Project WILD🐻Educator Workshop
Friday, April 11, 8:00 AM – 4:00 PA
In-Person at Prince Gallitzin State Park, 966 Marina Road, Patton, PA 16668
Act 48: 7.5 hrs.
Fee: $10.00 payable in advance or day of; pre-registration required
A PD for K-12 Educators, this teacher workshop centers around the national, award-winning curriculum, Project WILD. Project WILD connects youth to the living systems around them. Educators will engage with the Project WILD content by participating in activities & investigate Prince Gallitzin State Park's bat, bird, rodent, & insect populations to create a Meaningful Wildlife Educational Experience (MWEE) to use with their students. Register NOW! Questions? Contact, Suzann Rensel, EES at or 814-674-1000 ext 105.
Project WET💧Educator Workshop
Saturday, April 12, 8:45 AM - 2:45 PM
In-Person at Little Pine State Park, 4205 Little Pine Creek Rd., Waterville, PA 17776
Act 48: 5.5 hrs.
Fee: $15; pre-registration required
Project WET - Water Education Today is a national curriculum that strives to educate, empower, & activate students in grades K-12. This PD, designed for classroom teachers & non-formal educators alike, will help you teach about water resources through hands-on, investigative, & easy-to-use activities. All participants will receive the Project WET 2.0 Educator Guide & access to Project WET's online resources. Registration & pre-payment by 4/5/2025. Register NOW! Questions? Contact Ian Loewen, EES at or 570-753-6000.
PA Songbirds🐦Educator Workshop
Saturday, April 12, 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM
In-Person at French Creek State Park, 843 Park Road, Elverson, PA 19520
Act 48: 6 hrs.
Fee: $15.00; pre-registration required
Formal & non-formal educators are invited to a PA Songbirds Curriculum Workshop! Participants will receive the Pennsylvania Songbirds K-8 Teacher’s Guide, experience a sampling of activities from the guide, & learn tips and tricks for teaching students outdoors. Register NOW! Questions? Contact Jared Brandt, EES at or 610-582-9691.
PA Songbirds🐦Educator Workshop
Thursday, April 17, 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM
In-Person at Hawk Mountain Sanctuary, 1700 Hawk Mountain Rd, Kempton, PA 19529
Act 48: 6 hrs.
Fee: $15.00; pre-registration required
Join PA Game Commission & Hawk Mountain Sanctuary educators for an educator workshop all about birds! Pennsylvania Songbirds is a hands-on, interdisciplinary, K-8 resource & activity guide developed by DCNR - Bureau of State Parks & Audubon Mid-Atlantic. Participants can enhance their skills of observing & identifying songbirds, learn about bird biology, habitat, migration, & much more! This workshop is open to classroom teachers & non-formal educators including pre-service teachers, homeschool parents, naturalists, youth leaders, & more. All participants will receive the newly updated Pennsylvania Songbirds K-8 Teacher's Guide. Register NOW! Questions? Contact Jordan Sanford, Wildlife Outreach Coord. at or 717-787-4250 ext. 73337.
Project Learning Tree (PLT)🌳Explore Your Environment: K-8 Educator Workshop
Thursday, April 17, 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM
In-Person at Asbury Woods Nature Center, 4105 Asbury Rd,. Erie, PA 16506
Act 48: 6 hrs.
Fee: FREE! pre-registration required
The Allegheny Hardwood Utilization Group (AHUG), DCNR - Bureau of Forestry, Asbury Woods, & The Lake Erie Arboretum at Frontier Park are pleased to offer a one-day professional development workshop for K-8 formal or informal educators. Experience fun, hands-on activities that engage students in learning about trees, forestry, & the environment. Each participant receives the new PLT Explore Your Environment K-8 Activity Guide ($35 value). Registration required by: 3/31/25. Register NOW! or email your name, affiliated organization or school district, & contact information to
Dive Even Deeper: Watershed Literacy & Tree Plantings Workshop
Monday, April, 28, 9:00 AM - 3:30P M
Tuesday, April 29, 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
In-Person at Southeast Agricultural Research, 1446 Auction Rd, Manheim, PA 17545
Act 48: Up to 18 hrs. available for participants who complete both days & the free, online MWEE 101 course
Fee: $15 pre-registration required; includes light refreshments & lunch each day.
Join Penn State Extension, the Ag and Environment Center, & PA Sea Grant for two days of immersive, hands-on watershed learning through the Meaningful Watershed Educational Experience (MWEE) curricular framework. This workshop is an extension of Penn State Extension’s award-winning Dive Deeper Water Educators Summit. It is designed to further enhance your understanding with a PA-Certified MWEE Ambassador workshop, an interactive session on tree species/planting protocols, & a comprehensive checklist for planning successful planting projects. It is designed to equip educators with the tools & knowledge needed to create impactful environmental literacy experiences.
Participants may attend one or both days for the same cost. Those who complete both days of in-person instruction + the online MWEE 101 course will be fully certified as PA MWEE Ambassadors. They will also receive materials on tree ID & planting procedures to ensure the success of youth-led tree planting projects.
Registration required by: 4/24/2025. Register NOW!