Welcome to the PACE CFCE Monthly Newsletter! We are the PACE CFCE Team and want to tell you about our program! If you are a parent, grandparent or caregiver of a child up to the age of 8 years old, we have fun, educational, and informative programs for your family. We offer Play and Learns, Music, Yoga, Parent Cafés, ParentChild+ program and more. To receive news about our programs throughout the 11 towns we cover – New Bedford, Dartmouth, Fairhaven, Acushnet, Freetown, Lakeville, Berkley, Dighton, Rehoboth, Seekonk, Swansea sign up here. You are your child’s first and most important teacher and we want to partner with you as you are “Laying the foundation for lifelong learning”. Reach out today and let us know how we can be of service to your family.
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Monthly Newsletter
February 2022
Boletín Mensual
Febrero de 2022
¡Bienvenido al Boletín Mensual de PACE CFCE! ¡Somos el equipo de PACE CFCE y queremos informarle sobre nuestro programa! Si usted es padre, abuelo o cuidador de un niño hasta la edad de 8 años, tenemos programas divertidos, educativos e informativos para su familia. Ofrecemos Play and Learns, música, yoga, cafés para padres, programa ParentChild + y más. Para recibir noticias sobre nuestros programas en las 11 ciudades que cubrimos: New Bedford, Dartmouth, Fairhaven, Acushnet, Freetown, Lakeville, Berkley, Dighton, Rehoboth, Seekonk, Swansea, regístrese aquí. Usted es el primer y más importante maestro de su hijo y queremos asociarnos con usted ya que está "Sentando las bases para el aprendizaje permanente". Comuníquese hoy y háganos saber cómo podemos ser de utilidad a su familia
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Valentine's Day Ideas for Kids: Teaching the Meaning of Love | Valentine's Day is about more than presents. Find ways to give the gift of love to your children by showing & teaching them the true meaning of love! Just when it seems like the commercial excess of winter holidays is winding down, along comes Valentine's Day and the advertising barrage of "stuff = love." | | | |
You are your child’s first and most important teacher. Our ParentChild+ program provides your child with FREE educational books and toys each week for you to keep. A trained community-based Early Learning Specialist who speaks your home language connects with you twice weekly for 30 minutes via telecommunication and/or home visits to help you get your child ready for school, You will learn fun creative ways to read and play with your child. This program is for children ages 16 months to 48 months. There is no cost to you!!! |
For more information contact:
Rosemarie Ricci rricci@paceccw.org
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Usted es el primer y más importante maestro de su hijo. Nuestro programa ParentChild + le proporciona a su hijo libros y juguetes educativos GRATUITOS cada semana para que usted los conserve. Un especialista capacitado en aprendizaje temprano basado en la comunidad que habla su idioma materno se conecta con usted dos veces por semana durante 30 minutos a través de las telecomunicaciones y / o visitas domiciliarias para ayudarlo a preparar a su hijo para la escuela. Aprenderá formas divertidas y creativas de leer y jugar con su niño. Este programa es para niños de 16 a 48 meses. ¡¡¡No hay costo alguno para usted!!! | |
ASQ - Ages and Stages Questionnaires | |
The PACE CFCE Team is currently offering the ASQ ONLINE, and at NO COST to your child(ren)! Please, contact us for more information OR click below to get started!
Click here to screen your child today!
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As a parent/guardian, you want to give your child the best start in life. One way you can do this is by making sure their development is on track.
You can check your child’s development today for FREE using the Ages and Stages
Questionnaire (ASQ) available for children 1 month to 7 years.
The questionnaire is super quick to complete only taking 10-15 minutes.
You are the expert on your child and through the ASQ you will get:
- A snapshot of your child’s current skills and development
- Fun and free activities to help your child play and learn
- Information about any recommended next steps for your child’s development
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The Pyramid Model for Promoting Social Emotional Competence in Infants and Young Children
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What is the Pyramid Model?
The Pyramid Model is a conceptual framework of evidence-based practices for promoting young children’s healthy social and emotional development.
This model has been adopted by the Massachusetts Department of Education.
The first step to helping children manage their emotions is their ability to identify them, visually and or verbally. You can help your child with growth in this area by using the chart you see below. You can attach it to the refrigerator and use a clothespin to have your child “check-in” and clip the clothespin to image that illustrates how they are feeling. (if you need us to mail you a chart, please contact tdesnoyers@paceccw.org)
Learn more at: https://challengingbehavior.cbcs.usf.edu/
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Click on the chart to print or download. | |
Emma may be the littlest in the Valentine family, but she knows that she has what it takes to help the family business get ready for the holiday. But Emma just can't seem to do things the right way like the bigger members of her family, no matter how hard she tries. Will Emma find a way to help her family on Valentine's Day, or is the littlest Valentine just too little?
The Littlest Valentine
Written by Brandi Dougherty
and illustrated by Michelle Todd
Extension Activity
Be My Mini-Valentine: Promoting Your Toddler’s Social-Emotional Development
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Lead by Example:
Young children and infants often learn by observing and imitating the adults around them. One way to help children understand their emotions is by Showing pictures of children with various facial expressions and consistently asking them to identify how they are feeling.
Naming Emotions:
When new emotions like worry, disgust, excitement, surprise, and nostalgia arise, try to name and explain the characteristics of those emotions to your child to make their feelings less overwhelming. These situations might happen, for example, while reading a book, in a social interaction, or during a show or movie.
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The Importance of Free Play:
While children learn many behaviors from watching adult interaction, they also learn a great deal from interacting with their peers. Free, cooperative play with children of all ages exposes them to a variety of emotions and teaches them about socially acceptable responses. Once a child can identify the emotions of others, it will be important to build on that growth by making them apply what they have learned. For example, when a peer is upset, encourage the child to think of ways to make them feel better: “Could you share your toy with them?” or “Could you give them a hug?”
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Most importantly, just have a discussion about the book! Whether it's initiated by you or your child, a nice warm chat about a book will build interest in literacy, great communication skills, and most importantly connection between you and your child that will benefit ALL!!!! | |
Why is play and learning important?
Play helps to nurture imagination and give a child a sense of adventure. Through play, they can learn essential skills such as problem solving, working with others, sharing and much more. In turn, this helps them develop the ability to concentrate.
Kindness Jar: Successful Parenting with Positive Reinforcement | Tired of being a constant disciplinarian? Are you exhausted from serving as referee over toys, books, games ALL day long? Successful parenting doesn't have to be so hard. The day I changed my parenting perspective from a reactive disciplinarian to a proactive promoter of positive reinforcement, my kids' behavior changed dramatically for the better too. | | | |
STEM is the future. STEM is science, technology, engineering, and math. These are all areas of learning that our kids need to be comfortable with to excel in the future. STEM makes creators, thinkers, problem solvers, doers, innovators, and inventors.
Everything You Wanted to Know About STEM for Toddlers | Children naturally are inclined to STEM activities as they are naturally curious....especially toddlers! Have you seen a toddler conduct their own science experiment? For clarification, we are referring to ages 1-3 when saying "toddler". My advice is quite simple in how to incorporate STEM activities for toddlers (or STEAM as we like to say)... | | | |
Uso de disciplina y consecuencias | ¿Sabía que lo que usted hace inmediatamente después de que su hijo se porta mal hace la diferencia? Podría ser el motivo por el cual su hijo se porta bien unos días y otros no. Aprender a usar disciplina y consecuencias puede ayudarlo a tener más días buenos con su hijo. | | | |
Transition to Kindergarten
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9 Ways to Get Your Child Ready for Kindergarten | Kindergarten brings big changes for kids. For some, it's their first time in a structured school setting. For others, it's going from a small classroom in preschool to a big room with lots of kids. Kids all respond differently, too. Some are excited by new experiences and can't wait. | | | |
PACE Child Care Works Coordinated Family and Community Engagement Program funded through the MA Department
of Early Education and Care
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