You are invited to join us in-person for Outdoor Sunday Worship at 9:00 AM beginning this Sunday, May 9. Over the past several months our Next Steps Committee, Vestry, and Staff have been working hard to enhance our Outdoor Worship experience. Please take note of the important information below and watch our "Outdoor In-Person Safety Video" by clicking on the video above or you can CLICK HERE.

In-Person and Online
  • Not able to join us in-person? No problem! Our outdoor worship services will still be streamed live using the same links on our website.

No Pre-Registration Required
  • At this time you are not required to pre-register for outdoor in-person service. Please arrive 15 minutes before the start of the service to allow time to check-in at the onsite registration table.

Receiving Communion
  • Pick up a pre-packaged Communion wafer when you arrive and keep in a safe place. We will receive Communion together as a community following the instructions provided during the service.

Offertory Plate
  • We will have an offertory plate available for contributions when you enter into the space. You may also text-to-give by texting the word "GIVE" to 719-2233446.

Inclement Weather Plans
  • In the event the weather prevents us from gathering outside in-person, we will shift to an online-only service and include a message in the Friday Weekly eNews, update the website, and/or send a parish wide email on Saturday evening.

  • Please bring a folding chair to sit on the lawn or plaza. A limited number of chairs are available for members of our community who may need to borrow one.

Safety Protocols & Important Information
  • Maintain a minimum of six feet distance from others.
  • Wear you mask at all times while on the church property.
  • Bring a lawn chair and only sit where there is a blue marker.
  • Restrooms are available for emergencies.
  • The elevator is available as needed.
  • Avoid all physical contact; hugs, hand shakes, etc.
A letter from the Rector

Dear Friends,

Although it is only May, it sure feels like Christmas. I am looking forward to our first Outdoor Service and worshiping God together in-person! It's been a long winter and a lot has changed over the past several months. I continue to be inspired and energized by the ways we have continued to make Christ known within and beyond our walls.

As we enter into a new season of discovery, I'd like to thank you in advance for your patience, flexibility, and commitment to our spiritual home. Regardless of your COVID19 vaccination status, thank you for following all the protocols the vestry and I have endorsed. Your safety continues to be paramount and I want to ensure you feel safe and comfortable. If at any time you feel unsafe or have questions about our Community Covenant or COVID19 Protocols, please reach out to me or a member of our vestry.

This summer we will be introducing new opportunities and events to help us stay connected and fed spiritually. Please continue to pay attention to the Friday Weekly eNews for updates and opportunities for you to get involved and stay aware of the latest developments. In the coming months the Next Steps Committee, Vestry, and Staff will be working to prepare the interior of our building with the hope of getting back inside later this fall. There is an enormous amount of work to tackle and we could always use your help. If you are still looking for a way to get plugged in email me directly or pay attention to our regular communications.

Whether you attend outdoor services in-person or participate online, you will notice a significant improvement from last summer. Earlier this year the vestry made the decision to make a tremendous technology investment for our outdoor video and audio equipment. With three new outdoor cameras and eight speakers, I'm excited about how these investments will continue to allow us to worship beyond the walls of our church and city.

With our new outdoor summer schedule, we will only have online Virtual Coffee Hour once a month and pause our Children Chapel to allow time for in-person fellowship after the 9:00 AM service. However, we will continue to distribute Communion from 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM each Sunday with the help of our Lay Eucharistic Visitors.

As we enter a new season, I pray that you and your loved ones continue to be healthy and safe and I look forward to seeing you soon!

Faithfully in Christ,
The Rev. Matt Holcombe

St. Michael's Episcopal Church
7400 Tudor RoadColorado Springs, CO 80919