Community Education Digest
April 2018
Welcome to our Community Education Digest! The aim of Ozone House's Community Education Digest newsletter is to connect our community's resources and services with the youth and families who need them most. Each month, the Community Education Digest highlights an Ozone House program along with related resources in our community. Many of these resources can also be found in the Ozone House Info Cards shown below. 

This month we highlight our MORE Support Program.

MORE Support Program
Millennial Ozone Board
Resources for Youth in our Community
The Education Project
Need Ozone House materials?

MORE Support Program
The MORE Support Program is a collaboration between Ozone House, Eastern Michigan University and Washtenaw Community College to provide trauma-informed counseling services for youth who are in college or are college-bound and who have experienced disruptions in their care and/or housing. Ozone is partnering with MAGIC at Eastern Michigan University and REACH at Washtenaw Community College to connect with students who have experienced foster care and/or homelessness. The counseling services provided by MORE Support are available for youth at their respective schools, thereby reducing barriers to receiving emotional and mental health support.
MORE Support fills a need in supporting youth who have experienced trauma and disruptions in care achieve academic success. Youth engage in the MORE Support program for a variety of reasons ranging from a need for general emotional support, adjusting to college, and receiving help managing emerging and/or ongoing mental health needs.
For more information call (734) 662-2222. You can also check out the MORE Support section of the Ozone website.

Meet the Millennial Ozone Board
The Millennial Ozone Board or MOB is a group of local young professionals invested in Ozone House. MOB members bring their "time, talent and treasure" to Ozone House through their volunteering, financial support, and unique perspective and skills as young professionals. Their main goal is to engage the community and spread information about Ozone House's mission and the issues surrounding youth homelessness. They are also always seeking out fundraising opportunities to increase support to Ozone House. As a direct connection to the Board of Ozone House, the MOB brings youth voice to conversations about the direction of Ozone House.

Currently there are about ten members of the Millennial Ozone Board, but as the group grows and changes they want to attract younger members with diverse backgrounds and experiences. There are no prerequisites for becoming a member of the MOB beyond a willingness to care about Ozone House and the youth we support. Members have previously worked as interns for Ozone House, volunteered on the crisis line, worked for other non-profits, and have even experienced homelessness themselves. For many Millennial Board members, a connection to Ozone House started well before joining the MOB and for others, joining the MOB was the beginning of their relationship to Ozone. No matter how they connected, the Millennial Ozone Board is grateful to be a part of an organization making a difference.

The Millennial Board is always looking for new ways to cultivate support and increase awareness of the needs of young people in our community. Last year the group partnered with Ally Bar to host Thursday night fundraising events including a back to school fundraiser that contributed to the Education Project. This year, the MOB is organizing events in both Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti to expand the reach of Ozone within the community. The greater the imprint, the more support there is for young people who need the services that Ozone House can provide.  If you are interested in participating in an upcoming event, or joining the Millennial Ozone Board, feel free to reach out to Ugbaad Keynan our staff liaison to the Millennial Board at or through our business line 734-662-2265.
Resources for Youth in our Community

This month, we highlight some summer programs  for  Youth and Teens
Growing Hope Internships

Deadlines for intern applications vary by internship.  For details about each of these internships and how to apply visit: 

Unpaid internships that offer a student or community member an opportunity to gain professional skills in an Ypsilanti-based non-profit focused on gardening and healthy food access.   

  Bryant Community Center

3 W Eden Ct, Ann Arbor, MI 48108
(734) 477-0292

Five-week summer day camp for grades K-5 features swimming, reading, activities with dogs, art, games, and field trips. Call for fees, schedule, and eligibility requirement information for Bryant residents. Scholarships available. Similar programs available for residents of the Hikone, Green Baxter, and Northside neighborhoods, and children who attend Mitchell Elementary School. 
YMCA of Ann Arbor  Teen Opportunities  

Deadlines and applications can be found at:

Camp, training, and employment opportunities  to youth 10-17.  Programs such as teen adventure, babysitting day camp etc. help develop youth passions and leadership skills. 

Summer Camp Scholarships 

For the application and more information visit:

4th and 5th grade (this year) temporarily homeless child in the county to camp this summer at no charge.   Each camper receives a sleeping bag and duffel, a gift card from Value World for camp clothes if needed, and money in the camp bank. And we make sure every camper has a ride.  Youngsters will attend one of 5 camps: YMCA Camp Storer,  YMCA Camp Nissokone,  YMCA CAMP Ohiyesa,  YMCA CAMP Copneconic, or  Howell Nature Center Overnight CAMP.

Summer18  youth employment application is available for interested youth!

Summer18  is a 10-week summer employment and mentorship program that pairs local businesses with Washtenaw County youth to provide on-the-job training that sets the stage for life-long careers, opens doors to new industries, and provides mentorship critical to building professional networks.
Jobs will pay either $10/hour or $12/hour, based on completion of a high school diploma or equivalent.
Please widely share this link ( and the flier with any young people you work with.


 this month!
Neutral Zone: Queer Prom
   Friday, April  27
7:00pm- 10:00pm

Ozone House: MomZone

The Education Project Updates

Are you working with a student who could benefit from being involved in an extracurricular activities but needs support with participation cost (fees, gear, and travel etc. l)?  If so, please contact EPHY for more information on "activities assistance" eligibility. Some activities covered include:
  • Athletic/Sports Participation Fee or Gear
    • Examples: YMCA, Dance Class, School or Recreational Sports...
  • Art  Program Fees or tools
    • Examples: Drawing/Painting Class, Drama Club, Instruments...
  • Youth Community Leadership Program Fees
    • Examples:  Registration, Memberships, Conferences...
We are reaching out to our amazing network of donors to collect gift cards so that we can say Congratulations to our Seniors! We will be sending you student lists shortly to verify the students graduating this year.
Below is the 2017 - 2018 school year! Please use this referral when working with students and families this school year. Any questions about the referral or referral process can be directed to or call us at 734-994-8100 x1518

Click here to obtain a copy:  

The referral is intended to be filled out by school staff or community partners with the students or families in need of support. Once a referral is completed, the information should be shared with the Education Project staff as well as the Local Liaison. 


The Education Project, sometimes known as the Education Project for Homeless Youth, is designed to ensure that students experiencing homelessness or unstable living situations enroll, regularly attend, and succeed in school.  Under the federal McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, students who are homeless must have equal access to free and appropriate public education

The Education Project works closely with Liaisons in the school districts, Allies within each school, community partners, and families to identify and serve all youth affected by homelessness. 

Frequently Asked Questions about the Education Project

Who is Homeless?
Homelessness does not always look like a family living in a car or on the street; it exists in many different versions. The primary criteria we consider are: Is their housing Fixed? Is it Regular? And is it Adequate?

Fixed: Is it permanent or not subject to change? For example, is the person staying somewhere that they have a right to live? Are they not on the lease? Could they be asked to leave?
Regular: Are they staying the same place every night? Do they have to switch locations frequently?
Adequate: Is the residence sufficient? Do youth staying in the home have a bed to sleep in? Are there health risks and unsanitary conditions in the home? Does it meet the physical and psychological needs of a child?
Although we all hope that homelessness is very temporary, it can be a perpetual experience for many families and unaccompanied youth. It is important to ask these questions and understand each family and youth's situation.
How can I access the Education Project?
The education project is housed in the Washtenaw Intermediate School District. The website is  Here you can find information about who is eligible for McKinney-Vento services, what services are offered and additional links and supports around youth homelessness and education.
How can I help?
The Education Project relies on a combination of grant support from the state and donations from members of the community. Many of the items provided to families, like toiletries and school supplies, are supplied through donations. This allows the Education Project the ability to fund other school related expenses like field trips, sports/activities, tutoring services and temporary transportation for students. Additionally, the program is always looking for volunteers to help pack up supplies for youth as well as deliver supports to schools within the districts. By having a team of volunteers ready to disperse supplies, EPHY will serve families more effectively. Visit the Ozone House website to learn more about how you can help.
The Education Project office is staffed regularly Monday - Thursday from 9am - 4pm. 

Any questions regarding a young person's McKinney-Vento status and the supports available can be direct to, or by phone at (734) 994-8100 x1518.

If you know a youth or family who could benefit from Ozone House services,
please have them call our 24-hour Crisis Line:


There is always somebody here to listen. 
Need More Information About Ozone House?
Ozone House Poster

We will come to you!  
We provide educational presentations to middle and high school classrooms or assemblies, as well as organizations throughout Washtenaw County.
To order free printed education materials, or to schedule a presentation, 
contact Dawn Espy at 
call (734) 994-8100 x1518

Ozone House INFO Card

Ozone House Outreach Card
Ozone House Outreach Card

To learn more about all of our crisis intervention, housing or support services,  or to get involved with Ozone House,  please visit our website at