Sea Hag Marina
OPEN: Sun-Thurs 6am-7pm
Fri.-Sat. 6am-8pm
N 29' 40.295  W 83' 23.636 
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This Week 06-17-20 at Sea Hag Marina
 Steinhatchee & Keaton Beach boat ramps are open to the public with limited parking.
Once the lots are full, boat trailers may NOT park along the roadside.
Overflowing with Red Snapper!
Megan Triay from Jacksonville, FL, is holding up a massive gag grouper with a vermillion snapper in its mouth!
Cara, Richard Jr., Richard Sr. & Capt. Les Hernandez are holding up their limit of scallops!
The Rountree boys speared this board of red snapper & mangrove snapper!
Wyatt & Miranda caught a ton of awesome grouper the other day! They are holding up a red grouper & gag grouper from their trip!

This is different! Whole red snapper recipe! Give it a try & let us know what you think!

Sonya Anderson reeled in a huge black drum!
Savannah Amundsen, Savannah Catalano & their crew caught their limit of scallops!
Madi Norwood went fishing with her husband, Capt. Chase Norwood, & caught these monster red snappers!
The Griner crew had the best time fishing offshore with Capt. Chase Norwood! They slammed the red snapper, Florida snapper & gag grouper!
Tom Urfer free dove 65ft and speared this red snapper!
Max McKettrick is holding up a nice redfish he caught on a top water lure!
Tommy, Talon & Nolan Holland from McDonough, GA, had a great time collecting their limit of scallops with deckhand, Colton Ogletree & Capt. Kyle Skipper!


Trent Robinson has got his hands full with this massive red snapper he caught!
Capt. Les Hernandez & his dad Richard had a blast collecting their limit of scallops!
Ashley Parks caught a great-sized kingfish!
The Chambers, Porter, Whiddon, Rozier,  & Pistelli crew from Valdosta, GA, caught a full board of red snapper & gag grouper!
Gary Lastition & his crew collected their limit of scallops this weekend!
The Driggers crew brought back their limit of red snapper!
Tony Sabo had his hands full of red snapper this weekend!
Jennifer Jackson is holding up a gator trout she caught this week!
Parker Davis, age 11, caught this perfect red snapper!
Chloe Green & her boyfriend caught matching snapper this past week!
Kevin Coggins & his crew brought back big red snaper & gag grouper!

Capt. Les Hernandez crew came back with their limit of scallops opening day of the season!
The Hedgecock crew slammed the red snapper & gag grouper!
Mike Dykes landed a gorgeous gag grouper!
Blake Spann is holding up a vivid-color red snapper!
Gerald Thompson & Parker Davis caught some red snapper & mangrove snapper!
Laura McKeekin caught this huge red snapper the other day!
Julia Sands reeled a beautiful red snapper on opening day of the season last week!
Phil Agee is holding up two decent-sized red snapper!
The Optimist club girls were selling raffle tickets to win a boat this past weekend!
Capt. Les Hernandez & his all girl scallop crew got their limit of scallops!
Knox Nolte caught a perfect dinner-sized redfish & a yummy Spanish mackerel!
Rebecca Sapp caught a hefty red snapper this weekend!
The Brown Family from Lakeland, FL, collected their limit of scallops!
Kevin Coggins is holding up a delicious lane snapper!
Cindy Childre reeled in a nice amberjack!
Bill Jones and his crew landed a nice king mackerel & a limit of red snapper!
Kelly Morss-Daugherty from Homosassa, FL, caught a 10in red hind grouper!
Sam Nobles is holding up a nice dinner-size trout he caught with Capt. Scott Peters!
Jennifer Jackson reeled in a great redfish on the flats!
Sam Nobles & Avery Brock enjoyed a day on the water catching a limit of trout with Capt. Scott Peters!
Trey Szot caught this multi-spotted redfish in the shallows of a Steinhatchee creek!

Rusty Pike & his crew went on an overnight fishing trip & brought back their limit of red snapper, mangrove snapper, lane snapper, vermillion snapper & gag grouper!
Parker Dykes landed a spectacular red snapper fishing offshore in Steinhatchee!
The Dykes crew slammed the red snapper, vermillion snapper & gag grouper!
Shannon Faqua reeled in a monster red snapper while fishing with Capt. Chase Norwood!
Capt. Chase Norwood took out his in-laws, the Overstreet family on Monday! They had a wonderful day full of red snapper, mangrove snapper & gag grouper!
Perry McDonald brought back a big ol' 22.51lb kingfish!
Sarah Hamlin, Julianna Lindsey, Alison Singletary & Lauren Fillyaw are holding up some red snapper, gag grouper & red grouper they caught this weekend!

The County will NOT be allowing roadside parking at the ramp area. If you are able, please park your trailer at your home or accommodations so that the spaces can be filled by folks visiting just for the day.

The Sea Hag crew snuck away from work for a day of play! They limited out on red snapper & gag grouper!
Miranda is holding up a big ol' red grouper she caught while fishing with her boyfriend, Wyatt!
Frank Sheffield, Glenn Corbett, Blake Spann & Dean Baker went on an overnight trip to the middle grounds where they caught a boat load of monster red snapper & gag grouper!
The Rountree crew filled the board with all red snapper & vermillion snapper!
The Morales crew caught their limit of scallops with first mate, Reid & Capt. Kyle Skipper!
The Motes crew caught some nice red snapper, gag grouper & flounder!
Steve Nolte, Chris Small, Knox Nolte & Pat Trump had a very successful day of catching redfish & trout with Capt. Mike Duttenhaver!
The scallops are huge this opening season!
Perry McDonald, Tom Urfer, Matt Thomas & Fred Wheeler free dove 65ft & speared these yummy hogfish, red grouper & red snapper!
Mike Stewart, Robie Robinson, Kevin & Kaitlyn Dix had a great day catching red snapper, hogfish & gag grouper!
Adrain Balley is holding up a massive gag grouper he caught offshore!
Greg O'Neal from Lake City, FL, & his crew came back with a board full of red snapper, lane snapper & mangrove snapper!
Mackenzie Swager caught this gag grouper and some red snapper while fishing out of Steinhatchee!
The Dykes Crew caught a board full of BIG red snapper!
Capt. Chase Norwood is holding up a massive red snapper he caught while fishing with his family!
Britian Rogers, Josh Mixon, Larry Rogers, Chase Rogers & Robert Rogers had a blast catching red snapper & gag grouper with Capt. Chase Norwood & Zach Simpson!
Kelly Driggers reeled up an awesome-sized red snapper!
The Heitman crew had nice board of red grouper, lane snapper, red snapper & more!
The Overstreet family caught matching red snapper with Capt. Chase Norwood!
Sirena Dees went scalloping for the first time & loved it!
Teresa McGillivery, Don Hogue & Timothy Hogue from Perry, FL, caught some big red snapper & lots of Florida snapper with Capt. Chase Norwood & Connor McKinnon!
Lane & Caden Brown from Lakeland, FL, had so much fun scalloping out of Steinhatchee!
Charles Pruitt, Randy Robinson, Jimmy Mason, Mark Parker & Bird Dog Beard brought back a nice board of red snapper & a couple gag & red grouper!
Abigail Kelley caught a nice red snapper this weekend!
Kaitlyn Dix is holding up a massive gag grouper she reeled in!
Capt. Chase Norwood took a day off to fish for fun with friends, Connor McKinnon & Austin Evan! They caught red snapper, jacks & mangrove snapper!
Avery Brock caught a nice Spanish mackerel while fishing with Capt. Scott Peters!
Kenny Rees and his crew slammed the red snapper!
Capt. Adam Porter, Shanna Rozier, Hal Chambers, Will Moree & Matt Kellogg caught a board full of red snapper, gag grouper with a couple mangrove snapper & hogfish!
The Triay, Fulmer & Hendrix crew absolutely slayed the fish Saturday! They got their limit of red snapper, some gag grouper, red grouper, mangrove snapper & a massive cobia!

Sea Hag Marina is supporting Jody DeVane for Taylor County Commissioner 
Although a lot of fantastic  people are running for this position, we feel that Jody DeVane is the most qualified, has a proven record, and can work strongly with the other commissioners.
Scallop limits are being collected in less thn an hour. Remember, in June, it's one gallon per person. Both north and south have scallops. Go to where the boats are. If you do not get one in a minute, pack up and move to a new spot.

The Dykes Crew reeled in a massive goliath grouper! They took this picture & safely released him!
Submit your photos to to be featured on our newsletter.
2020 Tournament List:

July 1  - October 4  - CCA Star Fishing Tournament

July 25 - The Logun Fishing Tournament

September 12 - Lady Raiders Inshore Slam Fishing Tournament

September 19 - Sea Hag Marina Trash Tournament

October 3 - Hooked on Heroes - Taking Veterans Fishing

October 10 - Nauti-Girls Fishing Tournament

November 6 & 7 - Power-Pole Pro Fishing Tournament

December 12 - Eggnog Open Fishing Tournament
Available in kids & adults!

Click the link below to shop all the new Heart of Hatchee items!
Heart of Hatchee is an online clothing boutique started by two college women! They have their items online as well as in the front of Sea Hag Marina! 
Stop by & shop or order online!
DOWNLOAD  the app, iANGLER on your smart phone and log your fishing trips!

Help us contribute helpful STEINHATCHEE information to Florida's fisheries scientists!

This information will help FWC scientists determine  accurate  regulations for our area!