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April 20, 2022 Edition
Owners, Want To Free Up Your Work Time?


Lesson from our online program Sell Your Business 4 More.

How to Be Irrelevant to Your Company and Make It More Valuable

You should be working very hard to build your business into something great and make yourself irrelevant in the process.

The strategy is simple:

1. Have a big vision and, make it worthy of your time and effort. And more importantly your staffs time and effort.
2. Bring great people with varied skill sets and experiences onboard. Make sure they speak their mind.

3. Let them do what they do best and are most passionate about. We all have a superpower and at our core we know what it is. This is usually accompanied by a deep desire to unleash it to its' fullest potential.  

4. Create a desirable inclusive atmosphere that great people want to be a part of.

If you succeed, they will thrive and likely take the company much further than you ever could on your own.

Read or Listen to Full Lesson Available in audio and text formats.

Cheers, Eric

Eric Gilboord, CEO
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