2023-2024 FBLA High School/Middle School Competitive Events Information

High School Region Leadership Conference Events

Middle School Events /High School State-Only Events

Competitive Events Changes

Dear FBLA Advisers

On Wednesday night, September 06, National FBLA released final information on the 2023-2024 High School and Middle School Competitive Events Programs. That night, state leaders from across the country learned about the final roster of competitive events, competitive events changes, and event guidelines that will be implemented this year (and there are a fair number of changes).

This document is heavily focused on FBLA High School as RLC registrations will open in mid-November. FBLA Middle School does not have regional competitive events, and middle school registration will not open until late December and will continue into January. Middle School competitive events are not administered until March so there is time.

For high school advisers, the immediate focus will be the list of competitive events and changes to be offered at our 29 Region Leadership Conferences (RLCs) and the topics that are required for certain competitive events. This email is not about specific RLCs or those dates; it's about what will be offered. More details about dates, deadlines, and other items will come later. The Region Leadership Conference document will identify: (1) event name, (2) identify whether the event is an individual or team event, (3) the category of event (online test/production event/presentation event); (4) event elements, (5) online test information, (6) timing information, and (7) the number of RLC entries per chapter. Remember, this document focuses on the Region Leadership Conference events (and the state-only events if they are not part of the regular RLC program).

For middle school advisers, additional information on the MS competitive events program will come from Michele Sites, Middle School Coordinator, directly to MS advisers. There are some MS events changes, but they are not numerous. In addition, PA FBLA Middle School offers events that are national events (in which students advance to the national conference in June) and events that are Pennsylvania offerings only -- and students do not advance to the national conference.

A point of information: National FBLA will be releasing its National FBLA Competitive Events Guidelines later this week at the national website. While the national guidelines provide advisers with important information about the competitive events, you must remember that the administration of those events at our Region Leadership Conferences (RLCs) and the State Leadership Conference (SLC) may differ from what is listed in the National FBLA guidelines. With the release of the national CE guidelines, PA FBLA will now begin to customize the high school and middle school guidelines to reflect how events are administered in Pennsylvania. Please be patient and stay tuned for updates as it will take time to accomplish that customization. Remember, we only received final information the night of September 06.

There are two documents that you can download regarding FBLA High School competitive events, and there are two documents that you can download regarding FBLA Middle School competitive events.

FBLA High School

FBLA Middle School

Advisers, please take time to review, print/post, and distribute the documents to your members, if you wish, to help plan member assignments in the competitive events.

Advisers and members should regularly check the PA FBLA website for information on the competitive events. At www.pafbla.org, look for the following graphic for a complete list of competitive events changes and links to the documents listed above. As we learn of other changes, additional information will be posted here.

After FBLA High School advisers have established their FBLA Connect logins, a set of deadline dates for the year will be found on the Pennsylvania FBLA High School Events Calendar. There is a similar calendar for Pennsylvania FBLA Middle School. In FBLA Connect, advisers should look for the following when signed on. Disclaimer: these dates may be modified, if necessary, if we learn new information.

Want to Learn More About the High School Competitive Events Program?

PA FBLA Webinars

Stay tuned for information on how advisers and members can register for PA FBLA RLC Competitive Events Overview webinars. The format will be similar to what I offered last year and offer an "overview" of offerings and how students might be able to prepare. More information to follow with a schedule and registration instructions.

State Leadership Workshop and Competitive Events Bootcamps

Derek Selleck, PA FBLA Competitive Evens Coordinator, will be running a series of "bootcamps" for members and for advisers at the State Leadership Workshop at Kalahari Poconos Resort on October 29-30. If you and your chapter want to participate, you are strongly encouraged to register for AND attend the SLW. The registration deadline is September 30 at 11:59 pm. More information to follow. Since he works with and manages judges, he will be able to give insight into a judge's perspective on many of the events.

Michele Sites, Middle School Coordinator, will also be sharing MS information at the SLW.

We hope to see you there!

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