Owls' Nest

Before & After Care

Introducing brightwheel!

Good Afternoon, Parents!

First, we have exciting news! We will be adding before school care to our Owls' Nest offerings this year! We will gauge interest over the first two months to determine whether there is enough interest to continue before school care throughout the year.

As you know, we are using a different platform called brightwheel for our Owls’ Nest program. Visit the brightwheel website here to create your account, read/sign all of the required forms, and enter your billing information for autopay.

We are asking that all students K-5th grade create a brightwheel account whether you plan to use Owls’ Nest daily or not at all. This allows us to start the year off with all the necessary information in case your child ends up needing before or after school care.

Please read through the Owls' Nest Handbook and reach out with any additional questions. The handbook has lots of valuable information about our Owls’ Nest program.

All payments will be processed within brightwheel. However, you will continue to use SignUp Genius for your daily signups. Please visit the Owls' Nest Before & After School Program page on our website to sign up for before and/or after school care.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Stephanie Saunders at ssaunders@aspenridgeprepschool.org. Thank you!



Phone: (720) 242-6225
