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P&C Updates - May 10, 2022
Midvale / WaterPlus
Midvale Indemnity Company introduced their new WaterPlus Package Program effective May 2022. This product includes coverage for Commercial Property, General Liability, Crime, Public Officials and Management Liability. Rates were developed based on similar coverage offered by Allied World.
(Fees may apply)
HSB / MyCyberProtection
The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company introduced a new MyCyberProtection Program effective May 2022. This product provides coverage for intrusion or interference with an insured's personal computing or connect home devices. Coverages include Cyber Attack, Cyber Extortion, Online Fraud, Data breach, Cyberbullying, Identity Recovery and Home Title Fraud.
(Fees may apply)
CNA / Lawyers Professional
CNA decreased rates 3.90% overall (varies by state) to their Lawyers Professional Liability Insurance Program effective August 1, 2022. Changes were made to Specialization Factors.
(Fees may apply)
AIG / Attorney Advantage
National Union Fire Insurance Company of Pittsburgh, Pa. introduced their new Attorney Advantage Professional Liability Program effective June 1, 2022. This product is designed for small to medium sized law firms with 25 attorneys or less.
(Fees may apply)