Sea Hag Marina
OPEN: Sun-Thurs 6am-6pm
Fri.-Sat. 6am-7pm
N 29' 40.295  W 83' 23.636 
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This Week 02-19-20 at Sea Hag Marina
11,000 people attended the 12th Annual Fiddler Crab Festival!
105 People fished the tournament!
Rob Monica took home Largest Redfish weighing at  7.98lbs! Rob recently got engaged the day before! His fiance must have been his lucky charm this weekend!
Kyle Richardson won Largest Trout at 5.94lbs!
Andy Phillips had the Most Spots on a redfish with a 5 spotted redfish!
Dillon Whittle took home Largest Flounder, at 1.76lbs! His mullet didn't win, but his flounder did!
Fisher Holloway won the Youth Angler Prize with his 2.61lbs redfish. Fisher is on a tournament winning streak! He has won the youth angler award in over 3 tournaments in a row!
Fisher caught and released this monster over-slot redfish on the same day!
Click HERE to view more info and pictures from the tournament!

Alfredo and seafood just go together!
 Click the link below to try out the recipe!

This little guy caught an awesome redfish with Capt. Kyle Skipper!
Chad Griffin landed a nice trout this past weekend!


Melanie & Mike Farmer fished the tournament and weighed-in some gorgeous fish!

Roger Rountree is holding up a big redfish he caught this weekend!
Emily Soles with her first flounder!
Madison & Cindy Thompson enjoying the wonderful weather we had at Sea Hag over the weekend!
Save the Date!
Wine & Craft Festival at the Steinhatchee Landing Resort on November 7th, 2020!
Head over to our Facebook to enter our HUGE FREE $300 GIVEAWAY!
Winner announced March 1st!
Robert Mashburn & Brian Parish from Ring Gold, GA, limited out on redfish & trout!
Hannah Griffish had a mouthful and handsful of trout she caught this week!
Mike Stewart from North Georgia caught this vibrant redfish with Capt. Steve Graham!
Paul Brandon Creamer hooked up on a gorgeous trout over the weekend!
Rob Monica is holding up his winning redfish he caught on Saturday! What a stud!
Capt. Chase Norwood reeled in a gorgeous trout on the flats!
Kelly Young from Adel, GA, caught her very first fish while fishing with her husband and Capt. Steve Graham!
Velda Duke & her friends hung out at Sea Hag on the docks over the weekend!
Capt. Kyle Skipper hooked up on a big ol' trout fishing one afternoon this week!
Casting for Healing & Hope Fishing Tournament is next weekend! Come out and support an awesome event! Entry fee is low and the prizes are abundant! 

Off the water by 11:30am and limited out by 9am. The fish were hungry! Louie Rebuelta and his friend, Mike Stewart, from north GA spanked the fish with Capt. Steve Graham!
Capt. Chase Norwood is holding up a monster redfish he caught earlier in the week!
We are so proud of our Heart of Hatchee girls for running an amazing booth at the Fiddler Crab Festival! Missed the festival? Click HERE to check out their wesbite!
Kelly Young caught a massive gator trout with Capt. Steve Graham!
Paul Brandon Creamer caught this lively redfish along with his trout over the weekend!
Capt. Steve Graham took out his son, Travis, and a great friend, Rodney Gordon, fishing on the flats!
Sea Hag's Zach Simpson is holding up nice redfish he caught on his afternoon off!
Danny & Kelly Young from Adel, GA, had a blast catching redfish & trout with Capt. Steve Graham!
Cafe Marina had the privilege of setting up at the Heart of Hatchee booth at the Fiddler Crab Festival this year! Madison  got so much positive feedback that she plans to set up and sell coffee at Sea Hag Marina! Check her Facebook page,
Cafe Marina , for updates on when she plans to open!
Submit your photos to to be featured on our newsletter.
2020 Tournament List:
February 29- Casting for Healing & Hope Fishing Tournament

March - Sea Hag Marina March Madness

March 7 & 8- IFA Pro Redfish Tournament

March 14- UF Salty Gators Inshore Classic Fishing Tournament

March 21- Steinhatchee Community Fishing Tournament

March 28- Ira Carter Lodge #150 Fishing Tournament

April 4- Hooked on Heroes - Taking Veterans Fishing

April 4- Florida Lure Anglers Fishing Tournament

April 18- Kim Smith's Reeling for Rescues Fishing Tournament

April 25- Shands Fishing for Kids Fishing Tournament

May 2 - Optimist  Club Fishing Tournament

May 16- Fishin' for Vision Fishing Tournament

May 23- Hooked on Heroes Fundraiser Tournament

May 25 - Sept. 7- CCA Star Fishing Tournament

June 5 & 6- Reeling for Kids Fishing Tournament

July 25- The Logun Fishing Tournament

September 12- Lady Raiders Inshore Slam Fishing Tournament

September 19- Sea Hag Marina Trash Tournament

October 3- Hooked on Heroes - Taking Veterans Fishing

October 10- Nauti-Girls Fishing Tournament

November 6 & 7- Power-Pole Pro Fishing Tournament

December TBD- Eggnog Open Fishing Tournament
Captain Steve Graham
Captain Steve Graham is a unique captain because he offers charters on an air-boat. Captain Steve specializes in shallow water light tackle fishing targeting redfish and trout. He can only fish two people on his airboat, but he prides himself on making sure everyone has the best time. He provides all your equipment needed including fishing poles and bait. All you need to bring is your lunch and beverages.
Call 229-560-9150 to book a charter with him!
Click HERE to view the rest of our highly recommended charter captains!
DOWNLOAD  the app, iANGLER on your smart phone and log your fishing trips!

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This information will help FWC scientists determine  accurate  regulations for our area!