September 23, 2021
Mental Health Resources
Your Mental Health Matters.
Right now is a stressful time to be living and working. The effects of this stress on your mental health should be taken seriously. Your mental health is important. Perhaps you know a loved one or someone you work with who is struggling. The Pennsylvania Department of Human Services has shared a guide that includes links and phone numbers for many mental health resources in the state.
The guide includes the following resources:

  • Crisis Text Line
  • Suicide Prevention Lifeline
  • PA Support & Referral Hotline
  • Disaster Distress Helpline
  • Office of Advocacy and Reform
  • Military Veterans Crisis Line
  • Substance abuse helplines
  • Naloxone Standing Order
  • Alcoholics Anonymous
  • Narcotics and opioid abuse resources
  • Sexual Assault Helpline
  • Domestic Violence Helpline
  • Older Pennsylvanians resources

No matter your challenges, there are options to help you. Resources are available 24/7. There is no shame in getting help for yourself or someone you care about.
Teaching Tips and Resources
Training for Using Google Classrooms or Chromebooks
Google offers a series of 30-minute, demo-based training sessions for Google Workspace for Education, including the tips on the use of various Google tools and devices. Topics vary, but these sessions would be helpful to anyone using Google Classrooms or utilizing Chromebooks with students. Sessions can be joined live or watched on demand. Check out the full schedule of sessions from September 21 through November 4, 2021.
Providing Effective Math Feedback
The feedback that a student receives on a math problem should be timely, specific, individualized, and ongoing, or, as summarized in a recent Edutopia article about the book Visible Learning for Teachers, "The aim is to provide feedback that is 'just in time,' 'just for me,' 'just for where I am in my learning process,' and 'just what I need to help me move forward.'" The article goes on to discuss how to achieve these goals in student feedback and provides specific tips and strategies.
High School Equivalency (HSE) Updates and Resources
New HiSET® Materials Now Online
The HiSET® program has published new testing year materials for digital downloads. The new materials can be found on the Resources page and include the Test Taker Bulletin, Program Manual, Quick Reference Guide to HiSET® Program Preparation Materials, and the Registration Flyer. Many other resources can be found there as well.
Professional Development Opportunities
Teacher-Generated Resource Development Workshop
Join the Digital Literacy and Distance Education team this fall from October 4 to November 12, for a new training titled "Teacher-Generated Resource Development Workshop." In this training, participants will learn the essentials of planning an asynchronous lesson as they engage with their facilitators and peers through two live online workshops. At the conclusion of the course, each participant will have developed an asynchronous lesson that is ready for submission to the Teacher-Generated Distance Learning Lessons section of All approved lessons will be placed in the lesson bank and available for tracking supplemental distance learning time. This course is open to instructors of all experience levels. The workshops will be on October 13 and October 27, noon - 2:00 p.m. with the potential for roughly one to two hours of work before and/or between sessions. Participants are encouraged to bring individual lessons or mini-courses they have already developed to be adapted for asynchronous instruction during the workshops. To learn more or to register by the September 30 deadline, please email Sarah Whitesel at [email protected].
Professional Learning for Adult Education and Family Literacy Staff
Staff at PDE-funded adult education and family literacy agencies can view a list of upcoming courses now available for enrollment in the PD Portal. For more information about any of these courses, please visit the PD Portal, open the course catalog, and review the syllabus. If you are interested in enrolling in a course, please consult with your in-house professional development specialist (IHPDS) to determine if the course meets your professional learning goals.
A Conversation on Technology as a Barrier and a Solution in Adult Education with Chrissie Klinger and Chuck Klinger
Student Support Coordinators (SSC) are invited to join a webinar discussion on Wednesday, October 13, 2021, at 9:00 a.m. for an informal networking and shared problem-solving session focused on how technology can be both a barrier and solution in helping adult learners access educational and supportive services. This session doesn’t promise to have all the answers, but it will provide a space for productive conversation and collaborative work with other SSCs. Interested participants can access the Zoom link in the PD Portal SSC Professional Development Resources space. If you have any questions, please email Chrissie Klinger at [email protected].
Webinar: Integrating STEM Career Awareness and Exploration into the Adult Education Classroom
PAACE will host this free webinar on October 19, at 12:15 p.m. Kim McKitish will discuss STEM careers in the building and construction industry and how programs can connect with workforce partners to raise awareness of the various occupations available for all types of adult learners. Register online.
Virtual Rural Human Trafficking Summit
The two-day Pennsylvania Rural Human Trafficking Summit will be held on November 9-10, 2021, to identify and stop human trafficking. Information will be shared from human trafficking "surthrivors" as well as discussion on how supports and services can be realigned to effectively serve victims, including lessons learned and best practices from Pennsylvania and other states. This summit is intended to benefit community-based service groups and coalitions, and health care providers, among others.
State and National Adult Education News
Technology Needs Assessment
The Digital Literacy and Distance Education Technical Assistance Project (DLDE) will be conducting needs assessments to identify priorities for future professional development. One will be for individual practitioners working with students while the other will be for agencies. The needs assessment for individual practitioners should take five to ten minutes to complete. Anyone willing to participate can access the form online. Information about the needs assessment for agencies will be emailed to administrators soon. If you have any questions, please contact Chuck Klinger at [email protected]
COABE National Conference Presentations
The 2022 edition of the Coalition on Adult Basic Education (COABE) National Conference will be held both in-person and virtually on April 11 - 13. Now through October 15, you can submit proposals to be a presenter at the conference. Sessions can be one, three, or six hours and can be in-person, virtual, or a hybrid of both. If you would like to learn more about presenting, register for the October 1, 1:00 p.m., online Office Hour held by COABE's Presenter Coach, Sarah Goldammer.
Families Learning Conference Now All-Virtual
The National Center for Families Learning (NCFL) has decided to make the 2021 Families Learning Conference an all-virtual event. The conference will remain on October 25-27, 2021, and registrants will have on-demand access to all recorded content for 90 days after the event. Learn more details and next steps for registrants online.
Job Posting
The job postings below are for adult basic education programs funded by the Pennsylvania Department of Education and, at least in part, by WIOA Title II funds. You can also find the postings on the website. To post a job, please email the job advertisement to [email protected]

PA Adult Education Resources
Upcoming State and National Conferences
State and National Newsletters
State and national organizations' newsletters are listed below and may be of interest to you. To receive the most recent editions by email, please subscribe directly to the newsletter. 

Families Learning: News of the Week, National Center for Families Learning
Features information and resources for family literacy, early childhood education, and parent education.

WorkforceGPS, Workforce3 One Features career pathways and workforce development information.

COABE Connections, Coalition On Adult Basic Education Features national information, resources, and initiatives for adult basic education.

World Education/U.S. Features resources and information from World Education projects including EdTech Center News, The Change Agent, College for Adults, E-Learning, LINCS Region 1 Professional Development Center, National College Transitional Network, and many others.