February 2024


Out of the House of Bondage

written by Dr. Mike Hegeman

Black History Month began as “Negro History Week” in 1926 by Carter G. Woodson, a noted African American historian, scholar, educator and publisher. It became a month-long celebration in 1976. The month of February was chosen to coincide with the birthdays of Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln. Some 40 years before Woodson advocated... Click here to continue reading.


National Black History Month - Did You Know?

Historian Carter G. Woodson launched Black History Week in 1926 to recognize the significant contributions of African Americans during the second week of February... Congress expanded it to National Black History Month 50 years later during the nation’s bicentennial celebration. Click here to continue reading.

Black History Month 2024 Theme

Since 1976, every American president has designated February as Black History Month and endorsed a specific theme. Click here to continue reading.

Black History Month, Valentine's Day and love

written by Rev. Dr. Luke Powery, Princeton Seminary graduate and

Dean of Duke University Chapel

Every year, Valentine’s Day is during Black History Month; the two are not necessarily related but I do see a connection: love. This is not a sentimental love focused on...

Click here to continue reading.

10 Black History Facts That Are Least Known

Before there was Rosa Parks, there was...

Click the video to the right to view.


Religions of the World

and the Golden Rule

Feb. 21 – Apr. 17, every other Wednesday

Chapel Library & Zoom

taught by Dr. Albert Celoza

Executive Director, Arizona Interfaith Movement

We have a wonderful opportunity to learn about other faiths’ practice of the Golden Rule. Dr. Albert Celoza, Executive Director, Arizona Interfaith Movement, will continue to lead us in an 8-week discovery of the core teachings of Asian religions and how these relate to Christian faith. Click here for more info. Click here to view past classes.




Click here for more information on any of these classes.

Isaac Newton's Strange God

with David Schaller &

Dr. Mike Hegeman

Thursday, Mar. 14

Gender Expectations in Music

with Dr. Kay Norton,

Arizona State University

Thursday, Apr. 4

Science, Religion & Climate Change

with Dr. Albert Celoza

Thursday, Apr. 25


Faith & Science Fiction

Introductory Lecture, Rev. Michael G. Hegeman, PhD

January 25, 2024

In late January the Fran Park Center held its opening "Faith and Science Roundtable" for spring 2024. The focus was "Faith and Science Fiction." Dr. Hegeman introduced us to the topic with the following comments, before entering into a conversation with science-fiction author George Moakley. Dr. Hegeman finds similar themes in the task of theology and the creative work of speculative fiction, especially asking the question "What does it mean to be responsible human stewards in a greater (divine) cosmos?"

Read Dr. Hegeman's comments here.

Time to Listen

At the beginning of this month, we began our 3-week series with Dr. Kyle Jensen on How to Negotiate Personal Conflicts, Political Conflicts, and Everything in Between. Dr. Jensen discussed a more nuanced theory of how human beings listen, helped you identify the specific ways that you listen when presented with a different perspective, and taught you strategies that will help you become a more generous listener when conversations become difficult. Thank you to Kyle for such an engaging class and thank you to everyone who joined us!

Cultural Heritage Tour

At the end of January, the Fran Park Center, along with Dr. Albert Celoza, Executive Director of Arizona Interfaith Movement took a group on an Interfaith Tour to tour 3 different houses of worship: Hindu, Sikh and Buddist. Many found the experience very eye-opening. Click here to view a slideshow of all the fun we had!

See friend of the Park Center, Joan Fudala's review of the tour and current Park Center programming below:

Wow! Saturday’s tour of the three houses of worship was way beyond my hopes and expectations! I know it took much planning and organizing, and I thank you so much for providing this program for our very engaged group. Lunch was delicious, and the camaraderie on the bus was the best! I got to know several of my fellow PPC members much better, and met some new friends from the Franciscan Renewal Center. Albert was a great host and teacher, and I am so enjoying his every-other-Wednesday “Golden Rule” interfaith sessions.


Thanks for all you do to enrich our spiritual education and social connections. We at Pinnacle (and the Fran Park Center) are so fortunate to have you both guiding us on a path to new experiences. I hope we have an ‘encore’ of interfaith visits soon…and that seemed to be consensus of others on the tour, too."


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