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Providing Grace and Redemption through Christ

for Prisoners, Women in Recovery, and Military Veterans. 

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Hello Stacey,

Addiction and dependency appear in a variety of forms, including problem gambling, compulsive shopping, digital addiction, and drug or alcohol abuse. Nearly 15% of Americans are caught up in at least one addictive behavior (1) and many people function in their addiction with what appears to be “normal behavior.”

Some addictions are more stereotypical, visible, and messy. Starting out innocently, the effects and impact of addiction can quickly become devastating and lead people to lose everything of meaning in their life. Families torn apart, incarceration, loss of employment, financial devastation; there can be a myriad of unpleasant side effects, even leading to the loss of life.

Amid the cycle of deceit, lies, and hopelessness active addiction brings, it can seem impossible and overwhelming to find a way out. Facing the realities and acknowledging there is a problem is the first step necessary to begin a true path of recovery. Receiving help and guidance from professionals providing the necessary tools to walk alongside and assist in the rebuilding and renewal of a strong mental, physical, and spiritual person, family, and community is critical to long-term success.

Serving USA partners with multiple organizations helping those involved on all sides of experiencing addiction. We provide a variety of resources and funding for our partners who focus directly on providing their clients the care and attention where it is needed, including successfully overcoming dependence issues. There are tens of thousands of people in our community and network who have been able to achieve the freedom found when the chains of addiction are broken. 

We share some stories and outcomes here in this month’s newsletter, as well as more insight into the impact being made by the partners we support, working directly with Prisoners, Veterans, and Women in Recovery at

Become a part of our growing community and experience lives being transformed by connecting with us on social media, partnering with us in prayer, or providing a donation. All are invaluable ways you can truly be certain you are doing something of significance today.

(1). Sussman S, Lisha N, Griffiths M. Prevalence of the addictions: a problem of the majority or the minority?. Eval Health Prof. 2011;34(1):3-56. doi:10.1177/0163278710380124

Support Serving USA

After a 2.5-year hiatus due to Covid-19, NorthEast of the Well (NEOTW) reopened their Anaheim gathering with 60 individuals from all walks of life for “Dinner, Worship, and the Word.”

Together again, men and women perhaps recently released from jail, navigating addiction, or experiencing mental illness found community through the efforts of NEOTW volunteers and staff, including Community Outreach and Program Development Coordinator Shaneen Coston.

“Because of Serving USA, we can expand our outreach, hire new staff, and relaunch our Anaheim gathering,” says Coston.

NEOTW is one of the 20 California-based Serving USA partners that focus on women in recovery. Serving USA’s commitment to women in recovery supports programs that walk alongside women and offer compassion, counseling, life skills, and spiritual development to recover from various forms of abuse.

NEOTW is a Christ-centered worshiping community with a mission to empower each person to return to their community with the message to “come see about a man…”.

Their name comes from scripture, “Then, leaving her water jar, the woman went back to the town and said to the people, ‘Come, see about a man who told me everything I ever did. Could this be the Christ?’” [John 4:28-29].

A woman came to a well to draw her water, hoping to avoid others, as she was marked by sin and failure and felt great shame. Christ met her with intention, saw her, and called her to a higher living. With passion, she returned home, located northeast, and spread the message of grace. The outcast became the witness.

NEOTW encourages its participants to share their stories of addiction, hoping those individuals would feel inspired to seek help and improve their lives through their hope in Jesus.

Read the Full Press Release Here

Michelle's Rescue Mission

Sadly, Michelle became a drug addict at 13 years old. After two decades of using and selling drugs, she had completely destroyed her health. Then about two years ago, a warrant changed Michelle’s life forever. Michelle turned herself in, and she was arrested and taken to a jail hospital, where she was chained to a bed. While in jail, she reached out to the Rescue Mission and received an invitation to enroll in the Village of Hope. Michelle has now been sober for two and a half years. She’s lost over 100 pounds, has a healthy lifestyle, and is focused on being a great mother to her daughter.

While here, Michelle studied business management and learned new skills in the Accounting Department at the Rescue Mission. Today, she is employed full-time as an administrative assistant. Michelle wants you to know this: “The Mission has given my daughter and me so much, beginning with a safe place to get healthy. The donors’ support is what makes that possible. I’m so thankful.”Your generosity provides more than shelter; it gives hope for a brighter future! Thank you for giving formerly incarcerated individuals a hand up to become responsible, contributing members of our communities.

Learn More About Orange County Rescue Mission

Pillar Of Life Church San Diego

Pillar's 5th Birthday Celebration

When:  August 14th 12:30p.m. 

Where: 4092 Newton Avenue, San Diego CA 92113

Learn More Here

The Bridge Restoration Ministry

6th Annual Bridge Dinner

When:  September 23rd 6:00p.m.  

Where: 3001 Monterey-Salinas Hwy Monterey, CA 93940

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Joshua 1:9

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."

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National Coast Guard Day

August 4, 2022

National Nonprofit Day

August 17, 2022

Follow Along On Social Media
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Know Your Audience

Who do you serve? What are they looking for? Where are they located? Knowing your audience can help cater your skills to fit their needs and assure you are providing the best product or service for them. Below are some tips to stay updated on your clients:

  • Review web analytics.
  • Conduct surveys.
  • Pay attention to your competitors.
  • Consider all feedback.
  • Engage with your clients.
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When you donate directly to Serving USA, any gift that you make gets doubled through the generosity of one of our major donors.

Nothing is set aside or allocated for overhead or general administration. Any gift that you make, goes into Serving USA's general funds that provides support to all 67 partners. To be clear, we cannot allocate a gift to one certain organization. 

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