PACFA Continuing Education Announcement
We are excited to announce that we are rolling out the Continuing Education (CE) program!
Pursuant to 8 CCR 1202-15 Part 2 Application for Licensure and Conditions for Licensure, Rule 2.5.3, A pet animal facility licensed prior to October 30, 2021, is required to take the qualifying education course to satisfy the continuing education requirement in Part 2.5.2 by a date prescribed by the Commissioner, but no later than December 31, 2024.

This education course was designed to create a baseline for all PACFA licensed facilities to help educate you and your staff to have a better understanding of all the rules and regulations, standards required for the physical facility, cleaning and sanitation standards, enclosure requirements, and standards, animal and veterinary care, recordkeeping, transportation, and import requirements, and to increase compliance with the rules and regulations.

The Primary Business Contact is considered the license holder or the licensee and the person responsible for the PACFA license and taking the CE course. If you have already taken the course, you will not have to take it again.

We have a large list of licensees and will split up enrollments into smaller groups. You will receive an email from our Licensing & Education Unit Administrator, Michele Barton, notifying you when you will be enrolled and providing you with further instructions.
CE Course FAQs
  • Do I need to register for enrollment? No, please wait to receive an email from Michele regarding your enrollment.
  • About the course: The first CE course by rule is the Qualifying Education (QE) course. The QE course includes 4 modules: Each module takes about 45-60 minutes to complete, only a total of 4 hours to complete the entire course!
  • Time Sensitive: Once you receive your email for enrollment, you will have 7 days to complete the course at your own pace.
  • Can I complete the course early? If you wish to take the course early, please reach out to Michele Barton.
  • Can I sign my employee up for the course? Yes! Once the licensee has completed the course, you may sign up any employee/volunteer to take the course by filling out the employee add form, click here. The form may also be found on our website in the blue 'Qualification and Continuing Education' box.
Report Changes ASAP
Please be sure any changes below are addressed as soon as possible with the PACFA office:
  • Primary Business Contact/Licensee Change
  • Ownership Change
  • Email address: All CE instructions and communication are via email so please be sure your email address associated with the license is up-to-date and preferably a direct email to the licensee. Shared emails may NOT be used!
  • For any changes related to the facility license, please contact Michele Barton.
Additional Continuing Education courses will be created soon!
The CE course is required for licensees to take every other year (after completion of this first CE/QE course). Future courses will cover:
  • Specific requirements for each license category
  • Future changes or updates to the PACFA statute and/or rules 
  • Non-compliance trends 
  • Best practices that promote the health, safety, and welfare of pet animals
  • Other relevant topics related to the PACFA program
  • We will enlist the help of subject matter experts to help create future content and develop CE courses. Keep a look out for future announcements for opportunities to participate in these course development groups.
Please contact us with any questions.

Happy Learning!
PACFA Program Staff

305 Interlocken Parkway
Broomfield, CO 80021