Out with the Weeds, In with the Pollinators!

Thank you for registering for the Out with the Weeds, In with the Pollinators workshop!

If you missed it live, check out the recording here:
We would also love your feedback on this and future lectures, please take the short survey here. To receive free native seed mix, you will need to fill out the survey.  
Finally, here are some resources shared during the workshop.

Sending happy and healthy wishes to you and yours! Thank you for supporting Swaner in these unprecedented times. 

A Special Thank You
A special thank you to our panelists Amy Sibul from The University of Utah , Mindy Wheeler with the Utah Department of Natural Resources , and Dee Downing with Red Ant Works Inc. As well as, Elizabeth Cohen with USU Summit County Extension and Sara Jo Dickens with Summit CWMA and Ecology Bridge LLC for moderating and helping to create this event!

Please reply to this email with your questions if we missed them during the workshop!

Swaner Preserve and EcoCenter
1258 Center Drive, Park City, Utah