September 20, 2017
Increasing Persistence and Outcomes Through Text Messages
Even a little bit of help might be enough to bump a student into the "success" category.

In a recent discussion thread on LINCS (Literacy Information and Communication System), Michael Cruze shared a new initiative calle d Nudging to STEM Success . This collaboration between Jobs for the Future and  Persistence Plus will send text message "nudges" to tens of thousands of community college students in STEM studies. Research shows that these small, occasional reminders, tips, and encouragements can make students more likely to graduate. Persistence Plus nudges can lead to improved outcomes in grades, course completion, persistence, and seeking tutoring, and 90% of participants recommend that other new students receive the nudges as well. Watch the introduction video for examples and information.

The LINCS discussion brings up the important issues of willpower and how to support students without "nagging" them or encouraging dependence. Another text messaging app called SignalVine is mentioned.

How could this tool be harnessed for the success of adult learners, whose challenges are both similar to and different from traditional college students?

Could your agency use text messages to students?

For what purpose would they be best suited?
Teaching Tips and Resources
StepReads through
Many educators use to find quality readings to improve their students' comprehension and reading abilities at certain levels. Now ReadWorks is creating less complex versions of original articles at different reading levels. Through StepReads , the new resource, a teacher can hand each of his or her students a reading at his or her own level, and yet the entire class can learn and discuss the same information, the same academic vocabulary, and the same important text structures because all of these features are retained from the original article.
When students use hate speech
Edutopia has shared an article titled, How to Respond When Students Use Hate Speech . In it, Dr. Richard Curwin enumerates the five reasons why a student might use hate speech in the classroom. He then discusses several strategies for either confronting this unwelcome intrusion or creating a culture to prevent hate speech in the first place. Though this article is written with a K-12 educational setting in mind, its truths about human emotions and inclinations apply just as well to adult education.
High School Equivalency (HSE) Updates and Resources
HiSET® exam sample questions
The unknown is scary for everyone. Adult students who have never seen the test they want to go take can be scared by it. HiSET® has created a new resource for anyone who wants to see sample questions from the HiSET® exam. Download the PDF online and explore  the  HiSET® Resource Library  to view and download recently updated resources.
HiSET® Official Practice Tests now available in online format
Students can now take a computerized version of the HiSET® Official Practice Test. This allows and provides for immediate grading and feedback on readiness and a personalized study plan. Complete batteries of the tests can be purchased for $20 (which includes two attempts per subject) or individual tests cost $2 each. Purchase of tests or more information is available at Essential Education .
Professional Development Opportunities
PAACE accepting proposals for 2018 conference
The 2018 annual conference for the Pennsylvania Association for Adult Continuing Education (PAACE) will be on March 5-6, 2018, at the Penn Stater Conference Center in State College, PA. If you have a hot topic, new strategy, instructional technique, or a successful way that you or your program have enriched the lives of your students or your community, consider being a presenter at the conference. The deadline is October 2. To submit a session proposal, please go to: You can contact  [email protected]  with any questions.
 GED Testing Service® Annual Conference review
The workshops and presentations from the 2017 GED Testing Service® Annual Conference in August are now available for download. If you were not able to attend a workshop or if you want to review the presentation or document, you can now check out 17 different presentations and seven supplemental documents at the  GED Testing Service® website .
Office of Adult Education to hold Tutor Institute
The City of Philadelphia's Office of Adult Education (OAE) will hold its annual Tutor Institute on October 14, 2017, from 9:30 AM to 3:00 PM at The District 1199C Training & Upgrading Fund. The Tutor Institute provides tutors, mentors, teachers and practitioners with tools and strategies to help them to be more effective in their work. Attendees of the institute will gain confidence, engage in meaningful conversations, make connections, and ignite their creativity. See the OAE website for more information.
State and National Adult Education News
COABE accepting nominations for national awards
The Coalition On Adult Basic Education (COABE), with funding from the Dollar General Literacy Foundation, is accepting nominations for several national awards for adult education. Categories of Teacher, Adult Learner, and Administrator of the Year all will include a $10,000 stipend, and a $2,000 stipend will go to the State Innovation of the Year and Workplace of the Year. Incentive grants of $2,500 and scholarships of $2,000 are also being offered. More information is available and the application deadline is November 30, 2017.
Job Postings
The job postings below are for adult basic education programs that are funded by the Pennsylvania Department of Education and, at least in part, by WIOA Title II funds. They can also be found on the website. 
Education Program Associate 3 (Senior Workforce Development Program Specialist)
Research Technologist 2 (Data and Technology Support Specialist)
ABE Advisor 1
Division of Adult Education
The Pennsylvania State Civil Service Commission is going to open the ABE Advisor 1 test soon. If you are interested check the Test Announcements page of the civil service website frequently.

Do not call your advisor or the Division of Adult Education for information. You must contact the Civil Service Commission with any questions.
PA Adult Education Resources
Visit  for the latest PA adult education news and resources. Recent additions to the site include:
Upcoming State and National Conferences
State and National Newsletters
These are state or national organizations' newsletters that may be of interest to you. To receive the most recent editions by email, please subscribe directly to the newsletter. 
Families Learning News of the Week,  National Center for Families Learning
Features information and resources for family literacy, early childhood education, and parent education  

OCTAE Connection, US Department of Education, Office of Career, Technical, & Adult Education 
Features news and resources for adult basic, career, and technical education

Rural Perspectives, The Center for Rural Pennsylvania, Features data and research findings related to a variety of topics relevant to rural PA

GED® In Session, GED Testing Service®, Features news and information related to the GED® test

World Education /U.S.,  Features resources and information from World Education projects including The Change Agent, College for Adults, E-Learning, LINCS Region 1 Professional Development Center, National College Transitional network, and many others

Career Pathways Exchange Newsletter,   Career Pathway Exchange
Features resources, events, and information from federal and state agencies and partner organizations focused on developing and implementing career pathways for adult learners

COABE Journal, Coalition On Adult Basic Education
Features national information, resources, and initiatives for adult basic education

Workforce GPS, Workforce3 One,  Features career pathways and workforce development information