St. Patrick Parish News & Updates

October 21, 2022 | Issue 41

A Word from the Pastor

October 21, 2022

In a previous life (as a young priest in Buffalo), a great deal of my energy was directed toward ministry with young people. Even during my 12 years in the Philippines, a lot of my time was spent in the formation of young men and women who felt called to ministry. I always rejoice when I can lift up “the young Church” and sing the praises of youth and those who work with them.

Our parish faith formation programs are experiencing a revival after a couple years of major challenges due to Covid. Many children and their parents are preparing for the celebration of the First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. Our Confirmation program is also enjoying a strong return. 

We have begun a monthly Family Mass which has been very well received. The next one will be on Sunday October 30 at 9:00 am. Several young people will be baptized during this Mass. Members of our youth ministry team have once again joined me in occasionally offering their reflections as a part of my homily at the 5:00 pm Mass. Last Sunday two young ladies shared beautiful reflections on prayer in their lives.

Next month, seventeen of our youth and adult leaders will attend the National Catholic Youth Conference (NCYC) in Long Beach on November 10-12. NCYC is normally only held in odd numbered years. For the first time since 1989 it is being held west of Texas and for the first time since 1983 it’s being held in California. I am excited that our young people will be able to attend. Next week, we will provide you with an opportunity to offer financial assistance to those who will attend.

Our Confirmation candidates and their families recently had the opportunity to hear a nationally recognized youth ministry speaker, Katherine Angulo Valenzuela, offer them encouragement and challenges in living their faith. She spoke one day in Spanish and then another day in English. When I had an opportunity to talk privately with her, she spoke so highly about the young people of our parish and their families. She also praised our youth ministry team and youth ministers.

We also have so many reasons to sing the praises of our parish school. Our dedicated teachers and staff minister on a daily basis with almost 470 young people. Not only does our school provide a strong academic program; faith formation is a high priority. Special emphasis has been directed in recent years to Catholic identity. Our school works with families in so many ways to ensure a strong partnership between family, school and parish. At a recent meeting we had with a diocesan official, he referred to our school as “a model school.”

These are just a few of the reasons why I am so happy to sing the praises of the Young Church of Today here at St. Patrick’s. 

In one Heart,

Fr. Ron 

[email protected]

November is the Month of

All Souls

Our custom as Catholics is to offer special prayers during the month of November for All Souls (all those who have died). Here at St. Patrick’s we have two special ways that this happens.

On Wednesday, November 2 (the Day of the Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed), we will have a special bilingual Mass at 7:00 pm. During this Mass, we will read the names of all those who have died during the last year. A candle will be lit in honor of each of these dear departed loved ones. Fr. Ron has sent a letter to each family of parishioners who died in the last year. If you did not receive it, contact the parish office.

In addition, during the month of November we have a Novena of Masses for All Souls. This takes place November 3-11. Anyone is welcome to submit names of deceased loved ones to be remembered during these Masses. There is an envelope in the regular packet of envelopes you received in the mail. Simply write the names of your deceased loved ones on the envelope, enclose a donation of any amount, and place it in the regular collection. Additional envelopes are available at the main doors of the church, or just use a plain envelope. These envelopes will remain on the altar throughout the month of November.

Celebrate All Saints and All Souls in the Home

As we approach Halloween and the feasts of All Saints and All Souls, it would be worthwhile to consider how to observe these occasions as Catholics. In particular, how can we bring the real meaning of these celebrations into our homes.

The link below contains an article about the real meaning and the origins of these feast days. There are some free links as well as prayer services that you can purchase.

Read here...

Altars – Day of the Dead

Día de los Muertos is a Mexican tradition dating back 3,000 years that honors the memories of the deceased. Altars are built with pictures of their deceased loved ones along with items that belonged to them as well as their favorite foods as a reminder of their lives. On Sunday, October 30th, after all Masses, Altars will be on display in the small parking lot. If you would like to participate in this event, please call the Parish Office and ask for Deacon Miguel. 

To read more, click below.

Día de los Muertos: A Celebration of here

To Not Worship You

This praise and worship song challenges the listener to think about why we worship the Lord. It is by Mercy Me.

The Issues Facing California

As elections are upon us, we look for guidance on the key issues based on Catholic Social Teaching. The California Catholic Conference (CCC) is the official public policy voice of the Catholic Church in California. They advocate with policy makers and the public to advance the Catholic vision of human life and dignity, the good society and concern for those who are poor and vulnerable. They offer education to Catholics and the general public. They seek to empower Catholics to put their faith into action consistent with Catholic teaching.

The attached handout from the CCC offers a brief summary of the priorities identified by the Bishops of California. As you read through them, you will see that many of them apply to issues and candidates in this year’s election. While it does not say how to vote, it can serve as a guide in evaluating positions and policies of candidates, the platforms of political parties, and the morality of the various propositions on the ballot. Remember: no candidate or political party matches up 100% to Catholic Social Teaching. Choose wisely!

Watch Daily and Sunday Masses Livestreamed from  St. Patrick Church here:
Online Giving Reminder

Please remember to log in to your Online Giving account to make sure your payment method is up to date and that your gifts are being processed.

Please support the Parish Construction and Repair Fund using Online Giving

For help with forgotten passwords, please contact Online Giving technical support at 800.348.2886, ext. 2.
Click on the Online Giving logo below to create or access your account.
We appreciate your support!

Catholic Trivia

"Catholic Trivia”... not because they are trivial but because these might be things that not everyone knows. Test your knowledge by reading the five questions, remember your answers (or jot them down), then click the link below to find the answers.

  1. In what city was St. Paul born?
  2. What was his original name?
  3. Where did Paul meet the risen Jesus and experience his conversion?
  4. Where in the Bible do we read about the conversion of St. Paul?
  5. According to tradition, where did Paul die?

Feel free to email Fr. Ron with ideas for future Catholic Trivia questions [email protected]
If you have other members of your family or your friends who would like to be on our email list, just let me know or write to Mary McLain at [email protected] We will be pleased to add them.

Masses are available on our website

Answers to Catholic Trivia here!
Online Giving
Read all of Fr. Ron's newsletters here

Thirtieth Sunday of Ordinary Time – Year C

First Reading

Sirach 35:12-14,16-18

God hears the prayer of the poor.

Responsorial Psalm

Psalm 34:2-3,17-18,19, 23

The Lord hears and answers the cry of the poor.

Second Reading

2 Timothy 4:6-8,16-18

Paul perseveres in faith, confident that God will rescue him.

Gospel Reading

Luke 18:9-14

Jesus tells the parable of the proud Pharisee who prayed from his self-importance and the tax collector who prayed humbly.

Background on the Gospel Reading

The second parable that Jesus tells in Luke 18 addresses attitude in prayer. In contrasting the prayer of the Pharisee with the prayer of the tax collector, Jesus teaches his disciples to pray in humility before God. Jesus again surprises his listeners by showing the tax collector as the example of faith, rather than the Pharisee. Remember that Pharisees were members of a sect of Judaism active in Jesus' time. They taught an oral interpretation of the Law of Moses as the basis for Jewish piety. If anyone would be a model for prayer, a Pharisee was a likely candidate. In contrast, Jesus offers the tax collector as a model for prayer. Tax collectors were collaborators with the Roman authorities in a system that allowed the tax collectors to line their own pockets by charging in excess of the defined taxes. Yet, in this parable, Jesus offers the humility of the tax collector as a model for the prayer of a disciple. The parable reminds us that when we pray, we must remember our need for God in our lives. If we are too full of ourselves, there is too little room for God's grace to work in us.

Read here for Another Reflection for the Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

The Lord Hears the Cry of the Poor

This Sunday’s Responsorial Psalm comes from Psalm 34. Many musical renditions have been made of it but this one is one of the more well-known compositions. It was composed by John Foley, SJ.

Next Family Mass

The October Family Mass will take place on Sunday, October 30 at the 9:00 am Mass. Included in this month’s Mass will be the Baptism of a few of our young children.

Join us and bring the whole family.

Learning about the Priesthood

On Saturday, November 12, the Diocese of San Diego is hosting an Explorer Day for those men who are interested in exploring a possible vocation to the priesthood. The day will be held at St. Francis Center on the campus of the University of San Diego (5998 Alcalá Park, San Diego 92110) from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. If living a life of service for Christ and the people of God is attractive to you, take advantage of the opportunity to attend this upcoming Explorer Day. Pick up an application at our parish office, or call Fr. Eric Tamayo at St. Francis Center at (619) 291-7446.

Marriage Enrichment

Worldwide Marriage Encounter celebrates the love you have for your spouse and helps you to build, expand, and deepen that relationship. Join us for the upcoming November 11-13 Weekend Experience at the Country Inn & Suites in San Diego. Food and lodging are provided, a voluntary donation is requested at the end of the weekend. For many couples "Their Weekend" is one of the most significant experiences of their marriages. Sign up today at

Tamale Sale - Pre-Order: on Saturday, November 5

The Spanish Ministries of our parish will be selling tamales on Saturday, November 5th, 2022. All funds raised will go towards Our Lady of Guadalupe festivities. Pork and chicken traditional Mexican tamales wrapped in a corn husk are sold at $25.00 a dozen, or $3.00 each individual tamale. Place your order by calling Lola, 1-760-712-2029. Last day to pre-order is November 3, 2022. Tamales will be ready to be picked up on November 5th, between 1:00pm - 6:30pm in the Parish Hall kitchen.

Venta de Tamales - sábado, 5 de noviembre 

Los ministerios de la comunidad hispana estarán vendiendo tamales sábado, 5 de noviembre. Todos los fondos recaudados serán usados para la celebración de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe. Se venden tamales de puerco y pollo a $25.00 la docena o $3.00 por cada tamal. Llame a Lola, 760-712-2029, para ordenar sus tamales. El último día para hacer su pedido es el día 3 de noviembre. Sus tamales estarán listos para recogerse el 5 de noviembre de 1:00pm a 6:30pm en la cocina del salón parroquial. 

Annual Fall Food Drive

St. Patrick's Parish Knights of Columbus Council 15076 will be hosting our annual Fall food drive to benefit the North County Branch of the San Diego Food Bank. This drive will be held from October 8/9 thru October 29/30. The main donation station will be at the entrance to the Parish Hall facing the church. Look for the Knights and the red food donation barrels. Non-perishable food (no glass, please) and monetary donations will be greatly appreciated.

Salud Mental y Fe...clic aqui

Un Saludo de parte del Diacono Miguel,

En aquel tiempo, Jesús dijo esta parábola sobre algunos que se tenían por justos y despreciaban a los demás, "Dos hombres subieron al templo para orar: uno era fariseo y el otro, publicano. El fariseo, erguido, oraba así en su interior: 'Dios mío, te doy gracias porque no soy como los demás hombres: ladrones, injustos y adúlteros; tampoco soy como ese publicano. Ayuno dos veces por semana y pago el diezmo de todas mis ganancias”. El fariseo es un hombre religioso, que desea cumplir lo que Dios le esta pidiendo. Los judíos devotos oraban tres veces al día, asistir al Templo que era el lugar más sagrado, y ayunar dos veces por semanas. Dios les pide esto para que sus corazones sean transformados a un corazón como el de él, que es un corazón de amor y misericordia. Pero esto no sucede con el fariseo en esta parábola de este domingo, el fariseo “cree” que como está cumpliendo con todo lo que es requerido bajo la Ley de Moisés, se siente orgulloso y autosuficiente, siente que él mismo se ha ganado la salvación. Pero tengamos cuidado, que podemos caer en la misma actitud y pensamiento del fariseo. También nosotros miramos los pecados de otros y pensamos, “qué bueno que mi pecado no es como el de esa persona”. A nosotros no nos corresponde calificar quien tiene los pecados mas grandes. Estemos consientes en la manera que oramos a Dios, que podamos acercarnos a Dios con humildad y con honestidad, y confiando en su amor para nosotros.

Otra Reflexión. Haga clic aquí.


Hablemos de Humildad

Estudios Bíblicos en Español del Padre Ricardo Chinchilla, cjm... clic aquí

3821 Adams Street

Carlsbad, California 92008


  • The Chapel of Our Lady of Guadalupe is open

  • Our parish offices are open, Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 12:30pm and 1:30 to 4:30pm

  • In case of emergency, you can always reach a priest. Call the parish number 760-729-2866 and press number 6 which will connect you directly to one of our priests.

  • If you know someone who does not receive our emails, please forward this to them, or have them reply to this message.

To email a priest at St. Patrick Church click the address below:

[email protected]

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