Resources for Teachers, Students & Parents
In May 2021, The Hub participated in Stamford’s Community Mental Health and Wellness Summit. Our planning committee included many organizations and Stamford Public Schools. We came together to discuss the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic on teachers, students, and families. We identified a need to share knowledge and resources, as well as bring together our community and create stronger connections with one another.

As we begin to head back to the classrooms, we wanted to make you aware that these resources are still here for you!

TONIGHT! August 25th, 6:30 - 7:30 PM

Zoom ID: 924 1546 3709
Thursday, August 26, 2021 at 2:30 PM 

This webinar from Mental Health America will discuss:
  • What data says about the youth mental health crisis facing educators; 
  • Why prioritizing students’ physical and emotional safety, security, and well-being matters; and 
  • Techniques you can use to empower students, manage behavior, and cultivate a strong classroom community.
GLSEN Back to School Parents and Caregivers Webinar
Thursday, August 26, 2021,
6 PM

Are you a parent/caregiver to an LGBTQ+ youth? Learn more about our mission and story at GLSEN, as well as how you can encourage your child/youth to participate in our programs, events, and days/weeks of action. You will learn how to maximize GLSEN’s free available resources, program planning, and preparation tips for returning to the school year.
Navigating Social & Emotional Learning from the Inside Out

In 2017, the EASEL Lab published results from the first phase of this work. The original guide provides comprehensive program profiles and cross-program analyses for 25 SEL programs focused on grades K-5. This revised and expanded second edition extends the focus of the 2017 guide to include PreK programs. It also builds upon the latest research to include an additional focus on equitable and trauma-informed SEL and an expanded set of SEL skills, strategies, and program components. Download the most recent edition.
In the News
Why Overdose Awareness Matters More Than Ever

International Overdose Awareness Day began in Australia 20 years ago to raise awareness of overdoses, reduce the stigma of drug-related deaths, and remind us of the grief felt by the families and friends of those who have died as a result of...

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Teens Are Advocating for Mental Health Days Off School

The decline in the mental health of children and adolescents has led to new laws allowing kids to attend to their own self-care. By the time Ben Ballman reached his junior year in high school he was busier - and more anxious - than he had ever been.

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The Hub: Behavioral Health Action Organization for Southwestern CT
A division of the Regional Youth Adult Social Action Partnership (RYASAP) 

Newsletter designed and created in collaboration with Daydream Communications, LLC