Safety Precautions
Students can request in-person lessons, pending teacher and room availability. At this time, group classes will be offered online only.

We will be following guidelines and rules set by the CDC/county/state/nation. If Forsyth County schools move to 100% online learning, HMA will also do so.

Please read our rules and safety precautions below.

Face Mask 2
Hand Sanitizer 2
  • Masks will be required for everyone. Teachers will also be wearing face shields.

  • Everyone will be required to wash/sanitize their hands upon entering/exiting.

  • Surfaces will be wiped before/between/after lessons. This includes door handles, keys, benches, music stands, etc.

  • Waiting areas will be closed. Students/parents should enter/exit on time, to avoid gathering in the corridor.

  • Only one additional person per student allowed.

  • No one with any signs of illness will be allowed inside.
Your safety is of utmost importance! Anyone who violates any of the above safety precautions will be asked to leave and have their lessons online. 

The Hawks reserve the right to terminate lessons for any repeating offenders.
Hawk Music Academy |