June 4, 2020
Holy Trinity Sunday

There is no bulletin for this weekend. Presiding Bishop Eaton will be doing this weekend's service for all the ELCA congregations. Please bring up Trinity's YouTube channel any time after noon on Saturday, June 6 to hear Presiding Bishop Easton's message.

Daily prayer services are now on our YouTube channel Trinity Lutheran-Butler and our Facebook page.

Trinity has discontinued Sunday services on WISR and WBUT.

Of course, if you have questions or concerns, you can call me at 724.544.3996 or Click here to e-mail me.

With Shalom and Love,



My email has been hacked! I am sending this message to let you know this, in case you receive any suspicious emails or texts from me.

You will know it is a suspicious email or text in multiple ways:

1) It comes from some email address other than trinitylutheranpb@gmail.com.

2) It comes from a phone number you have never heard of being associated with me (either personal or office number).

3) It calls you by some name you don’t prefer. I try really hard to call people by their preferred names because you are important to me.

4) It is asking you for money or gift cards. I would not make a request like that unsolicited over email or text.

Please, do not respond to any suspicious messages or open any attachments that seem unsolicited. If you are uncertain of a message, you can call me directly. I will be glad to check it out with you.
News from Lutherlyn
The board of directors and the staff at Lutherlyn have decided to cancel the summer camp season of 2020 due to the COVID-19 virus. Please continue to watch Facebook, check your e-mail, and go to the Lutherlyn website for opportunities to experience camp virtually. If you have a camper already registered for summer camp 2020, you will receive an e-mail about refund information.

Click here to hear a message from
Deb Roberts, Lutherlyn Camp Director.

You can access the publication Christ in Our Home for free through June 30. To receive a daily e-mail with the day's bible reading from Christ in Our Home click here. Unfortunately, the Word in Season publication is not available on-line.

If You Are In Need of Food 
The Center for Community Resources has boxes of food for emergencies. If you need food, please call CCR at 724-431-3748.

Another reality of these days is that the demands on the church finances are going to stay the same, or potentially increase but not decrease. There will be increased demands on the community meals, the food banks and people needing help for the basics of life. All of this is to be straightforward and say, if you can increase your giving please do so. 
We also need you to continue your regular giving and since we will not be meeting in person for you to put them in the offering plate, please use one of the following ways:

If you have not signed up for electronic giving which gives your gift even when you are not here, please go to our new website trinitylutheranbutler.com and sign up. 

You can also download the Give Plus+ app on your phone and donate. This is a free app.

Or of course you can mail in your offerings. 

We are going to need your continued and growing support to be neighbors to our brothers and sisters in need in these uncertain days. 
If you are in need of help because your work situation has changed, please let Pastor or Leigh Ann in the church office know.   
Trivia buff Scott Petrak of Renfrew, left box bottom row, joins with members of Channeling Solomon a DJ Trivia team that used to play in person on Tuesday nights. Now the group gets together on Zoom.

Katie's Kitchen is now open and serving meals.

Keep Us Updated

The church works very hard to communicate with members via Letter, Bulletin, Newsletter, Telephone and Email. It is important you keep us informed when your mailing-address, telephone-number(s) and/or Email-Address changes.

Trinity Lutheran Church Office