Steve Ferrebee, local realtor and volunteer reader, with students at Hubbard Elementary School
More than 120 Volunteer readers participate in 230 K-2 classrooms
in Trumbull County
2020 has definitely not turned out to be the year that most of us expected. Fortunately our Read 4 Fun volunteer reading event was held on Feb. 28th, prior to schools being shut down. Volunteers visited 19 school districts and nearly 230 classrooms as part of our Read 4 Fun program in celebration of National Read Across America Day. More than 120 volunteers participated by reading a book to students in kindergarten and first and second grades.
The Read 4 Fun
program is one of three programs under United Way of Trumbull County’s Reading Great by 8 Early Literacy Initiative. The other two programs (ABC Reading Ready and Ready, Set, Go!) are summer literacy intervention programs designed to increase the number of children reading at grade level by grade three.
In celebration of Read Across America Day and our
Read 4 Fun
program, United Way of Trumbull County,
the Eastwood Mall and the Cafaro Foundation
held a reading challenge for K-2 classrooms in all Trumbull County school districts. To qualify, individual classrooms had to complete 8 of 12 reading challenges for a chance to win a field trip to Dr. Seuss’s Big Birthday Bash at the Eastwood Mall!
Of the 12 school districts and 29 classrooms that participated, Valerie Wires’ first-grade classroom from Bristol Elementary School and Megan Wagner’s second-grade classroom from Champion Central Elementary were awarded the field trip to Dr. Seuss’s Big Birthday Bash.
Assisting with Dr. Seuss’s birthday arrangements were students of
Trumbull Career and Technical Center’s Career Paths to the Teaching Profession.
The TCTC students directed a Seuss-related craft and a “One Fish, Two Fish” slideshow presentation about the underwater world, followed by a scavenger hunt at Eastwood Mall's aquarium. Two TCTC students even dressed in costume as Thing One and Thing Two.
The Reading Great by 8 Early Literacy Initiative is funded in part by the Arcelor-Mittal Foundation, the Cafaro Foundation, the Greenwood Foundation, Home Savings, Ronald McDonald House Charities and through a partnership with Trumbull County Educational Service Center’s Striving Readers Comprehensive Literacy Grant.
Scrappy, mascot for The Mahoning Valley Scrappers,
joins the fun by assisting volunteer readers!
Dana Warren-Tolios,
Chemical Bank, reads to students at Lakeview Elementary School.
Tammy Jorgensen,
Home Savings Bank & UWTC Board Member, reads to a classroom of Lakeview students.
Deidre Petrosky,
Mayor of Cortland, read to Lakeview students. This is her first year volunteering for United Way!
and learning at Dr. Seuss’s Big Birthday Bash!
for participating and winning the Seuss-tastic Reading Challenge!
As kids spend time at home this spring and summer, United Way of Trumbull County presents Read-Aloud Wednesdays! With special permission from publishers, volunteer readers are able to read to children through the magic of video so they can enjoy the experience from the comfort and security of home.
Our readers so far have included:
If you are interested in reading, we will help you select a book that is approved for reading aloud online. Our
registration page
is complete with tips and tricks on how to make your video engaging for your audience - kids! Check out videos from other volunteers on Facebook for more ideas on how to create a fun reading experience for all to enjoy!
Visit our
page for the next book in our READ ALOUD series!
Helping Kids Enter Kindergarten Ready to Succeed
Ohio Governor's Imagination Library comes to Trumbull County
United Way of Trumbull County is committed to helping kids read at grade level by 3rd grade. And thanks to the Ohio Governor's Imagination Library, this initiative is going another step further to help every child reach their full potential. Through the Ohio Governor's Imagination Library, a child will receive a FREE age-appropriate book mailed directly to their home each month until their fifth birthday. All families in Trumbull County with children
birth to age five
are eligible to enroll.
Due to COVID - 19, we jump started this new program to encourage kids and families to read together as they stayed home together.
Nearly 900 kids registered in Trumbull County
If you are interested in learning more or to register a child to receive FREE books, click the button below.
More than 85,000 households in Trumbull County struggle to afford the basic necessities of housing, childcare, food, transportation, health care and technology.
For the many people that have lost their jobs the
struggle is even more difficult.
Social service agencies that serve people in need have a shortage of food and supplies. The demand for assistance is greater than it was only a few months ago.
We know that the impacts of this crisis will not be short-term but will have long-lasting effects on families and individuals in Trumbull County. United Way of Trumbull County has joined with local foundations to assess the short-term and long-term needs of the community and to work together to prioritize and address critical needs as they are identified
We would like to take this opportunity to thank
corporate sponsors, donors, and community members for putting their trust in our organization and believing in the impact of our mission during this unprecedented time.
Throughout this newsletter, you will see examples of how United Way of Trumbull County has responded to meet the unique challenges we have faced as a community during the last few months.
We're looking out for you!
United Way of Trumbull County supports the economic stability and well-being of our community, which makes us especially concerned about the COVID-19 pandemic. Below is a regularly-updated list of community resources and trustworthy informational links related to COVID-19.
Reducing the Spread of COVID -19
My mask protects you, your mask protects me!
As the COVID-19 virus began its spread, the availability of personal protective equipment (PPE) was difficult to find. To protect our front-line healthcare workers, the rest of us have been asked to avoid purchasing medical-grade masks so they are available for medical staff who are putting themselves at risk every day.
Because the CDC guidelines recommends the wearing of face masks to reduce the spread, the Trumbull County Combined Health District asked United Way of Trumbull County to take the lead on distributing non-medical grade masks to the local community.
“As we enter the next phase of our fight against COVID-19, it is imperative that we all do our part to reduce the spread of the virus in our communities,” said Trumbull County Health Commissioner Frank Migliozzi . “In addition to social distancing, another way that we can do that is by the wearing of face masks when out in public. By each of us making this one small effort, it can help reduce the threat of spreading the virus to those with whom we share a common area, such as in grocery stores and other places of business.
So far, United Way has distributed over
1,000 masks
to our community!
One of United Way of Trumbull County's first mask deliveries was to
the employees of
Ohio Living at Lake Vista in Cortland, Ohio.
Photo from left to right:
Delinda Reiter, District Manager, Dollar General; Ginny Pasha, President of United Way of Trumbull County; and
Amy McCollum, Director of Business Development, Lake Vista.
“The masks are very important because safety is our No. 1 priority right now. We have to keep our residents safe. Our employees have to continue to practice social distancing and wearing masks while they’re out. We have to keep everyone working together for the benefit of our entire community.” Amy McCollum, Lake Vista
Northeast Ohio Children's Rehabilitation Center in Howland is a pandemic childcare center. Volunteers were especially happy to make masks for kids as an added layer of protection to keep them and their families safe. The rehabilitation center is a United Way of Trumbull County partner agency specializing in pediatric rehabilitation.
United Way appreciates the
local volunteers who have
spent countless hours
sewing masks, Dollar General
for providing collection sites,
and JoAnn Fabrics in Niles for
providing masks and a
discount on materials.
Essential Workers - Making the Sacrifice
Honoring our front line and essential workers with Thankful Acts of Kindness
United, we have recognized our front-line essential workers through our THANKFUL ACTS OF KINDNESS social media series. On Tuesdays
for the past several weeks, individuals, organizations and businesses were nominated on social media and then selected for the outstanding work they have done during these challenging times. In appreciation, United Way presented those selected with a THANKFUL ACTS OF KINDNESS, a small gift purchased through a local business. The initiative provides support for our local entrepreneurs while recognizing the exceptional work of those working hard to make a difference in our community. Those honored to date include
St. Joseph Warren Hospital, Clear Skies Ahead Direct Support Professionals, Save-a-Lot
in Warren,
SCOPE Senior Services, Trumbull Mental Health and Recovery Board
, and
Dylan Ellsworth
of Champion. Thank you to everyone who supported our essential workers through donations, nominations and kind words!
Dylan Ellsworth holds up an article in the Tribune Chronicle where he was recognized for his creativity and thoughtfulness in entertaining residents in nursing homes and assisted living facilities. He was concerned for them because they could no longer see friends and family and he wanted to do something to help.
This is Dylan in his favorite costume, Mr. Potato Head, as he greets and entertains residents through windows at nursing homes. His mom,
Traci Ellsworth , also helped by working with Dylan to create hundreds of pieces of artwork to be given to residents as a "thinking of you" gift.
Seventy-eight Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) from
Clear Skies Ahead, LLC were recognized for providing exceptional in-home support to the developmentally disabled during the pandemic. Attendance remained high and even improved in spite of the daily risk. Each DSP was given Ritual Earth bath salts, Avon Skin So Soft products, and treats.
Just Pizzelles owner Christina Benton is seen here in her shop with bags of individually wrapped treats. Each employee at
Save-a-Lot and the
Mental Health and Recovery Board received 4 cookies decorated with a United Way blue ribbon. The cookies are always a big hit!
Employees of
SCOPE Senior Services were nominated and selected for their delivery of food to seniors who are at high risk for COVID-19. Volunteers have been difficult to recruit due to fears of catching and spreading the disease. The staff at SCOPE stepped up and made deliveries making sure to wear masks and remain socially distant.
employees were treated to
a meal from locally owned
Vasilio's Restaurant and Pizzeria
in Cortland.
It is no surprise that the
Trumbull Mental Health and Recovery Board was nominated for a Thankful Act of Kindness. During the pandemic, as people have been disconnected from family and friends and routines have been disrupted, mental health has become front and center. The Trumbull Mental Health and Recovery Board has been there to support us during these uncertain times. However, they are
always here for our community to address mental health iss
ues, addiction, substance abuse and more.
All of us know someone whose life has been impacted by one of these issues. The Trumbull Mental Health and Recovery Board is there to offer hope and help.
Just Pizzelles
Christina Benton
Independent Avon Representative,
Georgann Learn, provided these items at cost!
Ritual Earth
Heather Anderson
Women United host Diaper Drive
United Way of Trumbull County recently surveyed our community to determine the most pressing needs that have emerged during the COVID-19 pandemic and the economic strain it has created. The need for diapers was one of the most common answers we received. To address the need, Women United held a diaper drive and collected over $500 in diapers. T
hanks to Joeann Coleburn, Women United Steering Committee member, most were
collected by
Litco International Inc,
in Vienna. Diapers will be distributed to families in need in Trumbull County.
To learn more about
Women United
, call Christine Cope at 330-207-2065 or 330-369-1000 ext. 28. You may also send an email to
Joeann Coleburn, Human Resources
Litco International, Inc.
Cindy D'Amico, RN
Trumbull Regional
Medical Center
Learn more about Cindy and her exceptional career as a nurse -
UWTC Facebook
Sharonda Moore, RN
Harbor Light Hospice
Learn more about Sharonda and how Hospice is where she belongs -
UWTC Facebook
Linda Tominey, RN BSN CDE
Trumbull Regional
Medical Center
Learn more about Linda and her extensive work and her role as a Diabetes Coordinator -
Nurses Week
is a special week dedicated to honor and appreciate the contributions of nurses. This year, as our community faces a
, we realize more than ever the importance of nursing and nurses. Traditionally the celebration is held from May 6 to May 12, however in 2020, the celebration lasted the entire month of May. To honor and thank our nurses, we highlighted the special work they do on social media.
UNITED WAY and our community thanks you for your hard work and dedication!
St. Joseph Warren Hospital
Emergency RN's
St. Joseph Hospital
Intensive Care Nurses
Mercy Health Home Care Nurses
Teacher Appreciation Week 2020
Teacher Appreciation Week
is celebrated during the first full week of May each year. In
, it was held from May 4-8. This has been an unusual year and teachers who have stepped up to meet the unusual challenge of teaching and engaging students virtually with innovative and creative teaching methods that have challenged traditional methods.
from all of us at United Way,
your students, their families, and our community!
Ms. Rebekah Loveland
Niles Primary School
Mr. Patrick Carney
Badger High School
Miss Erica Cameron
Bristol Elementary School
To better inform the current crisis on race in the United States, United For ALICE is providing a preview of data from their 2020 ALICE Report for the United States. Throughout the year, United for ALICE will release in-depth reports for ALICE partner states, followed by the release of the national data set at the end of the year.
Who is ALICE? ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) households have income above the Federal Poverty Level, but below the ALICE Threshold — the income needed to afford the most basic household budget. ALICE households earn too much to qualify as “poor,” but are still unable to make ends meet. They often work as cashiers, nursing assistants, office clerks, servers, laborers, and security guards. These types of jobs are
vital to keeping our economy running smoothly, but they do not provide adequate wages to cover the basics of housing, child care, food, transportation, health care, and technology for these ALICE workers and their families. Together with households in poverty, ALICE households represent just over 40% of all households in the U.S.
The Greater Youngstown - Warren Urban League
Christy House Emergency Shelter
United Way of Trumbull County supports the
Christy House
through our annual campaign to help provide temporary shelter for homeless persons. The non-profit provides hot meals for persons staying at the shelter and referrals to other agencies to meet specific needs. When you donate to United Way of Trumbull County, you may choose to designate all or a portion of your donation to help the
Christy House
help those in need.
See our campaign corner below to learn more about how you can be eligible to win this new Chevy Trax or $15,000 in cash!
Ginny Pasha and Greg Greenwood of
Greenwood Chevrolet stopped by the
Christy House to meet with Thomas Conley from the
Greater Warren-Youngstown Urban League. Greg requested a special tour to learn more about the positive work being done by our partner agencies.
We invite anyone who wants to learn more about all the good work being done in Trumbull County to request a tour and witness the work of our agencies first hand.
are already leading the 2020 campaign that will start in full force beginning late August. Thanks to the generosity of
Greenwood Chevrolet
, if you donate $5 per week or $260 a year, you will be eligible to
WIN this 2020 Chevy Trax or $15,000 in cash
through the
Greenwood Chevrolet Extra Mile Giveaway!
If you do not have the opportunity to donate through a workplace campaign, you may donate online, send a check to our office, or call for other options. Help make our community an even better place to live while giving yourself a chance to WIN this beautiful car!
A special thank you to Greenwood Chevrolet, The Greenwood Family,
and the Chevy All Stars for providing this campaign incentive for over a decade.
United Way of Trumbull County is proud to invite you to watch the first in a new series of videos. First up is Ginny Pasha and Eric Lanham who share highlights from the past year. Learn more and register
As plans are changing rapidly due to
COVID - 19, We ask that you visit our website for updates on this annual day of service traditionally held in August. We will keep you posted through emails, social media and our website.
Thank You for Supporting
Nine is Fine!
We would like to thank all who were able to participate in this year's Nine is Fine Golf Outing & Mixer held at Trumbull Country Club on June 25th.
Thank you to our sponsors, volunteers and participants listed below. We couldn't do what we do if it weren't for all of you!
And Congratulations to our Team Winner (photo shown),
Stanwade Metal Products
Tim Woofter, Steve Woofter, Jim Morris and Larry Waters and 50/50 Putting Contest winners, Tim Woofter and Steve Woofter, with Tim Woofter taking the pot following a random drawing between the two.
Thanks again to
Stanwade Metal Products
, Silver Sponsor;
Cortland Bank
, Putting Contest Sponsor and our holes sponsors, teams and mixer participants from
Becdel Controls Inc.
Family & Community Services
Help Network of Northeast Ohio
Home Savings Bank
ONE Health Ohio at Youngstown
Paige & Byrnes Insurance
Potential Development Program
St Joseph Warren Hospital
Trumbull Industries
Ultium Cells LCC
, Western Reserve Building Trades,
Laborers' Local 935
717 Credit Union
Farmers National Bank
TEMA Roofing Services, LLC
, The Title Company of Warren,
and the
American Red Cross of Northern Ohio
United in helping children and families thrive in Trumbull County.
To inspire and build a community where everyone has the opportunity to reach their full potential.