Prayer and Praise
September 18, 2019

Presently Global Missions is ministering in 46 countries.
Through the outreaches of Open Bible churches overseas, 1,737,460 people received Christ between 2017-2018.
Missionaries Bill and Fayth McConnell hold Bible studies at a teen boys’ prison each Thursday. Fayth shares: “I wish all of you could have visited the prison with us last week. We had a great time with the boys and a great lesson about the Ten Commandments. A lot of questions were asked and we got to meet a new boy, named Luis. Luis is 14 and has lived on the streets of Mexico since his mom abandoned him at the age of 11. He doesn’t have a father in his life and his older brother, Jesus, whom we met about a year ago, is at a different youth prison. We spent time talking to Luis and praying with him. Please join us in praying for Luis and the other boys at the teen boys’ prison. They are amazing kids who have deep hurts and have not received much love or care in their lives. They need transformation by the power of Jesus Christ.” Please pray for Bill and Fayth as they minister to the boys today.

For more information about the McConnells' ministry in Mexico or to become a one-time or monthly donor, please click here .
Missionaries Ron and Linda Wilson share: “Kyampo Orphanage is in a very remote village in Uganda. Please pray for these children who have had much pain and uncertainty in their lives. They now have a new family, a nice place to live, and are learning about their Father in heaven.”

For more information about the Wilsons' ministry
or to become a one-time or monthly donor, please click here .

Missionaries Mike and Nancy Juntunen were invited to go with Pastor Simi and Gabi, pastors of the Open Bible Church in Gherla, Romania, to minister at a nursing home. Mike shares: “I was asked to greet the people and share something from Scripture at a nursing home in a village not far from Gherla. It was a beautiful day so we held the service outside. After the service we distributed packages of cookies to the residents and visited with them."

Mike shares: “I will speak this weekend at the Open Bible church in Gherla. The following weekend Nancy and I will go to Hungary where I will minister in the Open Bible churches there on Saturday and Sunday. I will speak about the baptism of the Holy Spirit and would appreciate your prayers.”
For more information about the Juntunens' ministry in Romania or to become a one-time or monthly donor, please click here .

To view the Juntunen's most recent newsletter,
please click here .

Open Bible Missionaries
Please take a moment to lift our missionaries and their families up in prayer today. May God bless and anoint their ministries and grant them favor with those to whom they are ministering to. Pray also that God will provide for all of their needs financially, physically, and spiritually.
Last year many of you prayed for and donated to the Cambodia Global Harvest Offering. Even though this building isn’t completely finished yet, it is already impacting lives. Global Missions’ newest work is in the country of Haiti. We want to build a new orphanage for 50 children, an elementary school for 300 children in first through seventh grades, and a medical clinic that will serve hundreds of children and youth who have no way to receive any type of medical care or treatment for common illnesses and injuries requiring medication.

Please join the Mission Haiti team through a donation to help rescue lives of hundreds of children from malnutrition, lack of health care, and poverty. The children’s families and the community will also be impacted spiritually as the Gospel is spread because a church is also being built by Jamaica Open Bible Churches on this same property. Online donations may be made by clicking here . You may also send a check payable to Open Bible Churches to the national office (2020 Bell Ave, Des Moines, IA 50315), writing Mission Haiti in the memo line. Global Missions along with our global Open Bible families are grateful for your unwavering support and partnership. The impact through Mission Haiti will help the next generation to rise above tragedy and despair so they can bring hope and salvation to the entire country.
For more information about Mission Haiti ministry
or to become a one-time or monthly donor, please click here .
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version of this publication to share with your congregation
or with other interested individuals.

Thank you for praying and caring.
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