; exploring ideas like a prayer tree and Biblical Herb garden for the Raleigh Ave. side. Improvements need to be made to our garden gating, as well. If you want to be a part of the planning, planting, and/or implementation, please contact Debbie Bonnewell.
Christ & St. Luke’s has a community garden on their property which is on the other side of our playground fence. The community is welcome to lend a hand with the garden which provides produce for those who are in need. For more information or if you are interested in helping with the garden, please contact Nicole Pabst.
The next Leadership Team meeting* is TBA in the sanctuary after Worship.

Past minutes and reports are posted on our website. Go to www.ghentumc.org/leadership/

*COVID-19 Mitigation Plan: When inside the building, everyone, whether vaccinated or not, must wear masks that are well-fitted. Read the rest of the Plan in FAQ below.
Frequently Asked Questions related to COVID-19 restrictions
Are we able to gather and worship in person? We are able to gather and worship in person, however, our guests are required to follow our COVID-19 Mitigation Plan.

When inside the building, everyone, whether vaccinated or not, must wear masks that are well-fitted. When outside, those who are fully vaccinated do not have to wear a mask, while everyone else must wear masks that are well-fitted. 6 feet of physical distancing must be maintained by everyone, except for those who are in the same household group. Hugs and handshakes are not allowed. All are required to stay home when sick, and we ask everyone to self-check in at each entrance with our health acknowledgement poster.
How can I get in touch with church staff and the Pastor? You may click here to access their email addresses, or call the church office at 757-622-2843 and leave a message.

Church office will be closed Thursday and Friday for the Thanksgiving holiday.

Pastor Ryan and the church office staff are available by appointment only in order to help keep the preschool healthy from Covid-19. If the appointment is during preschool hours, members and guests may enter, fully masked, through the Raleigh Ave. entrance and go directly to the church or pastor's office.

To enter, please ring the bell on our Raleigh Ave. door or call the church office, 757-622-2843.

For an appointment with Pastor Ryan, email him at [email protected].

For an appointment with the church office staff, email [email protected] or leave a message at the church office 757-622-2843. Our voice mail is monitored, in general, Monday through Friday. Messages will be returned as soon as possible.
How may I offer a tithe or gift? We understand that these are uncertain times for most of us financially, but we want to offer the opportunity for us all to continue to fully participate in worship through the offering of a tithe or gift. Click here to learn of the various ways to give, including access to our online giving portal and instructions on online giving from your bank. Also, you may drop off checks through the mail slot at our Raleigh Ave. entrance. For assistance, contact the church office.
Jesus is for everyone. No exceptions.
A Word of Welcome from Ghent UMC 

Ghent United Methodist Church is called to the affirmation of the sacred worth of all people. We embrace as a gift the diversity of our neighborhood and the world. We acknowledge our human family's diversity in sexual orientation, gender identity, race, ethnicity, language, age, faith history, theological orientation, economic status, education, marital status, abilities, and any other defining feature, real or perceived. Click here to read the message in its entirety.

Click here to read former Pastor's, Melody Tanner, special message for our church and community.
UMCmarket, powered by iGive, helps you generate a donation to Ghent United Methodist Church when you shop online at thousands of retailers. It's win-win-win! 

Shop by starting with OUR LINK at smile.amazon.com/ch/54-0599700 and AmazonSmile will donate 0.5% of your eligible purchases to Ghent United Methodist Church, at no cost to you. Or activate AmazonSmile in the Amazon Shopping app for iOS or Android phones (found under settings on your app).