The Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (“DHS” or “Department”) Office of Administration, Bureau of Procurement and Contract Management, issues this Request for Information (“RFI”) to gather input and information on the draft Technical Submittal for a potential Request for Proposals (“RFP”) for a Statewide Resource and Referral Tool (“R&RT”).
DHS seeks to procure and implement a person-centered, statewide R&RT to assist individuals with obtaining meaningful information and access to the services they need to achieve overall wellbeing, positive health outcomes, and financial self-sufficiency. As the Department gathered information through an RFI released in December 2018, DHS learned that a number of communities, healthcare organizations and systems, counties, research institutions and non-profit organizations have adopted a system, or are in the process of selecting a R&RT. The Department recognizes that as communities and entities continue to work on separate tools or systems, the care and services coordination for families in Pennsylvania will continue to be fragmented.
The Department envisions a statewide solution that builds an unprecedented multi-sector collaborative model for healthcare and social services delivery that will ultimately improve the health outcomes of the most vulnerable Pennsylvanians, while creating efficiencies for healthcare providers and social services organizations assisting individuals and families.