The PA House returned to session on March 18, and the Capitol is buzzing with activity. Negotiations around the budget are in a quiet stage, and basic positions from both Republicans and Democrats center around what the spending priorities will be and what can be understood about Pennsylvania's financial position given a healthy rainy day fund, speculations about revenue projections, and a longer trend that shows a structural deficit.
Pennsylvania's cultural sector is largely flat funded in Governor Shapiro's Executive Budget, and efforts are underway to advocate on behalf of the field. On March 19, Citizens for the Arts organized an Arts Advocacy Day that brought over 50 advocates together with the bi-cameral, bipartisan Arts and Culture Caucus. Advocates heard from the caucus leaders, Senator Jay Costa (D-43), Senator Pat Stefano (R-32), Representative Joe Ciresi (D-146), and Representative R. Lee James (R-64) in support of advocacy efforts. Citizens for the Arts' is asking lawmakers to increase the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts' line item for Grants to the Arts to $15 million. PA Museums is calling for an increase in the Cultural and Historical Support grants line item in the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission's budget from $2 million to $6 million. PA Museums will call on our membership to support our request when we feel the timing is appropriate.
PA Museums will be providing testimony to the House Tourism & Economic & Recreational Development Committee on March 21 at Woodmere Art Museum. The committee will hear testimony around Michael's Law, which will require public accommodations to waive admission fees for personal care attendants whose attendance is necessary to enable individuals who require care to attend events.
The PA Senate considered SB228, the Museum Abandoned Property legislation, and almost unanimously passed the bill out of the Senate. The bill will head to the PA House State Government Committee before consideration there. PA Museums has been supportive of this bill, and we will continue to track its progress.