April Membership Meeting
Monday, April 1
7:30 PM
International Student House
1825 R Street NW

The April meeting will welcome two speakers:
  • Steve Callcott, Dupont Circle resident and Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer for the District of Columbia, will make a presentation on historic preservation laws and principles -- “Historic Preservation 101” -- followed by Q&A. 

  • Don Alexander Hawkins, a local architect and architectural historian, will present his report on the zoning issues involved in the subdivision of the Masonic Temple lot, which was commissioned by DCCA.

April is also the month for new board nominations. The DCCA Nominating Committee will present its slate. Nominations from the floor also accepted for any member in good standing. The Annual Meeting and Election will take place on Monday May 6.

Our meetings are always free and open to the public. Bring a friend or neighbor. Only members can vote on resolutions or in elections. Join or renew your membership at www.dupont-circle.org
Gardening: Straighten Up and Grow People Park at 17th & New Hampshire
Saturday, March 30
9:00 AM
17th and New Hampshire Avenue

Join us as we freshen up the T Street Parks. Bring a rake if you have one. Wear hat and sunscreen. Sun is called for. Gossip guaranteed.

Meet at the white benches in the people park at 17th and New Hampshire. No experience needed. Children welcome.
The Andersons and Japan Lecture
The Andersons and Japan
Friday, March 29
6:30 PM
Anderson House
2118 Massachusetts Avenue, NW

Commemorate the 113th anniversary of the completion of Anderson House with an exploration of key Japanese works in the Anderson collection presented by Victoria Weston, associate professor of art at the University of Massachusetts Boston. Professor Weston will focus particular attention on the origins and meanings of works the Andersons purchased during their honeymoon. Nearly two dozen objects from the Andersons’ collection have been lent to the McMullen Museum of Art at Boston College for the exhibition.

Admission is free. The lecture will last approximately 45 minutes, followed by refreshments and birthday cake. Click here for more information.
First Friday - Art in the Heart of Dupont
Friday, April 5
6:00-8:00 p.m.
Dupont Circle

A longstanding Dupont Circle tradition, First Friday Dupont offers the ability to connect with modern and contemporary art by national and international artists with a special emphasis on local and up and coming artists. Enter the heart of DC’s art scene the first Friday of every month from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.

Click here for more First Friday information.
Dupont Circle Village Gala
Friday, April 26th
6:00 - 9:00 PM
American Geophysical Union
2000 Florida Avenue, NW

Join some of the brightest members of the Dupont Circle universe for this year's Dupont Circle Village SOLARbrate Gala at the environmentally forward American Geophysical Union building. Gala attendees will gather in a building that has undergone renovation for the past two years, reopening as the first net-zero renovated building in the world. Read more about what that means here .

Come together for great food, beverages, music and fun, and experience a feeling of SOLAR-darity with village community members. Silent auction full of destinations for travel, shopping and eating.

Tickets are $125 and can be purchased at dupontcirclevillage.net
Newslinks of Note
Join us for another year of civic engagement. Your neighborhood needs you! 
Thanks to those who have rejoined already!! 
DCCA membership is open to residents, businesses and supporters of the Dupont Circle neighborhood according to the Association's  Bylaws. Benefits include discounts from  Preferred Merchants; community service events and social get-togethers!
Dupont Circle Citizens Association | info@dupont-circle.org | www.dupont-circle.org