Which brings us to Mark Steyn’s clear thinking at Hillsdale College:
“For well over a year now, we have been living in a world in which it’s accepted as normal that the state has essentially unlimited power - and in which our freedom to decide for ourselves has been diminished almost to invisibility. Why do these conservative politicians think the words ‘radical socialist agenda’ still scare anyone in a time when the state can tell us whether we can have Aunt Mabel over for Christmas? They are completely out of touch.
“Think of it. Your daughter has been training since she was a little girl to run in school sports. Now at 17, she’s in the state high school track championships, and you are forbidden even to notice that she’s competing against a woman who is 6 ft 2 in height with thighs like tugboats, a great touch of five o’clock shadow on her face, and the most muscular bosom you’ve ever seen. You’re not supposed to notice the craziness of this, and the craziness is at its craziest right here in America.
“In general, our leaders are urgent about nothing that matters and not in the least bit urgent about things that matter very much.”1
We have arrived at this point, our kairos, because American Christendom abandoned the public square over the last 100 years. With its heretical and flawed operating model of “butts, budgets, and buildings” the Church’s impact on the culture has been so small as to be meaningless.
All that there is to dominate is now dominated by secularism’s ekklesia, altering and distorting the values, views, politics, and laws of the nation. Culture, after all, is nothing but the public manifestation of religion.
The National Education Association [NEA], the nation’s largest teacher’s union, recently approved a plan to implement Critical Race Theory [CRT] in 14,000 school districts across all 50 states. It teaches children to hate each other and to hate their country, all in the spirit of cultural Marxism.2
Washington State’s AG Bob Ferguson, the secularized U.S. Supreme Court, and National Education Association [NEA] Marxists would do well to heed the Scriptural warning that “it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God.” Cautioning those who defy His unending order, Solomon in Proverbs 17:11 warned that “a cruel messenger shall be sent against him.”
In the words of Jewish Hebrew scholar Michael V. Fox: “If a man rebels against the king, a human messenger is sent to punish him. If he rebels against God’s word, punitive angels are dispatched. It is possible that the punishment is executed by angels, because God himself, as this socially conservative book sees it, defends the political order, if it is just.”
With the removal of the Bible from public education by the radicalized secular Warren Court in 1963 - labelled “the most liberal court in U.S. history” - contemporary America is devoid of any spiritual discernment, along with its piddling understanding of the things of God.
Spiritually, we find an emasculated Church, a dejected nation, a desecrated heritage and history, and a morally defunct Sanhedrin [i.e., U.S. Supreme Court], having been beguiled by Satan’s “deceitful workers.”3
Would the NEA want to learn that boys and girls in public education are “dead in trespasses and sins”? Or that man should live and be instructed by Christ? Or how men and women are made alive spiritually? Or how a man can’t live before he is born; nor can a dead man regulate his behavior?4
With God removed from it in the 20th century, public education is caught up in an absolute death spiral and beyond the possibility of rehabilitation. Early American education, which launched the meteoric rise of America, fully understood that no man can live Godward until he has been born again. Or as Charles Spurgeon put it: “Ever is it the nature of the disease of sin to proceed from bad to worse; men never weary of sinning but rather increase their speed in the race of iniquity.”
Lulled to sleep by Satan, American Christendom can recover or come to life again by returning prayer to America’s churches, prioritizing disciples of Christ over converts, and relocating Jesus’ ekklesia Kingdom assignment of Matthew 16:18 from inside the church building to the public square outside.
If we are to make it through, every church all across America should nominate a pastor, elder, deacon, or congregant to run for local office - city council, school board, county commissioner, parks and recreation, etc. - in 2022, 2024, 2026, and thereafter.
Gideons and Rahabs are invited to please stand.
David Lane
American Renewal Project
1. imprimis.hillsdale.edu/increasingly-unrecognizable-civilization/
2. dailycaller.com/2021/07/05/nea-teachers-union-crt-christopher-rufo/?utm_source=piano&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=ICYMI%20RW&pnespid=1O5w8OVEGRyNYfpUcuD9spQYgqeFvEvQquSHXCKX
3-4. A.W. Pink, Exposition of the Gospel of John.